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IN D E X .

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Simms, P. W., m otor an:l c y c le
en gin eer
Sim on ds,H .& G., Ltd., brew ers
755 and back c o v e r
Sm ith, G. R. & Co., sh ip p in g
agen ts
244, 286, 381, *476
Snow, H. W., & Sons, G orin g 696
Snow flake L a u n d r y ..................*17


Tannahill, A. & Co., m ica


Targetts, Ltd., jo b masters ... 274
T aylor H. S., ty p e w ritin g
sch ool
.1 9 3
Tooraer, R . & Co., Ltd., coal
m e r c h a n t s .............................. 103
Y in ce n t, W., m otor g arag e
fro n t c o v e r and
c o v e r o f c lo th books

... 346

W alden, S., j e w e l l e r .................. 627

S tanden’s ty p e w ritin g d epot
*477 and In dex pages

W a lters, John & Sons,
en gin eers, & c ...........................349

Starkey & Co., prin ters
Sutton & Sons in side fron t
c o v e r and b a ck of book

W arr, John H enry, sa d d ler... 240

' S olite ’ self-ra isin g flour

Sutton, Geo. E., w ood tu rner


Watts, & Son, auctioneers ... 609
W elch . T. M., upholsterer,
... 608,685

Write to Standen & Taylor, Ltd., Broadway Buildings