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Petherbridge, George Thomas, 21
Hemdean road, Caversham
Peto, James Winder, Priory lodge,
7 Denmark road
Petty, Benjamin, Southill, 2 Albert
road, Cav
Petty, Charles Henry, Broadley, 47
Blenheim road, Caversham
Phelan, George M., 7 Priory av
Philbrick, Charles, Summerfield, 22
Sonthcote rd
Philbrick, Charles A., Aviemore, 200
Tilehurst rd
Phillip, T. J., 11 Green rd
Phillips, Alfred Arthur, Eastlees, 27
Marlborough avenue
Phillips, E. H. B., Elmsdale, TileÂ
Phillips, James, 2 South st, Cav
Phillips, James Richard, 320 WokingÂ
ham road
Phillips, John, 10 Abbots walk
Phillips, John W., Southbourne, 42
Western Elms avenue
Phillips, Rev. A. D., 21 Denmark rd
Philpotts, Rev. William E., 20
Castle crescent
Phippen, Mrs. A., 385 London rd
Phipps, George, Hanslope villa, 191
Caversham rd
Phipps, William, Pomona house, 1
Milman rd
Pickering, Fredk, 15 Carnarvonrd
Pickett, Harry H., 76 Kingâs rd
Pidgeon, Elizabeth, 37 Erleigh road
Pidgeon, John, 1 Tilehurst rd
Pierce, Walter, 130 Queen's rd
Pierce, William, 32 Eastern av
Piercy, Mrs., Sandergrove, Crescent
rd, Tilehurst
Piercy, W m , Strathalbyn, Crescent
rd, Tilehurst
Pierson, Mrs. F., Franklands, 13
Down shire square
Piggott, Miss Maud, Donegal, 21
Kidmore rd, Cav
Pigot, A. H., Chewton, 92 Woking, ham road
Pigott, H. Glanville, Mayfield, 221
King's rd
Pigott, Henry, Cambridge house, 79
London rd
Pigott, The
54 Berkeley avenue
R E S ID E N T S .
Pike, Arthur 8 6 Bulmershe rd
Pilgrim, Richard, 3 Castle st
Pinchard, Mrs. Alice, Dulaney, ClifÂ
ton Park road, Caversham
Pinchard, Miss Rose, 56 Talfourd av
Pinkney, Peter, 11 New rd
Piper, James, Trelawney, 55 Whiteknights rd
Pither, Miss, Trevelyn, School rd,
Pither, Philip, 32 Eldon rd
Pitman, Warren, Chedworth, Northcourt av
Pitt, Mrs., Foxley, 25 Redlands rd
Pitts, Oliver, 23 Matlock road, Cav
Planner, A., 23 Green rd
Player, Miss Lucy, 25 Jesse terrace
Playle, George A. F., 61 Lom e st
Pleass, G. J., 154 London rd
Plumer, Fredk. James, 28 Bulmershe
Plumer, George, Culver cottage, 53
Culver rd
Plummer, William, 67 Baker st
Plunkett, F. S., Abbasieh, Kentwood
Pocock, George, 383 London rd
Pocock, James, Westbrook, 4 Morgan
Pocock, John, 127 South view avenue,
Pointer, Miss, 33 Carnaroon road
Pole, William, Stenfield house, 30
Russell st
Polehampton, E. R., Wayside, 117
Wantage rd
Pollard, Fredk. G., 33 Talfourd av
Pollard, Mrs. A. W., Sedgehill, 5
Redlands road
Pollen, G., 20 Hamilton road
Pompey, The Misses, 91 London st
Ponchaud, John, 54 South st
Ponter, H. J., 2 Greyfyiars rd
Pontin, Frederick Louis, Burton
house, 113 Castle st
Pool, Henry, 32 Waverley rd
Poole, Mrs., Warren View, Warren
avenue, Upper Caversham
Pope, Alfred, 129 London road
Pope, Charles, 21 Prospect st
Pope,William E., Glenlea, 58 Kidmore
rd, Caversham
Pople, James William, 311 London