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V IL L A G E S .

Alclermastnn— continued
Duchesne C., Park farm
Follett, W., ‘ Falcon Inn ’
Ford, Mrs
F o r d , C h a rle s G ., E n g in e e r ,
S h o e in g S m ith an d C y c le
A g e n t, P e tr o l & A c c e s s o r ie s
Frankirm, Robert James, Malt house
Goddard, H., estate carpenter,
Goodall, Tom, Wasing lodge east
Gieenfiekl, F. C., gamekeeper
1[aitender, E. C., ‘ Hind’p Head ’ hotel
Higgs, Alfred, forester, Spring lane
Iremonger, M. W., ¿VIdermaston mills
Jacob, F. W., rod grower, Rose farm
Keep, Henry, bootmaker
Kitt, John, head gardener, Wasing pi
Monger, Miss M ary,. infants’ school
Nash, H., parish clerk
Randall, Alfred, schoolmaster
Smith, Miss M. S., Corner cottage
Summers, Fred, Fronde’s farm
Summers, Mrs. M. A.
Thatcher, T., Malt house
Taylor, C., dairyman,
Walker, Samuel, police constable
Walters, Mrs., draper and newsagent
Albury, J., Beenham parish
Balding, Mrs., The Laurels
Earley, Geo., Secretary, The Brewery
Spencer, Albert, 1 v, ‘ Butt Inn ’
Strange, F. G., Brewery house
Strange, William Draper, Bridge ho.
Turner, E., brewer, Aldermaston
A R B O R F iE L D & N E W L A N D
(B e r k s .)
51 m iles from Reading. Postal
d istrict, Reading.
Arborfield—Area, 1469 acres. Popu­
lation in 1911—231.
Newland—Area, 1227 acres. Popu­
lation 288
Rural District Councillor-—F. W.
Parish Council—John Simonds (chair
man), A. C. Taylor and Francis
William Seymour. Arthur Garret,

St. Bartholomew’s Church -services,
11 a.m. and 6.30 p .m .; Holy Com­
munion, last Sunday in month8 a.m. and 12 p.m.
Council Schools--Arborfield & Barkham. James Hayward, headmaster
Army Remount depot. Veterinary
Officers in charge: Capt. A. Gale,
W. Whitecross
M .R .C .V .S .

Post, money order, telegraph, and
savings bank office.
Letter de­
liveries, week days— 7 a.m., 1.10
6.30 '; despatches, 8 a.m.,
12.55, 1.50, 6.25 p.m. Sundays—
deliveries, 7 a.m. ; despatches,
12 noon
Anderson, Rev. Joshua Alexander,
m.a., The Rectory
Hargreaves, Mrs., Arborfield Hall
Scrivener, Alfred Ebenezer
Simonds, John, Newlands
Barker, C., farmer, Whitehall farm,
Barnes, Edward M., steward, New­
Bryant, J., farmer, Duck's Nest farm
Chandler, Marie
Bushell, J., 1 v, 1Bull In n ’
Clark, William, 1 v., 1The Swan Inn,’
Davis, G., gardener, Arborfield hall
Phillis, V. 0.
Fullbrook, J. II., carrier, The
Garrett, Bros., builder and carpen­
Goswell, T.
Harden, Elizabeth
Hayward, James, schoolmaster,
Council Schools
Jeeves, H. H., Remount depot
Kersley, J., farmer, Hall farm
Love, Ann
Lucas, Charles, Arborfield farm and
Cross Lane’s farm
Mattingley, John Henry, blacksmith,
Post office
May, G.
Middleton, R.
Munn, Mrs.
Newman, George Henry, ‘ The Mole
Inn,’ Newlands
Parfitt.M. H.&Sons,farmers, New farm
Prior, S., p . c .