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Bradfield, Joseph H., 76 George st
Breadmore, J. C., 59 Waterloo rd
Breakspeare, Charles, 130 Great
Knollys st
Brooks, Mrs. Hannah, 9 Manchester
Broughton, John, 77 Mount Pleasant
Buckridge, William, 67 Silver st
Bunce, P. T., Westwood rd, Tilehurst
Burchell, Edwin H., 85 Great Knollys
Carter, William, 33 Prince of Walesâ
Chesterman, David, 61 Liverpool rd
Chipper, Alfred Henry, 772 Oxford rd
Clark, Frederick, 43 Briantâs avenue,
Collins, Mrs. Caroline, 59 Pitcroftav
Collins, William 96 Rupert st
Colridge, Aaron, 251 London rd
Commins, Miss Amelia, 8 Watlington
Cook, Albert J., 37 Pitcroft avenue
Cook, William, 2 Spring gardens
Cosson, Alfred Henry, 1 Kingsgate st
Cowley, G. F., 103, Cholmeley rd
Cox, Mrs. F., 74 Albany rd
Cox, Mrs. F., School rd, Tilehurst
Cox, Richard, 21 Orchard st
Crozeilles, Mrs. Jeanne, 107 Cranbury road
Cusden, Mrs. L., 19 Abbey st
Cuthbert, Charles, 2 St. Georgeâs
Darvill, Mrs. Jane, 50 Soho st
Dollery, John H. W., 54 Gosbrook
rd, Caversham
Dowding, Alfred George, 51 WatÂ
lington st
Downie, Mrs. Elizabeth, 8 SouthampÂ
ton st
Dudmash, Victor Henry, 44 South
st, Caversham
Duffin, Henry, 49 Elm Park rd
Duncan, Wm. R o b t, 165 Chatham st
Duplock, Albert, 4 Brunswick street
Ednay, James, 256 Oxford road
Edwards, John, 35 Foxhill road
Ellis, Mrs., 153 Chatham street
Elloway, E., la Little street
Ennew, Mrs. Jane Elizabeth, 385
Oxford road
Farley, Charles Tucker, 24 AddingÂ
ton rd
Farmer, William, 41-43 Gloucester
Faviant, Albert, 23 George st
Foster, Mrs. Ii. D., 11 Chatham st
Freeman, Mrs. Mary, 1 Willow st
French, William, 12 Cholmeley rd
Fox, Thomas, 28 Norfolk rd
P'ullbrook, Cecil, 30 Shaftesbury road
Edward James,
Sherwood st
Fullbrook, Mrs. £., 21 Beechamroad
Fuller, Harvey, 20 Albert rd
Garlick, John, 51 Clarendon rd
George, F., 6 Queen's rd, Caversham
Glaniield, Edwin, School rd, TileÂ
Godfree, Charles, 79 Bedford rd
Goodey, Thomas G., Basingstoke rd
Goodwin, Rupert, 51 Vastern road
Gosling, Frederick, 22 Orchard st
Grainey, C. H., 11 Pell st
Grant, Charles, 14 Rupert st
Green, Thomas, 11 St. Peterâs road,
Greenaway, Miss Annie E., 52 Spring
Griffiths, Miss E. G., 108 Elgar rd
Hallett, John, 70-72 Essex ft
Harrington, Miss E., 3 London rd
Harris, Mrs., 7 Greyfriars (rd
Hayward, Miss Kate, 29 Beresford rd
Heap, Richard, 12 Willow st
Heath, Miss May, 68 Cholmeley rd
Henderson, J., 49 Salisbury road
Holley, Ernest W., 75 Orts rd
Hubbard, F., 10 Flint st
Humphreys, Richard, 4 Edgehill st
Hunt, A., 133 Elgar rd
Hunt, Arthur, 102 Cardigan rd
Hunt, Edward, 10 Alpine st
Hurst, Mrs. Rose, 70 Brimswick st
Hyde, Mrs.Eliza,64 Blenheim gardens
Ilott, Albert Edward, 12 Coley street
Iremonger, F. J., 36 Field rd
Jackson, George, 6 Kalesgrove lane
Jackson, Mrs. Mary, 6 Watlington st
James, Mrs. Elizabeth, 3 & 5 Silver st
Jarrett, H. W., 101 Chatham st
Jarrctt, Miss Ellen, 24 Brunswick st
Johnson, Charles, 54 Waldeck st
Johnson, John, 75 Mount Pleasant
Keeling, George, 11 Leopold rd
Kimber, George, 6 Amity rd
King, John, 119 Chatham st