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W O K IN G H A M .
Principal Residents in Wokingham,
Abraham, David M., Llandee, Gipsy
Aldridge, Edward, Dinna Forget,
Gipsy lane
Aldridge, Mrs. Thirza, Braces cottÂ
age, Gipsy lane
Allan, William, 9 Broad street
Allfrev, F. Vere, Ashridgewood
Amyatt, Mrs. and Miss, Cottenham,
Sturges rd
Annesly, Miss A., Meadowcroit, 14
Crescent road
Austin-Godwin, Col. A. G.,Thelveton,
Sturges road
Baker, John, Southdene, Rose garÂ
Baker, Miss Laura, 35 Broad street
Barns, Major A., Wyldecroft, Finchampstead road
Barry, E. Stephenson, 33 Broad st
Barry, Miss M., Wingmore lodge, 2
Rose street
Bartholomew, Mrs. L. M., Holmewood,
Finchampstead road
Basnett, Mrs. Isabel, 3 Foxley villas,
Wellington rd
Baverstock, John, Ivy Dene, Gipsy la
Beasley, Thomas Henry, Danford,
20 Wescott road
Beaumont, Aland, Khandala, 12 CresÂ
cent rd
Beckingham, James, Lanehurst,
Howard road
Beechey, MissM., The Glebe, Rectory
Beechey, The Misses, 41 Shute end
Bennett, Alfred, Layston, Gipsy lane
Bennijtt, Arthur James, Dayspring,
Sturges rd
Bennett, Herbert Ernest, Roslyn,
East Heath avenue
Bennett, Thos. Ily., 2 East Heath
villas, East Heath avenue
Berry, Horace George, Glenavon,
Howard road
Binnie, Frank, 1 Gordon villas, WelÂ
lington road
Birch, William, Bankside, 27 Carey
Bisher, P. R., 2 Gordon villas, WellÂ
ington road
Blake, Moses, Westwood, Osborne rd
Blandy, Henry Bilson, J.P., Mertonford
Easthampstead road
Bodle, Wm., Lutttleworth, Station rd
Bokenham, Dr. Thomas Brandon, 21
Broad street
Bolton, Mrs., Elizabeth, Layston,
Sturges road
Bosher, John, The Cottage, Gipsy lane
Bowyer, Henry, Ashridge farm,
Wiltshire road
Brant, C., The Bungalow, Gipsy lane
Brant, Cooper Sidney, The Cabin,
Sturges road
Brant, Fred John, Fairholme, Goodchild road
Brant, Mrs. W. J., 31 The Terrace,
Shute end
Breach, Harry, Ormonde villa, LonÂ
don road
Brodie, G., The Gables, Murdoch rd
Bromley, Henry H., 16 Market place
Bromley, Mrs., Pinecroft, 10 CresÂ
cent road
Brooker, Mrs. Sarah, Goodchild rd
Brothers, Mrs., 2 Holmden villas,
Sturgess road
Brown, IT., 7 Shute End