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Johnson, Charles, 6 Hemdean hill,
Johnson, Charles Henry, Glen villa,
Newcastle rd
Johnson, Coningsby Samuel, 41 AlexÂ
andra rd
Johnson, Ernest E., 5-7 Kingâs rd
Johnson, Frederick William, 102
Conisboroâ avenue
Johnson, Miss M. A., 116 Oxford
Johnson, Mrs. E , 24 Priest hill, Cav
Johnson, Rev. A. M., 75 Russell st
Johnson, Victor, 197 London rd
Johnson, William G., 38 Surrey villas,
Armour rd., Tilehurst
Johnson, William, 41 Addington rd
Johnson, William, 32 Prospect st,
J ohnstone, David, 47 Castle st
Johnstone, David, Nithsdale, 4 Coley
Johnstone, Dr. David Richmond,Tytnesfield, 101 London rd
Johnstone, John A., 187 King's road
Jonos, Arnold, Marlborough house,
Bath rd
Jones, Arthur F., 36 Prospect st
Jones, Albert Thornton, 22 The Mount
Jones, Alfred Alexander, Corisande,
Derby rd, Caversham
Jones, Cecil, 24 Redlands rd
Jones, Charles Alfred, Pendowrie
villa, south, 35 Carnarvon rd
Jones, Charles, Ingledene, Grosvenor
road, Caversham
Jones, Fredk., 28 Upper Redlands rd
Jones, Harrison Hughes, 24 London
Jones, Harry, Conway villa, 43 South
view avenue, Caversham
Jones, John H., 103 Hamilton rd
Jones, Miss Kate H., 15 Castle cres
Jones, Miss Sarah Jane, 50 Zinzanst
Jones, Mrs. Bruce, Emsworth, 1
Eastern avenue
Jones, Mrs. Esther, 34 Zinzan street
Tones, Nelson, 41 Kendrick rd
Jones, Richard, 26 Western Elms av
Jones, Thomas M., 21 Wokingham
Jones, William J., 132 Oxford rd
Jordan, Alfred Albert, Rosemead,
Northumberland av
Jordan, Alfred Clement, Whitsands,
16 New rd
Jordan, Mrs. Kate, 54 College rd
Jordan, Mrs. M. E., 4 Heath rd
Jordan, Mrs. M. L., Westwood, 21
Mansfield rd
Jordan-Smith, Benjamin, Briantcroft, Grosvenor rd, Caversham
Jose)', Frederick, 96 Wantage rd
Joyce, A. R., Springfield, Surley
row, Caversham
Joj'ce, Dr. J. Leonard, h.a., 126 CasÂ
tle st
Joyce, Horace B., Fenton, 89 South
view avenue, Caversham
Jupe, Mrs. Lydia, Waverley, 35
Culver rd
Justins, Arthur, 157 Oxford rd
Justins, Stanley, 13 A rgyle st
Kearsev, Herbert Francis, Littlecot,
Northcourt av
Kearsey, Arthur William, Burleigh,
51 Whiteknights rd
Keast, Francis, 65 Eastern av
Keating, William F., m.d., The Lodge,
43 Tilehurst rd
Kedge, Stephen, 38-40 Castle st
Kedge, Walter, 32 St. Bartholomewâs
Keeble, Arthur, 20 Eldon rd
Keeley, Miss Priscilla, 28 Carey st
Keeping, Mrs. E., Eaglescarnie, 73
Blenheim rd, Caversham
Kellie, Col. J., 42 Alexandra rd
Kelly, Thomas, 31 Tilehurst rd
Kelly, William R., 66 Queenâs rd
Kemble, Mrs. II., 8 Southc.ote rd, west
Kemp, David, Exbury, St. Andrewâs
road, Caversham
Kemp, Mrs. T., 32 Wokingham rd
Kemp, William Henry 31 Argple st
Kendall, Arthur V., Eastcliffe, The
Warren, Caversham
Kendall, Thomas William 37 Zinzan st
Kennedy, Duncan, 20 The Forbury
Kennett, A. J. S., 56 Minster st
Kenney, James, Westleigh, 36 Albert
rd., Caversham
Kenney, Rev. Horatio, Melrose, 10
Bulmershe rd
Kensington, Col. E. (late r.a.), Exton,
16 Erleigh rd