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Allon, Charlie, 47 Culver road
Allen, Miss, Highcliff, Norcot road
Allen, Mrs. Antrum, 83 Hamilton
Allen, Mrs. T., 35 Caversham road
Allen, Robert, Lynwood, 43 Kidmore
road, Caversham
Allen, Thomas, 22 Milman road
Allen,Thomas Henry, 78 Christchurch
Allen, Rev. VV, H., 27 Junction rd
Allnatt, B. P., Homeland, Woodcote
rd, Caversham
Allum, Alfred R., The Nutshell,
Northumberland av
Allum, Frederick, 103 Connaught
Allsebrook, Guthrie, Morlands, WhitÂ
ley Wood road
Allsop, Robert John, Iona, 9 Southcote rd
Allsopp, Thos., Downham lodge, 18
Ilighmoor rd, Caversham
Allwood, John, 329 Oxford rd
Allwright, Frederick Wm., Lozoth,
24 Kidmore road, Caversham
Alston, Charles R., Kemnal, Grosvenor road, Caversham
Amesbury, Albert, 55 NorthumberÂ
land avenue
Ancroft, Robert W., Comer House,
Earley Hill road
Anderson, Mrs. Emily, 126 Queenâs rd
Anderson, William, 4 Broadway
Andress, Thomas W., Crown Hotel,
Bridge st, Caversham
Andrews, Edwin J., 51 Eastern av
Andrews, Miss Mary, 7 Clifton Park
Andrews, Philip, Derwent villa,
102 Blenheim rd, Caversham
Angel, John Wm., 19 Thames side
Angeli, Arthur Frank, 15 Eastern av
Angliss, John M., 4 South st, Cav
Annettes, Mrs. Fannv. 4 Shaw rd
Annetta, Albert J., 13 Sidmouth st
Annetts, Mrs. Hannah, 24 Carey st
Anning, Henry, 24 Craven rd
Annison, James, Belvedere, 315
London rd
Anstee, W. E., 13 Carnarvon road
Applebee, Albert, 6 Shaw rd
Appleton, Geo., 95 Southampton st
R E S ID E N T S .
Archer, Mrs. S. A., Sydinonton, 12
Eldon rd
Arding, John, 196 Oxford rd
Armitage, Arthur R., Westboroâ 28
Matlock rd, Caversham
Armitage, Miss M. F â m .d., 28 LonÂ
don road
Armstrong, Miss LI., 42 Waylen st
Armstrong, Mrs. F., 7 Brunswick
Armstrong, Rev. William, m . a ., 30
Upper Redlands rd
Arnold, Mrs. Mary Jane, Silverdale,
Morgan rd
Arnold, Ralph, Bon Air, 6 ChristÂ
church rd
Arnold, Walter Jabez, 116 WokingÂ
ham rd
Arthur, James William, 8 Priory
avenue, Cav
Arthur, Robert, St. Andrew's road,
Ash, Ernest, m . a ., b . c . l ., The Lawn,
74 Bath road
Ashby, Alfred, m . b ., Ashdene, 7
Argyle rd
Ashby, Mrs. F., Oak villa, School rd,
Ashcroft, Miss Lucy, 37 Kendrick rd
Ashford-Green, Mrs., 108 Tilehurst rd
Ashford, Harry, 51 Oxford rd
Ashmall, Joseph, Easby, 52 Western
Elms avenue *
Aspinall, Mrs. Kate, 26 Baker street
Athersmith, William, 42 New rd
Atkins, A. A., 78 Elmhurst rd
Atkins, Mrs. C., 87 Watlington st
Atkins, Walter, 131 Wantage road
Atkinson, Arthur, 13 New rd
Itkinson, James T., Moptrose villa,
49 Kidmore rd, Caversham
Atkinson, Capt. Tindle, Navarre,
Addington rd
Attenbrovv, Francis Walter, The
Feathers, Market pi
Attwood, George, 13 College road
Attwood, George Frederick, Radnoi
lodge, Albert road, Caversham
Attwood, Herbert, 96 Hamilton id
Attwood, Mrs. Annie, 6 Junction rd
Ault, James, 281 Oxford rd
Aust, Arthur D., 40 College road
Aust, Henry J., 6 Priory avenue,