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r iU N C il'A I ,
Lambdeh, Henry T., 46 St. BarÂ
tholomewâs rd
Lambden, William, Aberglaslyn,
Warwick rd
Lambert, Dr. Gordon, 9 Eldon sq
Lambo urn, Frederick James, Tecoma,
15 Priest Hill, Caversham
Lambournc, Thos. A., 323 Oxford rd
Lance, Miss Octavia, Culvercoten 45
College rd
Lane, The Misses M. & B., 156 LonÂ
don rd
Lane, Rev. Francis W., b . a . , Lesley,
Recreation rd, Tilehurst
Lane, Robert, Highfield, 49 Conisboroâ av, Caversham
Langford, C. A., Red House, 25 Kidmore road
Langford, Charles, Colecote, 34
South view avenue, Cav
Langford, John Harold, 343 London
Langford, Miss Mabel, Clevedon
lodge, Coley hill
Langston, E., 11 Oxford rd
Langston, Edward E., l.v West st
Langton, Joseph D., 22 Talfourd av
Lannowe, Mrs., 63 London rd
Lansdovn, John, 55 Addington road
Lansley, Albert, 24 Western Elms av
Laraman, William Rawlins, 375 LonÂ
don road
Lardner, W. H., 105 Wantage rd .
Laremore, William S., 41 Lome st
Laseelles, Thomas Cooper Scott,
Grafton, Recreation rd., Tilehurst
Lasham, William P., 40 Milman rd
Lasker, William W., 59 Christchurch
Latham, Mrs., The Limes, Westwood
rd., JTilehurst
Latham Thomas, Carna, 53 Albert rd,
Laurence, J. J., Fairview, 90 Pell st
Laurie, John, Cherwell, 12 Highmoor
road, Caversham
Law, Albert Edward, 19 Milman rd
Law, Robert Arthur, Nyne Head, 29
Bulmershe rd
Lawes, Frederick J., 116 Hamilton rd
Lawrence, II., 34 Carev st
Lawrence, Herbert J., Parkhurst, 78
Bath rd
Lawrence, James Proctor, 11 South st
it ESiOli N'TS.
Lawrence, John, Rosemont, 36 Priory
av., Caversham
Lawrence, Mrs. E. M., Lachine, 37
Bulmershe rd
Lawrence, Misses Sarah, Matilda and
Frances, 25 Mansfield rd
Lawrence, Thomas W m , 138 Kingâs
Lawrence, William, 345 London road
Lawson, Harold H., Trossachs,
Oxford road, Tilehurst
Lay, Harry, 72 Elmhurst road
Lay, Mrs., Apna Ghur, 72 Elmhurst
Lea, 1L, Heathfield, 157 Wokingham
Lea, William, Tillingham house, 110
Kendrick, rd
Leach, Albert E., 112 Wantage rd
Leach, W., 44 Northumberland av
Leadbeater, James, 210 Tilehurst rd
Leader, Brice Wm., 54 Basingstoke
Leaver, Alfred H., Mountfield, War.wick rd
Leaver, Arthur John, 133 Castle st
Leaver, Ernest II., 65 Erleigh rd
Lee, Charles, 13 Zinzan st
Lee, Harry, Tilehurst road
Lee, James, The Bays, 10 College rd
Lee, James, Jesmond, St. Andrewâs
rd, Caversham
Lee, John, The Grove, Caversham
Lee, Misses M. &. A., 41 Green rd
Lee, Mrs. Kenneth. 20 Holmes rd
Lee, Matthew Henry, 93 Wantage
Lees, Frank, f . r . h . s . , 94 Connaught
Legg, Rev R. Wickham, St. Mary's
Le Iluray,Abraham Champion,Sarnia
42 Bulmershe rd
Leicester, Harry, 154 Oxford road
Leicester, Thomas J., 26 Wantage
Leigh, Mrs. Edith, 25 College rd
Leney, Mrs. M., Carbis, 29 Kendrick
Lenny, Mrs. H., Yardford', WestÂ
wood rd., Tilehurst
Lesser, David, 51 Lorne st
Lester, Mrs. Alice J., 48 Addington