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W O K IN G H A M .
Burden, R., Rathaldron, Finchampstead road
Burland, Frederick Francis, 73 Fair
view road
Burnaby-Dyott, Miss M., Gorton,
Murdoch road
Burns, The Misses, Woodlands,
Reading road
Burrell-Smith, Misses, Ailsa lodge,
Broad street
Butler, Henry, 29 The Terrace
Butler, Thomas, 12 Station rd
Byard, James Henry, b.a., Llanberis,
Sturges rd
Campbell, Misses Margaret & ElizaÂ
beth, Marchfield house, 1âorest rd
Canning, Arthur Lionel, 21 Crescent
Carr, Rev. A. P., M .A ., St. Sebastianâs
vicarage, Nine Mile Ride
Cave, Mrs. James, Thurlestone,
Sturges road
Chapman, Miss E. K., 3 Crescent
Chappell, Miss,Shamrock villa, Nine
Mile Ride
Churchill, Miss C., Holly Bank, 83
Fair View rd
Colbhan, Mrs. A. C., Glenwood,
Lowther road
Cole, Ernest, Hylgar, Wellington rd
Cole, George T., The Nest, Gipsy lane
Collins, Ayliffe J., Waterworks house,
Finchampstead rd
Ooilis, Mrs., 30 Market place'
Conolly, Rev. John, 3 Shute end
Cooper, William Robert, The WorkÂ
house, Barkham rd
Cornish, Mrs. Ashmore, Brereton
lodge, Rectory rd
Cornish, Mrs. Hunter, Barford house,
Shute end
Costen, Capt. J. F., Evendons, Evendonâs lane
Cottan, Miss Ada, 17 Crescent road
Cox, Miss M., Hillcote, Park av
Craig, Hugh, Dromore, Wellington rd
Craig, Vincent, Highclose, Wiltshire
Crews, Charles T. D., J.P., Billingbear Park
Crook, Louis, Oakdene, Osborne rd
Crutwell, Mrs., Wroxton, South drive
Culver, Wm., Corra-Lorne, Sturges
Curtis, Mrs. A., Broom cottage, StaÂ
tion road
Dalgleish, Capt. Ogilvy, Glebelands,
Glebeland rd
Daubeny, Mrs. John, Winkfield St.
Mary, Finchampstead road
Davies, H. S., The Rookery, Park av
Davies, Miss Elena, Clyfi, Murdoch
Deane, Misses E. & E. M., Rosebank,
Gipsy lane
Dearlove, John, 8 Peach street
Dearlove, M:s. Mary, 22 Denmark
Dent, Douglas, Fairoak, South Drive
Denton, Wm., Eversley, Gipsy lane
De Vitre, D Denis F., Keep Hatch
Doupe, William Francis, Southwell,
Sturges rd
Down, Commander W. L., r . n .,
Gorthie, Sturges rd
Dowsett, Tom, 56 Denmark st
Dunne, Major T., Toutley hall, Forest
Dyke, Henry, Kamakura, Gipsy lane
Dyke-Marsh, Mrs. H., Sunset, WellÂ
ington rd
Eastwick, Mrs., 15 Crescent road
Edlmann, Mrs., Wiltshire farm, WiltÂ
shire bd
Eliott-Lockhart, Misses, Craig Royston, Murdoch road
Ellison, The Misses, The Elms, 26
Broad st
Etherington,Mrs. II. W .,43 Shuteend
Ethlinger, F.K., m.d., Pinewood
Sanatorium, Nine Mile Ride
Evans, H. Farrington, C.s.i., Aberfoyle, Southlands rd
Evans, Walter James, 2 8 a Rose st
Featherby, James, Beeehurst, Goodchild road
Fellowes, Misses. E. and A., Gipsyside, Murdoch rd
Fenton, Mrs. C., Cherhill, Park av
Fielder, Joseph, Coakleigh, FinchÂ
ampstead rd
Finch, Francis Walter, Corner house,
Murdoch road