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V IL L A G E S .

Growth or net —con ti nued.
Scribbins, W. C., Wellington College
Sharpe, H. J., The School house
Sharpe, Miss Edith M.
Sheppard, W. W., Winterdyne
Sherston, Peter, The Croft '
Shipp, William James, Piuehill rd
Simms, Miss, Hinehillroad
Spear, Frank, King’s road
Stafford, Brig.-Gen. AVilliam F. H.,
Stark, John George, New Woking­
ham road
Thomas, P. Evan, Hollybank
Tomlinson, Arthur, Lathkill
Toye, Miss, Brackendene
Wells, Clifford, Chippenham
Wheatley, Thomas, Albert villa
Youlden.S. J., Butterford, Heath Hill

Angell, F. Thomas, tailor, Station
Bates, J., Church road
Bartlett, A. H., farrier and ironmon­
Beavis, W. G., plumber, Church road
Beeton, Mrs., laundress, High street
Benham, William, gardener, Barracane cottoge
Bosley, Edward, 1 v, ‘ The Iron Duke
Hotel ’
Bourton, A., carrier to Reading
Chappell, Walter,coalmerchant, New
Wokingham road
Chowings, Samuel and Sons, stone­
Collins, W m , insurance agent
Cooper, Alfred, greengrocer and
florist and carrier to Reading, etc.,
Church street
Cornish, Jesse, bootmaker, High st
Cornish, Joseph, bootmaker, High st
David, William, watchmaker, jeweller
and optician
Davis, Herbert G., cycle and motor
Donnelly, George, tea dealer, baker
and confectioner ; fresh cakes
daily. Teas provided
Douglas, Mrs. A. J., ironmongei and
Dupond, Louis, nurseryman & florist

Fullbrook, Albert J., carpenter
Giles, Joseph, builder, Wokingham rd
Godwin, Mrs. J., newsagent, oil &
hardware stores
H ig g s , W illia m H ., C anadian
S t o r e s . C on l, C orn , Seed ,
H ay a n d S t r a w
Hitch. William, High st
Hussey, Albert, baker, Broadmoor
International Tea Stores
Xing, Robert, dentist
K n ig h t, T h o m a s , P h a r m a c is t
an d C h e m ist, T lie P h a rm a cy
Lake, J. Christopher, grocer
L a w r e n c e ’ s S t o r e s , Ltd.,
general providers. Order office
L ig h t fo o t , E ., E rn d a le , C oach b u ild e r an d W h e e lw r ig h t,
B r a c k n e ll rd
•Lioyd, Bros., house decorators and
Lloyd, Mrs. draper and fancy goods
Lovick & Sons, jobmasters, carmen
and cartage contractors. Motors
for hire, garage
M a rtin , W . T ., b u t c h e r
Mason, C. W., hairdresser, High st
Morrison, C. F., Crowthorne dairy
Newman, William T., harness maker
and boot stores
Over, Harry, grocer, baker and
corn dealer, post office
Portchmouth, Wm. Chas., Church rd
Potts & Warner, drapers, outfitters
and furnishers
Powell, N. Guy, Crovthome Towers
Prior, Chas. Henry, hairdresser and
*Prouten, John, grocer, Pinewood av
*Reading$, C. & J., brick and tile
manufacturers, Wokingham road
Rolfe, Frederick, p.o.
S a t c h e l!, M r s .,fa n c y r e p o s it o r y
Seymour, Mrs., 1 Waterloo pi
Sharpe, Herbert, schoolmaster
Sims, Harry, 1 v, ‘ The Prince Alfred
Smith, A. E., grocer
Smithers, Mrs., dressmaker