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Allen. C harles, p rin te r, 2 2 3
S o u th am p to n st
Allen, Ernest S., bootmaker, 2 a D ou nington gardens
Allen, Frederick, greengrocer, 58
Carnarvon road
Allen, George, A., pile driver, 16
, Donnington rd
Allen, G. H., water carpenter, &c.,
Thames side
Allen, Harry, g d. 98 Coley st
Allen, J., coal merchant, 43 Hill st
Allen, Joseph, painter and decorator,
4 Amity rd
Allen, Mrs. Mary A., newsagent and
tobacconist, 4 Silver st
Allen, Mrs. Thomas, apartments, 35
Caversham rd
Allen, Thomas, 1 v, The Brickmakers’ Arms, 25 Coley place
Allen, Thomas Henry, confectioner,
78 Christchurch rd, sub Post Office
Allen, William, greengrocer, 102
Castle st
Allnatt, Blake Pearman, chartered
accountant, Ac., 2 The Forbury
Allsebrook, Guthrie & Co., hydraulic
engineers, 29-31 Crown st
Allsop, Thomas & Sons, corn mer­
chants, 34-36 Caversham rd
Allum, Frederick, grocer, etc., 689
Oxford rd
Allum, Frederick, g d, 95 Orts rd

A llw ood, J o h n , gas, h o i & cold
water fitter, and engineer, 32
Howard st
Allwood, S., bootmaker, 36a Coley st
Allwood, William, boot repairer, 10
Waldeelc st

A H w righ t, F. W ,, auction eer,


Anderson, Stanley J., pork butcher,
523 Oxford road
Anderson, W. C. F., M . A . , secretary
Berks Education Committee, The
Anderson. William, chimney sweep,
26-28 Silver street
Andress, Thomas W., 1 v., ‘ The
Crown, Bridge street, Caversham
| Andrews, Frederick, coal merchant,
and carman, Central Wharf, 34
Bridge street
Andrews, Frank Hervey, builder, 25
The Grove, Watlington street
Andrews, H., Ye Olde Curiosity
Shoppe, 97a Caversham road
‘Angel’ Wine and Spirit Stores, 117
Broad st—Hy. Adams, manager
Angel, John William, butcher, 153
Caversham road
Angus, 0., corn and., potato mer­
chant, 2a Kensington road and
465 Oxford road
Anstee, Walter Edward, butcher, 255
London rd and 89 Wokingham rd
Antell, K., butcher, 59 Basingstoke rd
Aplin, Geo., butcher, 108 Kings rd
Appleby, Arthur William, fish frier,
24 Caversham road
Appleton, George & Sons, confec­
tioners, 95 Southampton st
Appleton, Mrs. Sophia, g d, 76 Chat­
ham st
Arcade Sweeteries, 3 The Arcade
Archard, William, antique dealer,
14 Cross st
Archer, Edward, g d, 67 Weldalc st
Arch er, W m ., grocer, aid oil
and colour merchant, 49 Broad st
and 20-21 Union st
Arlett, James W., saddler, 8 Queea's


valuer, house and estate agent,
Armageddon Games and Toys Com­
6 Station rd 'Phone 367
pany, The, 68 Kings road
Alton, Mrs. Susan, boarding house,
Armitage, Miss Florence, m.d.,
145 London rd
l . r . c . p . , and s., physician and sur­
American Dental Co., 7 King street
geon, 28 London rd
Anderson, E., g d, 754 Oxford road
Armstrong, Richard, 1 v, Bird-inAnderson, Ernest, harness maker, 9
hand, Armour rd Lower, Tilehurst
Brunswick street
Arthur & Co., Ltd., wholesale drapers,
Anderson, Frederick, tobacconist, j
50 Minster st
461 Oxford road
Ash, Geo. S., poulterer and green­
Anderson, J. B., 1 v, ‘ Prince of j
grocer, 89 Oxford road
Wales,’ 76 Prospect st, Caversham 1 Ash,Reg. L.,decorator,26Greyfriarsrd