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P R O l' E S 8 1 0 N 8

Dodd & Blaker, solicitors, commis­
sioners for oaths, clerk to county
magistrates and to commissioners
of taxes, 16 Friar street
Dodd, Charles H., solicitor
Doherty, Rev. W . A., b 'a . , vicar of
Greyfriars, 61 Friar street
Doddington, Mrs. M., 1. v, The Blue
Lion, 3 Wolseley st
Doe, E. E., motor & cycle engineer,
578 Oxford rd
Domestic Bazaar Co., Ltd , 80 Broad st
Donaldson, Robert, m .a., m .b., f .r. c.s.,
d .ph., physician, 42 Eastern av
Donnelly, Edward, b r, Oddfellows
Lodge, 62 Caversham road
Dormer, Frederick W., assistant clerk
to County Magistrates and to com­
missioners of taxes, Assize Courts,
Dorset Dairy and Tea Rooms, 35
Whitley st
Dougall, Harry M., ironmonger, 457
Oxford rd
Douglas, William James, grocer, 47
De Beauvoir road
Dowding, Alf. G ., g d,51 Watlington st
Dowell, John H., b r, Ye Butchers’
Arms, 19 Hosier st
Downham, George, grocer, wine and
spirit merchant, 48 Minster st
Downing, Henry, ironmonger and oil
man, 441 Oxford rd
Dowty, J., Inspector, r.s.p.c.A., 73
Kensington rd
D rake B ro s.,
Baker st

N u rserym en ,

Drake, Photographer, 40 Friar street
Drake, John F., accountant 51 Mar­
ket place
Drew & Wooldridge, tobacconists,
32 Caversham rd
Drew, Frederick William, hosier and
draper, 55 Basingstoke road
Drew, .Tames Edward, art master,
University College
Drew, John, postmaster, 16 Norcot
road, Tilehurst
Drew, R „ builder, 2 Stanley st and
67 Bedford rd, 23 George st
Drewett, George, fishmonger, 11
Upper Crown st





Driffield, William, draper, 37 Pros. peet st, Caversham
Dryland, Son and Thorowgood, solici­
tors and commissioners for oaths,
165 Friar street
Duckett, John, greengrocer and
florist, 13 Baker street
Dudden, Charles, butcher, 121 Wok­
ingham rd
Duffin, Albert, decorator, 64 Bruns­
wick street
Duffin, Henry, g d, 49 Elm park rd
Duguid, Charles B., b r, The Hop
Leaf, 163-165 Southampton st
Dunbar, Ernest, fruiterer, 235 Lon­
don road
Duncan, William Robert, g d, 165
Chatham street
Dunn, Mrs., M. A., confectioner and
newsagent, 81 Southampton st
Dunn, W., decorator, 8 Zinzan st
D u n lo p ’ s C o al, C o k e , C o rn ,
hay and straw merchants, and
grist millers, 97-99 Oxford road,.
40 Caversham road, 67 Whitley
street, 8 Wokingham road and 18
Bridge street, Caversham
D unster, H enry F ra n k , B oot
maker, 56 Oxford rd
Dunster & Hodgson, costumiers,
milliners, ladies outfitters, & cafe,
21-23 Queen Victoria st
Dunston, Joseph Newman, oil and
Colourman, 13-15 London rd
Dunton & Sons, wheelwrights, Crane
Durkin, Alfred, confectioner, &c., 48
London st
Durran & Son,watchmakers,jewellers,
gold & silversmiths, 9 Oxford rd
and 11'The Arcade
Durrant, James Henry, g d , 34 W ol­
seley st
Du-Val, G., fruiterer and florist, 139
Caversham road
Duvall, Martin, 1 v, Miller's Arms,
Paddock road, Caversham
Duvivier, M., cycle & motor cycle
mechanic, 91 Oxford rd
Dyer, Alfred, grocer, 2 Wolseley st
Dyer, Harry, pork butcher, 371 Ox­
ford road
Dyer, John, dairyman, 79 Baker st