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Cane, Lionel C. W., 1 Western Elms
Cane, Miss E. E., 17 Eastern avenue
Cane, Mrs. Margaret, 38 Talfourd av
Cane, Reginald, 58 Addington rd
Cape, Thomas, 2-3 Butter Market
Cann, Miss, 67 Watlington st
Capell, William Henry, 52 Waylen st
Cardwell, Ernest, Lytham cottage,
River road, Caversham
Carmody, Ernest P., m . r . c . s . , Ellerslie, Armour rd, Tilehurst
Carpenter, James W., Bramshot, 6
St. Barnabas rd, Cav
Carr, Mrs. G. Sydney, The Limes, 7
Maitland rd
Carrington, Lady, Avenue house, 61
Western Elms avenue
Carruthers, William, 395 London rd
Carse, James H., 283 London rd
Carter, A. W., Maubeuge, 31 Church
road, Caversham
Carter, Charles Henry, Whiteknights,
Whiteknightâs park
Carter, Fred William, The Nook, 15
Wokingham road
Carter, George C. T., 7 Hamilton rd
Carter, Henry Charles, Shenstone,
Recreation road, Tilehurst
Carter, Henry James, 5 Argyle st
Carter, Miss, Sherwood house, 35
Bath rd
Carter, Miss Edith F., 28 Milman rd
Carter, Miss Nellie, 27 ChristÂ
church road
Carter, Mrs. C., 46 Beechamrd
Carter, Mrs. Charles, 37 Hamilton rd
Carter, Rev. E. H. P., .37 Alexandra rd
Carter, W., 11 Broad street
Cash, James, 171 Kidmore road,
Cass, Thomas T., 53 Eastern avenue
Castle, Lawrence, Foxborough, 24
Albert road, Caversham
Catley, Ashley J., 8 Brunswick hill
Catley, J amesjngleside, 9 Tilehurst rd
Catley, Martin George, Harford, 2
Matlock road, Caversham
Caudle. Mrs., 295 Oxford road
Cave, Miss A. J., 9 Downshire square
Cave, Miss Emily, 48 Zinzan st
Cawdwell, Thos.W., 35 Bulmershe rd
Cawes, George, Homeside, 22 HarroÂ
gate road
R E S ID E N T S .
Cawston, Edward W., Roslyn,Thames
Chadwell, Edward, 49 NorthumberÂ
land av
Chadwick, Wm. A. K., Craig-y-Don,
55 Blenheim rd, Caversham
Chadwill, Ernest, 37 Tilehurst road
Chalk, William, Sandford House,
Argyle street
Challen, Miss, 39 Talfourd avenue
Challenger, Miss Sarah, 11 BrunsÂ
wick hill
Challoner, William, 61 Russell st
Chamberlain, S. G., Fairleigh. 38
Priest hill, Caversham
Chambers, Claude, W. The Glen,
Oak Tree road, Tilehurst
Chambers, AV., 14 Blenheim road,
Champ, John, The Cottage, RecreaÂ
tion rd, Tilehurst
Champs, Charles, 5 Prospect street
Champion, James, 133 South view av.,
Champion, Mrs. Ernest R., Stanway
house, St. Barnabas road, Cav
Chance, Miss L., 12 Waylen street
Chandler, Edwin S., 21 Argyle st
Chandler, Frank, 14 Baker st
Chandler, George Ernest, 138 OxÂ
ford rd
Chandler, George Thomas, 7 JuncÂ
tion rd
Chandler, Jesse, Walcot, NorthumÂ
berland av
Chandler, Joseph, 3 Brisbane road
Chandler, Mrs. Jane, 121 London rd
Chandler, The Misses Trueman house,
3 Christchurch gardens
Chandler, AValter
William, 38
AVantage road
Chandler, William, Elmville, 2 WesÂ
tern Elms avenue
Chandler, William G., The Patch,
Warwick rd
Chandos-Pole, Miss M., Rosetta, The
Warren, Caversham
Chaplin, Mrs. B., 73 A l e x a n d r a road
Chapman, Alfred Edwards, Glenburn, 61 Erleigh road
Chapman, Arthur T., Overthorpe,
67 Blenheim rd, Caversham
Chapman, Charles, Granville,
Basingstoke road