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Hendy, Adolphus Granville, 105 St.
Peter's rd
Hendy, Edwin, 49 Baker st
Hendy, Mrs. A. E., 28 Wantage road
Hendy, Mrs. H. AV., 143 Wantage rd
Hendy, Mrs. Ann, 47 Talfourd av
Henman, AValter. James, j.p ., (Oxon),
St. Ives, Kendrick rd
Henson, Albert AATlliam, 63 Russell st
Henwood, Thos., E, Auricula viUas,
16 Hamilton rd
Hepple, Rev. John Dixon, m .a., The
Elms, 19 Christchurch gardens
Hepple, Mrs. Alicia, The Elms, 19
Christchurch gardens
Herbert, Arthur, 22 St. Maryâs butts
Herbert, Charles E., 71 Oxford rd
Herbert, G e o r g e , Corinium, 103VanÂ
tage rd
Herbert, John James, Muckruss, 4
Kendrick rd
Herbert, James Knight, Epworth
house, 9 Sidmouth st
Herbert, Miss, 9 Castle street
Herbert, Miss Clare, Kely Soa, 58
Elmhurst road
Herbert, Mrs. Elizabeth, 59 Eastern
Herbert, Mrs. Frances Miriam,
Bulmershe rd
Peppard rd, Caversham
Herring, 4\Tilliam, Ingleside, 31 Kidmore road, Caversham
Heurtley, Miss, Oseney, 59 Russell st
Hewett, Miss, 43 Alexandra road
Hewett, Mrs. Matilda C., Glenmore,
49 South view avenue, Caversham
Hewett, Thomas, St. Maryâs hill, 50
Tilehurst rd
Hewitt, Capt. Cecil, 23 Alexandra rd
Hey, AATm., Henry, Jesmond, Morgan
Heywood, Mrs. Benjamin A., Banner,
7 Craven road
Hibberd, Charles, 45 Addington rd
Hickes, Rev. Thomas D., 104 KenÂ
drick, road
Hickman, Mrs. George, AVykeham,
24 Alexandra rd
Hickmott, John W., The Limes,
Basingstoke rd .
Hicks, Mrs. G. W., Redlynch, 52
South st
R E S ID E N T S .
Hicks, Miss J. M., Newholme, 28
Alexandra, rd
Hicks, Rev. E. S., 24 Redlands rd,
Hicks, AV. G., 136 Wantage rd
Higgs, Albert Thomas, 72 London
Higgs, Bertram, 79 Whiteknights rd
Higgs, James, Westwood cottage,
3 AVater rd
Higgs, Misses, Hurstdale, Morgan
Highet, Campbell, 80 Southampton st
Hilder, \ATilliam, 12 Mansfield, road
Hill, Albert Geo., Cranbury, 4 Matlock
road, Caversham
Hill, Arthur Henry, Woodlands, 67
AVaverley road
HiH, Bernard, The Lillies, 42 HamilÂ
ton road
H ill, J. C., The Cottage, St. Peterâs
Hill, John, Rothesay, Grosvenor rd,
Hill, Col. P. E., Paxton house, 57
Bath road
Hill, Philip, 47 Pell street
Hill, Thomas Edward, The Knoll,
St. Peterâs hill, Caversham
Hill, AVilfred, 29 Jesse terrace.
Hillier, Francis J., 201 Oxford road
Hillyer, Joseph, 41 Northumberland
Hinder, Henry, 58 Tilehurst rd
Hindry, James AAUlliam, 11 South
View avenue, Cav
Hine, John Ernest, 39 Baker st
Hind, AV., 23 Argyle street
Hinton, John, 4 New rd
Hinwood, Ernest Theodore, 41 BulÂ
mershe rd
Hiscock, Edwin 129 Oxford rd
Hislop, Mrs., 201 Oxford road
Hissey, Miss Mary, AVarren Tower,
Hitcham, George, 10 Hemdean hill,
Hives, Frederick George, Ruarden,
20 Northumberland av
Hives, Henry, 26 Addington rd
Hives, AVilliam, 6 Lom e street
Hoare-Smith, Miss E. G., 10 Junction
Hoban, William, 15 St. Edwardâs