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W O K IN G H A M .


Wokingham & Bi'achnell S tarr-Boiuicett Building Societies. (The 511st)
Secretary, M oses Blake, O sborn e R oad.
The 617th - S ecreta ry ;
M oses Blake ; S o 'ic ito r, J. F. Sargeant, W okingham and C row th orn e.
Surveyor, J. W atts, W okingham .
The C ounty P olice Station and C ourt House, situ a ted in th e R e c to r y
Road, w as e r e cte d in 1905, and is c o n s tru cte d o f b rick , c o v e r e d w ith
red tile and w h ite ston e dressin g . The b u ild in g con tain s a C ourtH ouse,
M agistrates’ Room , P o lice Offices, and qu arters for th e Su perin ­
tendent In sp ector, m arried and sin gle con stab les, and stables, garden
and large d rill ground. S u perin ten den t o f P olice, Charles G oddard.
Wokingham H abitation of the P rim rose League.— R u lin g C ou n cillor,
Lieut.-Col. J. B. W alker ; Dame P residen t, M rs. M urdoch , B uckhurst,
London R oad ; Treasurer, M r. E. V . R ob in son ; Hon. S ecreta ry , M iss
Alice A nnesley, M e a d o w cro ft, W okingham .
B anks.--M essrs. B arclays' Bank, Ltd., w ith w hich is in co r p o r ­
ated J. and C. Sim onds and Co., 31, M a rk et P la ce - open d a ily from
10 to 4, e x c e p t W edn esday (9.30 to 12.30); manager, E. V. R obin son .
London Office, 54 Lom bard S treet, B.C. London, C ou n ty and W est­
minster Bank, Broad S t r e e t - open d a ily from 10 to 4 o ’c lo ck , W edn es­
day 9.30 to 12.30 o ’c lo c k ; M anager, R o b e r t M cE w an.
W okingham
Savings’ Bank (established 1818) n ow in co rp o ra te d in th e R ea d in g
Savings Bank. W okingham T rustees, D. N. H eron, T. E. Ellison, H.
Butler and James W atts. M anagers, E. C. H ughes, J. M anley, H.
A. Hammond, .1. W. Laird, D. D ent, J. J. Evans, C. Kendall, W. T.
Martin, C. H. R ose, R ev . H. M. W alter, A. T. Heelas, H. A 11w righ t, J.
Hammond, R ev . F. W. Saulez, Dr. W. G. Nash and R ev . E. E. Smith.
Actuary & S ecretary . James M ay, 19, Broad S treet. T reasu rer, J. H.
Simonds. A u ditor, J. H. Byard.
National S ociety fo r the Prevention of C ru elly to Children (W okin g­
ham D istrict B r a n c h ).- P residen t, M rs. M u rdoch , Buckhnrst, London
Road, W okingham . C orrespon den t and Hon. T reasu rer o f D istrict,
Mrs. T yndale Heelas, W eston H ouse, M u rd och R oad, to whom all
comm unications, su b scrip tion s and don ations should b e sent.
Wokingham P ictu re Palace L im ited - 10 Broad S treet. S ea tin g
accommodation for 300. Open on W eek -da ys 6.30 to 10 p.m. P r ice s 1, -,
Rd. and 3d., M a tin e e s /o n Saturdays. D irectors fo r y ea r en din g
March. 1916; M essrs. A. E. Butler. T. B. Pither and H. Newman,
Secretary and R e g is te re d Office, A. E, Priest, 28 Broad StreetCarriers.—
Barnard, A. G., from B racknell to R ea d in g (Black H orse Inn), .daily,
except W ednesdays.
Cooper, A., from Cam berley to R ea din g, daily e x c e p t W ednesdays.