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Ford, Miss Emma, 125 London road
Ford, Miss Marion E., 15 Lorne st
Ford, Mrs. Annie, 413 London road
Ford, Mrs. L., Jesse villa, 1 Jesse ter
Ford, William, Felixstowe, 13 St.
Anneâs road, Caversham
Foster, Albert John, 31 St. BarÂ
tholomewâs rd
Fortescue, Edwin, Tally ho, 68 Conisboro av., Caversham
Fortune, F. J., Lansdowne, Victoria
road, Tilehurst
Fosbery, W. H. S., m . d ., Fremington
house, Western Elms avenue
Fossey, Frank, 24 Baker street
Foster, Arthur C., 18 Eastern avenue
Foster, Frank, Broadmead,8 Kidmore
rd, Caversham
Foster, J., 23 Broad st
Foster, William James, 11 Bath rd
Fountain, Albert E., Ivy Farm, Cav
Fountain, Ernest AV. A., Arlington,
15 South view av, Caversham
Fowler, Augustus L., 319 Oxford rd
Fowler, Rev. Canon,m . a ., d . sc ., Earley
vicarage, Whiteknights road
Fowler, Harold Samuel, Conway, 27
Blenheim road, Caversham
Fox, Chas Oscar, 59 Caversham rd
Fox, Ezra, Stevenage, 14 Derby rd,
Fox, John, 146 London rd
Foxell, George, 6 Abbotâs walk
Foxell, Harry George, 42 Upper
Redlands rd
Foxill, A. A., 26 Northumberland av
Frame, Allan, Kelvin, 67 Albert road,
Frame, John, Barton, St. Anneâs rd,
Frame,William,Kenmore,12 Argyle st
Frame, William, Milton Lockhart,
Warren heights, Caversham Francis, Arthur, Park view, 23 Hemlean rise, Caversham
Francis, A. R., 47 Lorne street
Francis, Bertie William, Sannock,
34 Talfourd av
Francis, E., 65 Watlington st
Francis, Ernest, Fir Croft 3, Southcote rd, west
Francis, Frederick William, 3
Prospect st
Francis, Howard, 65 Tilehurst rd
R E S ID E N T S .
Francis, John, 16 St. Bartholomewâs
Francis, Joshua, 37 Argyle street '
Francis, Mrs. Elizabeth, 10 Russell st
Francis, Mrs. Mary, 64 Wokingham rd
Francis, Stephen William, 6 TileÂ
hurst rd
Francis, William, Belgrave, 112 Gosbrook rd, Caversham
Francis, AVilliam, 63 Watlington st
Franklin, Mrs. A., Atherton, 23 Er,
leigh road
Franklin, Charles, Stoford lodge, 58
Queenâs road
Franklin, Francis J., Douro, 50 Milman rd
Franklin, John, Porthdene, 70 HamilÂ
ton road
Fraser, Edward D., Maitland House
Maitland road
Fraser, George, 17 Prospect st
Fraser, Mrs. planet, Brianstone, 8
Western Elms avenue
Fraser, William Wilson, Landscape
lodge, Brunswick hill
Freebody, T., W illow grotto, WaterÂ
side, Bridge st, Caversham
Freeman, James, 6-8 Castle st
Freeman, Mrs. A., 29 Kidmore road
Freeman, Sydney, Wealdstone, 6
South view av., Caversham
Freeman, William Thomas, m . d .,
Portland pi, 30 London rd
Friedlander, Julius, Whiteknights
park, Shinfield road
Friend, Rev. Martin T., m . a ., 6
Kendrick road
Fritche, Harry, Ludlow, 24W oodcote
rd, Caversham
Froome, Miss AnnieF., 133London rd
Froude, Francis Thorn, 66 Crescent rd
Fry, Frank R., 72 Bath rd
Fry, AVilliam H. P., 50 Russell st
Fry, Mrs. Mary, 45 Erleigh road
Fryer, AValter, 140 Tilehurst rd
Fulker, Alfred Henry, 44 New road
Fullbrook, Frederick, 62 Friar st
Fullbrooke-Leggatt, Mrs. C. Outen,
Ivnightslee, 11 Eldon sq
Fuller, George Frederick, 217 K ingâs
Fuller, James, 10 Tilehurst road
Fuller, John Henry, Hartleigh, 36
Eastern avenue