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S to n e ,

M a r b le ,


B A N N IS T E R ,

G r a n ite


G en eral

M ason’

Church Restorations, Tombs, Monuments, Fonts, Reredoses, Pulpits, etc.’
executed to any design. Monumental Work executed in all Branches in
the best manner.
Telep hone i y .


S T R E E T ,

Patton, F. J., j .p., The Links
Phillips, Mrs., Hurstcroft
Pizzey, Mark, Heath villa
Ponsonby, The Hon. Lady, Gilmuire.
Primrose, Mrs., Larklands
Rawle, Fred John, Swinley birches
Rives, Mrs., Lavender farm
Rendle, Frank B., The Grange
Roberts, Countess, Englemere
Round, W. C., Lyndhurst, Ascot
Ryan, Dr., Shirley
Ryan, Sir C. L., k.c.b., j .p., Burley
Salting, Mrs., Heath end
Sarawak, The Raneé of, Grevfriars
Savory, Mrs., Udimore
Scott, C., 2 Eton villas
• Scott, Admiral Sir Percy, k .c.b.,
k.c.v.o., The Warren
Sharp, F. J., Ascot lodge
Smith, Miss Sarah J., West Bank,
South Ascot
Spencer, Walter, South Grange
Stanmore, Lord, Red house
Stiebel, Arthur, Bangor lodge
Streater, William N., Vine cottage,
High street
Thompson, Mrs., Torwood
Tippinge, Mrs., Glebelands
Tooker, J. S., King’s Beeches
Tottie, W. H., Sherlocks
Trotter, Noel, Frognall
Tydd, George B., Burleigh lodge
Walker, Mrs., Coombe meadows
Wallis, H., Froxfield
Ward, E. Shapton, Hill side
Watson, James, Woodbury
Watson, Robert, Moss hill
Watson, Wm., sen., Woodlea
Webbe, Capt., Errolstone
Welch, Mrs. Borderlands, High st
Wellesley, Victor, Englemere Wood

A S C O T .

Wigram, Major, The Wilderness
Wingfield, Mrs. Milcote
Worsdell, Wilson, The Glebe, South
Wolseley, Mrs., Maryland
Wyatt, Miss Beatrice, Heathfield
Abbott, J. W., carpenter, etc., Course
Ascot Printing Works, High st
Attwood, Alan F., hairdresser and
tobacconist, High street
Baker, Thomas, family butcher
Baldock, J., 1v, ‘ Cranbourne Tower ’
B a n n is t e r , S a m u e l, S t o n e , M a r ­

ble & monumental mason
Barber, P., plumber, New road
Barclay & Co., Ltd., bankers— man­
ager, T. South
B a r t o n , F . A ., I v , ‘ R o y a l H u n t
In n .’
C a te re r fo r S p o rts ,
M a rq u e e s on h ir e . F re e fo r

wines and spirits, good stabling
Belshin, W., grocer, sub-post office,
Benning, Mrs. M., newsagent and
tobacconist, South Ascot
Berystede Hotel, South Ascot
Biddiscombe, I., coal & forage mer­
chant, South Ascot
Bishop, W. J. & Sons, grocers, &c.,
Brookside—post office
Browne, F. E., ir. nmonger, High st
— ’Phone 213
Budgen, & Co., grocers, &c.
Bullock, G. E., baker, confectioner
and pastrycook, High st
Butcher, George A., photographer
Butler, J. K., greengrocer, High st
Caley, Mrs. Henry, saddler
Carter, Lieut.-Col. Gordon, m .v.o.,
secretary to the Trustees of the
Grand Stand