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Randborn. Maria Adie
Raplev, William, 1 v, ‘ The Bramshill
Hunt Inn ’
Rogers, Fred
Seymour, F. Wm., grocer, baker &
pork butcher
Street, W.
Tayler, A. C., tailor, Newlands
Wooldridge, VV.
A S C O T (B e rk s.)
14 M iles from Reading.
Post, telegraph, money order office
and savings’ bank (telegraph office
also at Station)— postmaster, W. N.
Streater. Office open 9 to 1
p.m., 3 p.m., to 7 p .m .; Sundays,
8 30 to 10 a.m.. Mails despatched
9 a.m., 12.10, 3.0, 3.45, 7.10, 7.30,
7.45, 9.0, and 9.50p.m .; Deliveries
at 6.30 and 3.15 p .m .; Sundays,
6.30 a.m.
South Ascot — Postmistress, Miss
Falahee. Despatch 8.25, 11.20,
a.m., 2.15, 6.40, 7.40, p.m. ; Sun­
days, 6.15, p.m.; Parcels, 11.15,
a.m., and 6.35 p.m.
Brookside sub-post- office (P.T.M.O.&
S.B.)—sub-postmaster, W.J.Bishop.
Despatch 7.30, 11.25, a.m., 6.35
and 8.0 p.m .; Sundays, 5.25
New Road Town sub-office— post­
master, F. W. Hopgood. Despatch
8, 11.15 a.m., 7.35 p.m.
All Saints’ Church— Rector, W Rev.
F. La Trobe Bateman, m.a.; clerk, J.
Skelton, Services—-Sunday, 8 & 11
a.m.; 3 & 6 p.m.; Week-days, 5.30
p.m.; Tuesday & Thursday, Holy
Communion 8 a.m..; Friday, 11
All Soul’s Church, South Ascot—
Rector, Rev. B. B. Murray; Church­
wardens, Arthur Pallister and
•Joseph Cordery; Clerk, A.Browing;
Sexton, G. Goat-ley; Services, Sun­
days, 8, 11, 11:45 a.m.; 3 and 6
p.m .; week-days', Tuesday and
Thursday, Holy Communion, 8a.m.,
Evensong, Monday, Wednesday &
Friday, 4 p.m.


Catholic Church, South Ascot— Sun­
days, Mass 6, 8 and 11 a.m.,
Rosary Benediction, etc. 4 p.m .;
Week-days, Mass 6.30 and 8 a.m .;
Tuesdays, Rosary Benediction, etc.,
p.m .; Fridays, Station of the
Cross and Benediction 5.30 p.m.
Ascot Priory Convalescent Home—
Chaplain, Rev. H, B. Barnes;
Warden, Rev. R. A. J. Suckling,
n.g., Sister, Georgina, in charge,
Postal address —Bracknell.
The Durning Library and Reading
Room— Librarian, G. W. Gray
Royal Ascot Golf Club-Ferguson, H.
S., Hon. Sec.
Ascot Heath Schools
County Police Station— E. Simmons,
Overseer— Lissaman, A . ; Assistant
Overseer— Francis, G. J.
Fire Brigade— Watson, Robert, capt.
South Western Railway— Stationmaster, Evans, H. J.
Early Closing Day— Wednesday, 1.
Asher, S. G., Ascot place
Barnes, Major, Ray’s Court
Barnett, P., Udimore
Barrow, R. S., Heatherside
Bar well, Leyeester, The Towers,
South Ascot
Baughan, Francis W., The Vicarage,
South Ascot
Bavin, A. W., Hanover house
Beaumont, H. R., Tetworth
Blackburn, Col. J. E., and Miss,
New Mile chase
Blake, Mrs. F. B., The Woodlands
Bowden-Smith, E., Hillsborough
Briginshaw, Arthur, Forest view
Brown, Miss, Carberry lodge
Buckland, Thomas, Kenegie
Bull, Henry, Wells Bridge house
Bullock, Alfred, 1 Eatoihvillas
Burgoyne, P. B., Broadlands
Burke, Henry Farnham, Beechcroft
Butcher, Arthur, Peartree house
Cairnes, Mrs., Norbrae
Carter, Col. Gordon, m .v.o., Grand
Cathcart, Lady, Titness park
Ohetwynd. Hon. Mrs., Cissburv
Collier, Col., Ascot Wood cottage