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Rogers, James, gatekeeper, Shinfield
Salt, Thomas, School Green
Scutter, Frank, Hill side nurseries
Spicer, Ernest, School green
Stevens, H, W., Grange farm
Stevens, Walter, farmer, Parrot farm
Stiff, John, School green
Thick, C., Warren gate
Thorne, Herbert Henry, Cutbush lane
Titcombe, Robert, Cutbush lane
Treacher, Mrs., b r, â Royal Oakâ
V ebb, John, 1 v, 1The Black Boy,â
SMnfield road
Williams, Richard, School green
Wilson, Samuel, market gardener,
Nullis farm, Spencerâs wood
Wise, Mark, School green
(Including part of Biniield Heath.)
2 miles from Henley. Postal
d istrict, Henley-on-Thames.
District Councillorâ Mr. Archibald
R. Brakspear
Parish Council Mr. C. F. Harding
. (Chairman), Messrs. E. J. Hobbs
Arthur Lyford)
Edmund Doble, J. W. Tubb, E. H
Quaint, F. 0. Warner; clerk, E. C.
Overseers â E. H, Quaint and
Edmund Doble ; Assistant Overseer
and Collector of RatesâE. C. Cooke
SS. P e te r & Paul Parish Church',
vicar, Rev. C. A. W. Aylen
Shiplake C.E. Schools, School road
headmaster, E. Langford
Postal district, Henley-on-Thames.
Sub-post offices, Lower Shiplake,
Shiplake Hill and Binfield Heath.
Collections, 8 a.m., and 6.30 p.m
Deliveries, 7.5 a.m. and 5 p.mLower Shiplake is a money order,
savingsâ bank and telegraph office-Postmaster, Arthur Lyford. ShipÂ
lake Hill telegraphic address, Peppard Common. Peppard Common
telegraph office, money and postal
orders only. Letters delivered 7 a.m.
and 6 p .m .; despatched at 8 a.m.
anh 7 p.m. -Postmaster, E, A Fry
Shiplake Cross Post Office, postai
order, parcels, only. Letters desÂ
patched, 6-30 p.m .; deliveries, 7 a.m.
â d 4-45 p.m.; Sunday despatch,
11.30 a.m.; Sunday delivery, 7.30
77 Postmaster, A. Shepherd.
Binfield Heath money order, teleÂ
graph office and savings bank. LetÂ
ters delivered 7.45 a.m .; despatched
5.45 p.m .; Sunday delivery 7.45 a.m.
despatch 11.15 a.m. - r - Postmaster,
Joseph Bartholomew.
A Court, Sidney, Red house
Ash, Mrs. E. M., Gravel hill
Aylen, Rev. C. W. A â The Vicarage
Barbour, Miss Rosa, Mehra
Barbour, Mrs. Mehra
Barnes, Sir Frederic. Gorell, m . a .
d.l ., j p., Eyot Wood.
Baskerville, Col. John, j.p., Crowsley
Batt, Edward A., W oodEdge, Lower
Batt, T. G., Dabchick, houseboat
Bitmead, Mrs. Jane, Gravel hill
Boyer, Henry, The Elms, Shiplake
Buddicom, Mrs. Robert A., Quarry ho
Bulmore, Capt., Myria
Burge, James, Sunnymead
Burge, Oscar, Waynflete
Burton, Benjamin
Butler, John, The Firs, Lower ShipÂ
Carling, Mrs.,M.n.(Brux.), L .s.A .(L on \
The Sanatorium'
Carling, Henry, The Cottage
Chalmers, Patrick, The Chalet, Lower
Climenson, Mrs. E. J., The Grange
Constantine, John C., 3 Rivermead
Cordrey, John, Lashbrook
Culley, Mrs., Sunnyside, Binfield
Cumberlege, F. H., Kingsley
Dawes, Hugh, The Grey House
Dixon, Mrs. Tom, Thistledown, LashÂ
Dobb, H., The Martlets
Douglas, Stobart, Woodlands
English, Mrs., Riviera
Eyre-VVilliams, Mrs., Heyeswood