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Gale. Frank, Drayton, 26 Kidmore
road, Caversham
Gale, James D., Japonica cottage, 135
Wantage rd
Gale, Mrs. Anne, 46 Queen's rd
Ga.e, Walter, 32 Minster street
Gale, Walter G., 18 Hemdean road
Galloway, Percy F. M., Dunban, 1
Rectory road, Caversham
Gammon, S., 19 College road
Ganderton, Samuel, 14 Northumber
land avenue
Gant, F. J., 60 St. Maryâs butts
Gardiner, Henry, Bransford, 12 K idÂ
more road, Caversham
Gardiner, Stephen Henry, 8 BasingÂ
stoke road
Gardner, Arthur E., Sunnyside, 47
South view av., Caversham
Gardner, Charles, Woodside, 122
Hamilton rd
Gardner, Miss Ada C., Oakley cotÂ
tage, Oakley rd, Caversham
Gardner, AVilliam, 7 AATest st
Gare, J. C., 217 London rd
Garrard, E. 0., 25 Matlock rd, Cav
Garrett, Ernest, 77 Blenheim road,
Garrett, George, 62 Conisboroâ av,
Garrett, Joseph Edward, 29 Castle
Garrett, AAulliam J., 13 AA7est st
Gascoigne, Chas., Manor house,
Recreation road, Tilehurst
Gaseoine, Herbert C., 3 Oxford rd
Gash, W. S., 42 Queenâs rd
Gatehouse, Mrs. L. A., Shaston, 7
Albert road, Caversham
Gay, Miss Anna, 128 Castle st
Gear, Arthur, 9 Zinzan st
Gentry-Birch, James, Gypeswyche, 7
Hemdean rise, Caversham
George, The Misses, Avondale, 27
Bulmershe rd
George, Thomas, 51 Russell street
Gibbins, R., 37 Eastern avenue
Gibbons, Bernard P., 5 Broadway
Gibbons, George AAâm., Park lodge,
21 Castle crescent
Gibbons, William Hutton, Phenays,
Southcote road
R E S ID E N T S .
Gibbons, Walter, Hamilton cottage,
17 Carnarvon rd
Gibbons, AAIlliam George, Cranleigh,
4 Hemdean rise, Caversham
Gibbs, Rev. Joseph G., m . a ., Upcross,
50 Berkeley av
Giblin, Mrs., 92 Kendrick road
Gibson, Arthur, Draenoel 33 South
view avenue
Gibson, Hendry Eden, Kingsclere,
Albert road, Caversham
Gifford, John, 43 Hamilton road
Gifford, Harry, 73 A'/hiteknights rd
Gilbert, Albert, 206 Tilehurst road
Gilbert, Dr. Harry Pearson, The
Elms, AVhitleyPark, Basingstoke rd
Gilbert, Lamport, 12 AVaverley rd
Gilbert, Miss Emily, AVoodside, 65
Baker st
Gilbert, Mrs. S., Fairleigh, RecreaÂ
tion road, Tilehurst
Gilbey, Henry, The Rosary, 1 BerkeÂ
ley avenue
Giles, Edward John, Rusthall CotÂ
tage, Southcote lane
Giles, Walter F., Hazeldine, 3 MarlÂ
borough avenue
Giles, William John, 68 London st
Gilford, Dr. Hastings, Grosvenor
road, Shinfield
Gilford,. Dr. Sidney, St. Columba, 60
London rd
Gilford, Mrs. Efizabeth-E., AVihnington, 236 Wokingham road
Gilkes, WT., 39 The Mount, Caversham
Gilkes, Joseph C., Ashford, 49 ChristÂ
church rd
Gill, Edwin, 36 Baker st
Gill, Robert, 35 Talfourd av
Gill, AV. Tuliy, Eversley, Blenheim
rd, Caversham
Gil lard. Henry, Abbots Leigh, 24
The Mount
Gillender, Miss M. E., 86 Kendrick
Gillett, Mrs. J., 22 London road
Gilligan, George, j . p ., Turret house,
5 Southcote rd
Gillman, Miss, 30 Morgan road
Gillmor, Rev. F. J. C., m .a ., St.
Giles's Vicarage, 21 Church street
Murray, Parr Amos,
Armour road, Tilehurst
Gillo, John, 15 Argyle st