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P e ll s t r e e t - c o n tin u e d
36 Lawrence, Thomas
38 Bulpitt, William Charles
40 Sherwood, Henry Thomas
42 Boulton, Sidney
44 Boulton, Mrs. Sarah
46 Allstead, William
48 Palmer, Thomas, Aston villa
50 Grant, James
52 Holdstock, Frederick Ralph
56 Hyde, Miss
58 Smith, George Barnard
60 Sims, Alexander
68 Powell, Thomas, Sunnysido
70 Godden, Charles, Plockton house
72 Wheeler, Frank
71 Lovejoy, Mrs., Shell bay
76 Pilgrim, Edward
78 Hurn, Thomas
80 Clarke, Thomas
82 Watson, Rowland
84 Baggaley, Charles J. T.
h e r e is S h erm a n ro a d
86 Styles, Edwin, Kiln Down
88 Kilford, Joseph H., Roslyn
90 Laurence, J. J., vestry clerk, St.
Giles’ parish
P E P P A R D R O A D , C aversh am .
(L e ft h a n d sid e )
Titchener, Mrs. Millicent
Neale, Alfred
Coad, Richard
White, Mrs. Martha
Radcliffe, Mrs. R. P., Balmore
h e r e is S u r le y llo w
W a ll L e t te r B o x
Cooper, Mrs. Lewis, Caversham
Nicholls, Henry, gardener, Fairview
C a v ersh u m H ill C h a p el
Povey, Walter, pastor, Manse
(R ig h t h a n d s id e )
Herbert, Nicholas, Aberleigh
Baylis, Job Henry, Brooklyn
W a ll L e t te r B o x
h e r e is C a v ersh a m P la c e P a rk ,
D erb y road
Talbot, Ebenezer, Stone Croft
Reading, Chas. Alfred, Newlands
Powell, E. C., Fairlawn
h e r e is G r o s v e n u r r o a d



Turner, Misses Martha & Matilda,
Caversbam rise
Wigley, William A., chaffeur
Cummings, George, gardener
Brakspear, Adam, coachman
Havell, George, Horse close lodge
P E P P E R L A N E , S h in fie ld Ed.
Miller, Capt. Denis Menzies,
Blandford lodge
Miller, Miss
(R ig h t h a n d sid e).
Leighton Park School
Hall, Major W. Montague, The
Red House
Montizainbert, Miss E. C., Trelawney
h e r e is E lm r o a d
h e r e is L o w e r E a r le y ro a d
Barnard, Stuart, The Wilderness
Forbes, Alexander, gardener,
The Wilderness
Padden, Robert, The Stables
P E R C Y P L A C E , B ro a d S t.
21 Townsend, Charles William
23 Clark, William
25 Beasley, Rhoda
27 Webb, John
P IG G O T T ’ S R O A D , M ill L an e,
L o w e r C a v e r sh a n i.
2 W: ebb, James, g d
4 Wigmore, Edward Ernest
6 Cox, Charles
8 Farley, Mrs.
10 Taylor, Henry
12 Turner, Llewellyn
14 Knight, Mrs. Ellen
16 Knight, Frederick
18 Smith, Edward
20 Phillips, Morris
22 Scott, Albert E,
24 Hopkins, Hubert
26 Deeley, John H.
28 Goddard, Mrs. Daisy
30 Maskell, Frederick
32 Church, Mrs. Ann
34 Green, Mrs. Elsie
36 Callas, Thomas
38 Woodridge, Walter
Pike, Arthur
42 Hopkins, Mrs.
Walter, Joseph, Thames Bank