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Faithfull, Mrs. William, 26 Upper
Redlands rd
Falkner, E. W., 14 Bridge st, Cav
Fanshaw, Capt. Frederick Bradford,
Hartwell, 18 Coley avenue
Farley, Edward, 37 Culver rd
Farley, Lewis, 37 Culver road
Farmer, George, Henley rd, Cav
Farmer, John, 34 Eastern av
Farmer, Miss Mabel, 52 College rd
Farr, Henry, Benson villa, 9 College rd
Farr, William, 74 Crescent rd
Farrar, Robert L., Wolverton, 26
Blenheim road, Caversham
Farrer Edward 0., The Knowle,
Oxford road, Tilehurst
Farwajq R. H. Chichele, Carlisle rd
Faulkner, Dr. Robert, Elsley lodge,
Elsley road
Faulkner, Stephen John, 233 BasingÂ
stoke road
Fawcett, David, Southview, RecreaÂ
tion road, Tilehurst
Fear, Henry James, 86 Basingstoke
Fear, Thomas, Glebe Farm, Norcot
Featherstonhaugh, R. T., 29 Prospect
street, Caversham
Felgate, A. E., 3 a Cheapside
Fellows, Frank Edwin, Uplands,
Northcourt av
Fellows, Henry, 60 Caversham rd
Fendrick, Otto, 101 Caversham road,
Fennell, Miss Kate, 9 Talfourd av
Fenner, Ernest S., 78 Erleigh rd
Fenton, Mrs., 297 Oxford road
Fereday, James, 84 London st
Ferguson, F. J., Westbourne, 20
Coley av
Ferguson, H. E., Shandon, 36 AlexÂ
andra rd
Ferguson, John, 16 Upper Redlands
Ferguson, Rev: C. J., 29 Erleigh rd
Ferguson, Wm., j . p ., Kenmore, 62
Bath rd
Few, James, 6 Argyle street
Fewster, Alfred, 167 Oxford rd
Fidler, E. S., Sunnyside, 20 Highmoor road
Fidler, Joseph Chas., Oakley house,
Oakley rd, Cav
Fidler, Miss E. A,, 10 New road
R E S ID E N T S .
Filder, William Thomas, Selkirk,
30 Woodcote road, Caversham
Field, Chas. Gyningham, j.p., DenÂ
mark house, 49 Tilehurst rd
Field, W. G. L., Belle Vue, Surley
row, Caversham
Field, William, 125 South view av.,
Fife, Thomas, 3 New rd
Fisher, Amos, 16 Bridge st, Cav
Fisher, Mrs. E., 31 Carnarvon rd
Fisher, George, Lindley, Send rd, Cav
Fisher, Harry, 38 Waylen street
Fisher, Henry, Dean farm, Cav
Fisher, John, 51 St. Bartholomew's rd
Fisher, William, Adelaide house,
153 Gosbrook rd, Caversham
Fitt, McCarthy Mrs., Carlisle house,
118 Oxford rd
Flack, E., 72 Erleigh rd
Flanagan, Misses, 21 Kendrick road
Fleet, Miss E. M. Devereaux, Whitley
villa, 1 Christchurch rd
Fleet, Vice Admiral Henry Louis,
The Camber, 14 Coley av
Fleming, Miss Fanny, Hilton, 15 The
Mount, Caversham
Fleming, Mrs., Sirius; 16 Blenheim
rd, Caversham
Fletcher, James, 371 London rd
Fletcher, Tom, Dorchester, 6 BlenÂ
heim road, Caversham
Flint, William, Aldbourne house, 32
South view av, Caversham
Flowers, Miss Ellen, Inverary, 28
Argyle st
Floyd, Mrs. R. II., Castle Hill lodge,
14 Bath rd
Foley, Major Frank Wigram, d . s . o.,
12 Southcote road, west
Forbes, Major-Gen. Charles P., Fairlawn, 29 Bath rd
Forbes, Mrs. Mary, Ilighmoor lodge,
16 Highmoor rd, Caversham
Ford, David William, Albert villa, 1
Brunswick hill
Ford, Frank A., Egremont, 60 BlenÂ
heim road, Caversham
Ford, F. Bailey, 51 Armour road
Ford, Henry, Ã7 Brunswick hill
Ford, John Thomas, 30 Queenâs rd
Ford, Joseph George, Colborn lodge,
40 Eastern av