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Giles, Miss Sybella, Beech Wood
Gray, John Braidwood, Bolney Court
Jeboult, Harold, Wadbury
Morris, Mrs. Emily Mildred, Dormers
Noble, Leonard, j .p., Harpsden court
Norton, Capt. Cecil, Belle Hatch
Ryder, G. W., Southwood
Schmidlin, Misses Marie Louise and
Josephine Victorine
Smith, M. M., Harpsden Wood house
Stephens, Arthur, The Beeches
Verner, Maj.-Gen. Thomas E., c.b.,
Harpsden heights
Guildford, Thomas, butler, Harpsden
Hiscock, John, farmer and blacksmith
Norris, Alfred, grocer, post office
Ranson, Arthur, schoolmaster
Shorland, George, Sheephouse farm
Talbot, F., gardener, Harpsden Court
Tamlyn, W. G., sexton
Webb, William, carpenter, Crowsle
E . J a c k s o n & S o n s , Jacksons
Corners, Reading, Read v-to-Wear
Clothing for Father and Son.

(H an ts).

8 miles from Reading.

d istrict, Winchfield

Parish Council— W. R. Brown*
chairman, Messrs. George Wort’
Charles Denton, Col. H. Walpole, E ‘
J. Goodyear, J. Kyle and Fleetwood
Letters delivered at 7-0 a.m., and
p.m.; despatched at 1-0 p.m.
and 7-0 p.m.; Sundays 12-0 p.m.
Money order and telegraph office


St. Michael's Church—Services
on Sundays 11 a.m. and 6 or 6.30 p.m.
in summer; 1 1 a.m. & 6.0 p.m. in winter
Dimmock, Dr. H. P., surgeon
Martineau, Miss, Park corner
Pigott, Miss, Heckfield heath
Sandford, Mrs., Danmore
S picer, Rev. E. C., The Vicarage



Thorne, Fleetwood, Highfield park
Thorne, Mrs., Highfield park
Walpole, Col. Horace, Heckfield place
Wild, Mrs., Holdshot house
Barnes, William
Barrett, F., lv, ‘ New Inn ’
Bartlett, W., Highfield Dairy farm
Brown, W., Park cottage
Cooper, Isaac, School farm
Crofton, G. H., Malt house
Denvar, Mrs., head mistress, Heck­
field School
Foster, George, farmer, Clays farm
Gardner, Joseph, head gardener to
Col. Walpole, Heckfield place
Goodyear, Arthur J., Brick Kiln farm
Gould, Charles, farmer, Home farm
Higgs, George, carrier
Himt, David, ‘ Hatch Gate Inn ’
Isaacs, William Ernest, Cotterell’ s
James, Watkin, Heckfield stores, post
and telegraph offices
Kyle, J., carpenter, The forge
Martin, H., head gamekeeper to the
Duke of Wellington
Readings, George
Rogers, Richard, Coldpiece farm
Smith, James, agent at Heckfield pi
Snook, W., Holdshott farm
Wells, H., gardener, Park corner
White, W., miller, Riseley mill
Wort, G., carpenter and wheelwright,
‘ Pheasant Inn ’
E . J a c k s o n & S o n s , Jacksons’
Corners, Reading, Practical Tailors,
Patterns and Styles sent post free ;
Ladies’ Tailoring a speciality.
H 1G H M O O R C R O S S & H IG H M O O R (O xon).
Postal d istrict, Henley-on-Thames
(5 miles distant). Population, 300.
The Parish Council of Greys has
jurisdiction over this district
Letters delivered at 7-40 a.m.;
mid-day despatch at 12-45, return at
2 and 6.30. Postal orders issued
and cashed. Nettlebed is the tele­
graph district.