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Umbers, Edward, The Bungalow,
Victoria road, Tilehurst
Underwood, Frances 0., Huddlestone,
14 Albert road, Caversham
Underwood, Mrs. Frances Elizabeth,
Warden, 16 Southcote road w
Unwin, Ernest E., Grove house,
Shinfield road
Upham, Miss Annie, 14 Castle
Vale, George, Valpy Cottage, St.
Andrewâs road, Cav.
Valpy, Miss Annie, 8 Eldon road
Vandenberg, Albert P., 58 Talfourd
Van-den-berg, Harris C., 154 WanÂ
tage rd
Vannam-Smith, W., 173 Kidmore
road, Caversham
Vasey, Frederick William, 83 Oxford
Vaughan, Joseph, 83 Thames side
Vear, G. T., 12 Culver road
Vear, Mrs. M. W., 12 Junction road
Venn, Ernest, St. Osyth, Armour
road, Tilehurst
Venn, Mrs Maria, 27 Jesse terrace
Venn, Wm, Southlands,Basingstoke rd
Venner, Mrs. M., Axbridge, 52
London rd
Venner, Richard J., Westgate, 54
London rd
Venner, Mrs., Lismore, 76 London rd
Ventris, Edward Jas., Oakville, 63
Whiteknights rd
Vickers, William, 60 College rd
Vigo, Miss M. D., 23 Brunswick hill
Vile, John, 88 Friar st *
Vince, Mrs. C. A., Wittenbam, 79
Kidmore road, Caversham
Vincent, George William., The Nook,
4 Conisboroâ av, Caversham
Vincent, Harry, Harestone, 46 RedÂ
lands road
Vincent, Miss Mener, 3 Coley av.
Vincent, Thomas, 15 Matlock rd, Cav
Vincent, W., 76 Castle st
Vincent, William, 36 New rd
1 mcent, W. J., 7 Coley avenue
Vinden, Mrs. Samuel John, 57 EastÂ
ern av
Voice, Frank, 47 Green road
R E S ID E N T S .
Wadhams, Joseph H., Malvern villa, 1
St. Peterâs rd
Wagnell, Archibald Brown, 1 Queenâs
Waight, Bertram Cyril, 49 Culver rd
Waight, George Albert Victor, 139
St. Peterâs road
Wain, William Edwards, Pusley,
Priest hill, Cav
Waine, George Plenry, The Gnoll, 40
Blenheim rd, Oaversham
Waine, Miss E., 10 Culver rd
Waite, Harry, 235 Basingstoke rd
Waite, Thomas, Sheringham, Highmoor rd, Caversham
Waite, Vincent, Sparshott, 45 Eastern
Wakeford, Robert S., Oak Tree
Walckers, Mons A., 27 Culver rd
Waldegrave, Miss Alice, Rosedene
78 Bulmershe rd
Waldron, Tom J., 81 Whitley st
Waldron, Miss Frances 6 Coley av
Walford, Hugh Edward, Pattingham,
92 London rd
Walford, Thomas Walter, Northfield,
63 Kidmore road, Caversham
Walker, A. B., 49-53 Crown st
Walker, Fredk. A., 44 Milman rd
Walker, George F., 4 Brownlow rd
Walker, Herbert, Roseville, Hemdean
rd, Cav
Walker, Horace E ., 11 Christchurch rd
Walker, John, 8 8 Crescent road
Walker, Leslie C., 48 Bath rd
Walker, Miss Margaret; Rowley, 38
Bulmershe rd
Walker, Miss Mougue, 156 Castle st
Walker, Miss M. M., Woodleigh,
Grove bill, Cav
Walker, Mrs. E., 72 London road
Walker, Robert A., 8 8 Bulmershe rd
Walker, Wm., Eldonville, South 23
view av., Caversham
Wallace, Ernest Howard, Chimes, 13
Priory av, Cav
Wallace, Ernest Horvard, 44 Upper
Redlands road
Wallace, George, 102 Kendrick av
Wallin, Miss M, 74 Grovelands rd
Wallis, Cyrus, 6 Warwick rd
Wallis, Miss M. E., 13 Marlborough av