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1 - R l N C l l' \I.
House, Walter Gilbert, 4 Argyle st
Howard, Rev. F. J., St. Lukeâs
vicarage, 14 Erleigh rd
Howard, F. W., a .m .i.c .e ., 30 Argyle
Howard, Mrs. S., Brunswick hill
Howell, Wm. Roland, Goodrington,
14 Glebe rd
Howes, Alexander, 5 Patrick rd, Cav
Howes, Jas., 8 Bridge st, Caversham
Howes, Robert, 103 Castle street
Howlett, Charles John, Wadwick
house, 29 St. Peterâs rd
Howman, Frederick R., 42 Baker st
Howse, Percy William Macdowall,
Lyndford house, 17 Castle st
Hubbard, Mrs. Elizabeth, 34 RedÂ
lands rd
Hubbard, William, Lintonville, 3
ilig'timoor rd, Caversham
Hubert, John, 21 Carnarvon road
Huckson, Robert, 90 Oxford rd
Iludleston, Mrs. Louise, Harley house,
35 Hamilton rd
Hudson, Percy Preston, 158 London rd
Hudson, William, 197 Oxford road
Huggins, Alfred J.,Tresco, NorthumÂ
berland avenue
Huggins, Edwin Tom, 26 AVantage rd
Huggins, Ernest George, 40 AVaverley rd
Huggins, Robert G., 13 Rectory rd,
Hughes, Albert, Beechdale,6 Western
Elms avenue
Hughes, Albert, East View, 10
Hamilton road
Hughes, Peter T., 15 Uplands road
Hughes, Thomas E., South View
. avenue, Caversham
Hukins, William Ambrose, 13 JuncÂ
tion rd
Hulbert, Miss E. P. H., Clifton house,
Hemdean road, Caversham
Hulme, Alfred, Hereward, 69 Albert
road, Caversham
Humfrey, The Misses, Holmside,
9 Priest hill, Caversham
Humphrey, Col. Frederick. G. Câ
Southern, 27 Derby rd, Caversham
lumphery, Commander Percy E. M.,
R-M., Camden lodge, Henley rd, Cav
Humphrey, W., Inglewood, 110 Gosbrook road, Caversham
R E S ID E N T S .
Humphreys, Arthur L., 81 Baker st
Humphreys, Henry, 24 Highmoor rd,
Humphreys, John, Greycroft, 8 8 ConÂ
naught rd
Humphreys, AArilliam, Trebursye, 24
Harrogate road, Caversham
Humphries, Frederick, 7 Argyle st
Humphries, Mrs. John, 194 King's
Humphries, Miss B., 152 Caversham
Humphries, Miss K. L., 41 Russell
Humphries, AAT. J., 46 Blenheim rd,
Hunt, Edwin S., The Homestead, Norcot toad, Tilehurst
Hunt, Henry, Beckington, Newcastle
Hunt, James, 23 Castle crescent
Hunt, James, 59 Waylen st
Hunt, Mrs. Daniel and Miss E. M.,
Apsley Guise, Shinfield rd
Hunt, S., Bide-a-bit, Kentwood road
Hunt, Thomas. 30-31 Market pi
Hunt, AATalter C., 15-16 Broad st
Hunt, AVilliam, 130 Castle st
Hunt, AAUlliam, 28 Junction rd
Huntley, Mrs., Donnington, 117 LonÂ
don rd
Hurley, Alfred W., Glevum, 58 Albert
rd, Caversham
Hurry, Jamieson B., j.p ., m .a., m .d.,
AVestfield, 1 Southcote rd
Hussey, Mrs. A., 32 Northumberland
Hutchesson, Charles, Carrara, AA7oodcote road
Hutchinson, Alexander, 104 AVokingham rd
Hutt, Harry G., Mentmore,29 College
Hutt, Miss, Albert cottage, 38 Conisboroâ avenue, Caversham
Hutt, Miss A. C., Corra Linn, 8 8
Albert rd, Caversham
Hutt, Sydney, 26 Prospect st
Hutton, Thomas William, AVarren
lodge, The Warren
Huxtable, C. T., Englelhwaite, Gros^enor rd, Caversham
Hyde AATilliam, 28 Queen Victoria st
Hyeth, Gilbert, 14 Hemdean rd, Cav