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Prater, Harry William, Redroofs, Oak
tree rd, Tilehurst
Prater, Sydney, 4 Uplands rd, Cav
Pratley, William, Jesse cottage, 132
Castle st
Pratt, Miss Alice, 109 Oxford rd
Pratt, Frederick, Thornilee, 29 Culver
Pratt, M ss M. E., 23 Church rd, Cav
Pratten, Miss Maria, Amoy villa, 2
College rd
Prebble, Miss, 68 Redlands road
Preece, Harry J., 33 Marlborough av
Preedy, J., 20 Highmoor rd, Cav
Prentice, John, 36 St. Anneâs rd, Cav
Preston, James, 369 London rd
Preston, John, 1 Cintra av
Preston, Miss C., 26 Russell st
Pretty, Herbert, 50 Elmhurst rd
Price, John Alfred P., m.d., 154
Castle st
Price, Lindon W., 52 Addington rd
Price, Walter, Chesterton, 32 Talfourd av
Priestley, Rev. Edgar, b.a., Clifton
house, 177 K ingâs rd
Primmer, Charles William, 162
Caversham road
Prince, Wm., 14 Zinzan st
Prior, Charles, G., 15 Zinzan st
Prior, Mrs. M., Broomfield house, 50
Kidmore road, Caversham
Pritchard, Henry, 55 NorthumberÂ
land avenue
Pritchard, Mrs. R. J., Meadcroft, 16
Woodcote road, Caversham
Proctor, Rev. G. V., The Highlands,
St. Peterâs hill, Caversham
Proctor, Wm., 24 Baker st
Prout, Denis, Homelands, 91 South
view avenue, Caversham
Prout, Edward C., 95 Hamilton road
Prout, Rev. Edward S., m.a., Blencathara, 55 Alexandra rd
Prouten, Herbert J., 2 Melrose av
Pryke, Harry, Braemore, Bath road
Pugh, Henry Thomas, Hillowen,
Shinfield rd
Pullen, George, 123 Kidmore rd, Cav
Pyke, P. G., 51 Northumberland av
Pym, Mrs. E. L., 18 Bath rd
Quan Thomas Everard, 25 Friar st
Quartermaine, Richard, Hazeldean»
89 Waverley rd
Quartermaine, William, The Ancient
Forester, 31 Oxford rd
Quinn, Miss C., Dunraven, 13 DenÂ
mark rd
Quinton, Henry, York villa, ConÂ
naught rd
Rabson, John, 110 Basingstoke rd
Radcliffe, Mrs. R. P., Balmore, Peppard rd, Caversham
Radcliffe, Miss Rose M., Colesberg,
8 The Mount, Caversham
Rain, John D., 94 Grovelands rd
Raines, Herbert John, 289 London rd
Rainbow, H. G., 377 London rd
Ralph, John T. L., 20 Argyle street
Ralph, Mrs. Frederick, Ivanhoe, 15
Western Elms avenue
Ramshaw, Charles F., 41 Upper RedÂ
lands rd
Rand, John, 88 Oxford rd
Randall, Henry R., 6 Bulmershe rd
Randall, Samuel, 5 Shinfield road
Randle, Miss S. E., 103 Castle st
Ranking, Mrs. George, Christchurch
Ransley, John Tigwell, Perrysfield, 6
Conisboroâ avenue, Caversham
Ratcliffe, Mrs., L. H., 25 Eastern av
Ravenscroft, Ernest, Thornhill, 25
The Mount, Cav
Rawbone, Arthur, 17 Sidmouth st
Rawlins, Charles, Church end, TileÂ
Rawlins, Ernest, 11 Russell street
Rawlings, Alfred, Whinfell, 15 RedÂ
lands rd, upper
Rawlinson, Rev. William Morton, 50
Western Elms av
Ray, Mrs Fanny, 122 Tilehurst road
Raymond, Mrs., Dunvegan, Albert
rd, Cav
Rayner, William, Rose villa, RecreaÂ
tion rd, Tilehurst
Read, John Thomas, 26 Zinzan st
Reading, Charles Alfred, Newlands,
Peppard rd, Caversham
Reading, Francis J., 55 Minster st
Rebbeck, Frederick Walter, Lockeridge, 108 Blenheim rd, Caversham
Redmon, Mrs. Mary, Elmwood, 16
Mansfield road