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v illa g e s .
Bidwell, H. J., M.v.o., Tomlinscote,
Biseoe, Mrs., Merton
Blake, Miss, Sir Tristrams
Boileau-Reid, G., Fairhill
Boorman, James, Abbotsford
Bowdler, Dr. C., Camber cottage
Brenton, F. G., Ravenswood
Bridge, Mrs., Penthryn
Brooks, Mrs., Sarsdenfield
Broomhead, Mrs., Yoma
Bucknill, The Misses, Melrose
Burnett-Stuart, Col. J. T â Hill Marten
Cadell, Dr. N. P., Foxlease
Cairns, Mrs., Elmsleigh
Cave, Miss, Bagshot Heath
Chambers, Mrs. B. R., Brookes court
Chambers, Mrs., Red Hatch
Chamier, Mrs., Brook house, Park
Chapman, Mrs. Archer, Langley lodge
Chapman, Major F. R. C., Ilocknorton
Charles, Mrs. Edmonstone, 18
Heatherdale road
Chesney, Capt. R. 0., Rawhite,
Southern road
Chesney, Lady, St. Keverne
Christopher, Maj-Gen. W. L., c . b .,
Harcourt house
Church, Mrs., Dundaft Muir
Claypole, Mrs., Hollyfield, WoodÂ
lands rd
Close, E. T., Woodcote
Cobham, Mrs., Airdale
Collins, William W., High st
Connop, Miss, The Warren, Frimley
Cooke, W. Temple, j . p ., Edmonscote
Cooke, Miss, Fernlea
Cooper, A.. Pendennis
Cornish, Dr. Vaughan, Woodville
' Cotton, Miss, Pinewood
Cowan, Dr., Scarlet Oaks
Craig, Wallace. G., Barossa house
Cramb, Mrs., St. Helens, Southwell
Park road
Crawford, L., Brockhill
Crombie, Mrs., Beverly
Crook, J., Fir.gest
Cummins, Mrs. II. A. V., Glenville
Dalrymple, Maj.-Gen. W. L., c . b .,
Davidson, The Misses, Lyndaie
Davies, W. R., Kingsclear
Dawes, Col. B. M., Osnaburgh house
Dennehy, Mrs., Ileathermount
Denton, Miss, Ranfurly
Ditmas, Col. F. R., Tamar lodge
Dobson, Mrs. M. C., Durham lodge
Drew', J., Stanton, The avenue
Drew, Mrs. Barry, Holmwood
Dudden, Mrs., Brackendale cottage
Duff, Major-Gen.Gordon,Green Royd
Duffus, Col., G. M., Thornhurst
Duncan, Mrs., Crossways
Eales, Mrs. The Haven
Earle, Mrs., Earls court, Park rd
Elies, Mrs., Southwood
Eliiott, Mrs., Mayfield
Elphingstone, Col. A. P. A., Woodside
Evans, Mrs., West Point
Ewing, Capt. D. R., Derry Garrif
Eyton, Miss, The Limes
Fairey, T. W., Chellington, King's
Fairs, H. V7., Oakfield
Faithful, Col. H. Tâ The Priory,
Farie, Mrs., Farme lodge
Farran, Lady, Brackendale house
Findlay, Mrs. N. B., Alphington,
Fleming, Mrs. L., Deeping bank
Fleming, Miss, Forest Dene
Forbes, Mrs.C. T., France Hill house
Forwood, Mrs., Frimhurst, Frimley
Fowler, G. W7., Old Dean Hall
Fowler, Mrs., The Sallows
Foxhill, H., St. Helenâs, Park road
Frankel, O., Adrossan
Frederick, Capt. E. B., Firwood
Freeland, Commander W . F. E.,
Fry, Mrs., Grovefield, Frimley
Furse, Mrs. E. W., Gotham house
Garden, Mrs. Huntley, The Holt
Geary, Gen. Sir H. L., Arretcn
Gethin, Miss, Cleveraugh
Gillespie, Mrs., Heath Hollow
God ley, Mrs., Donhead
Godwin, Mrs. Redstoke
Goldnev, F. H., j . p ., Prior place
Graeme, Col. R. 0., Braclcenhurst
Graham. Maj-Gen. Sir T., k . c . b .,
Heatherdale lodge
Graham, Mrs., Charlcombe