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Iliff, C. G., 92 Bulmershe road
Iliffe, W. G., 39 Blenheim road, CavÂ
Illingworth, C. H., Tooteâs farm, 16
Darell rd
Ilse, Mrs. H., 11 Eldon road
Imrie, Robert H â Wrottesley, 8 Albert
road, CaVersham
Ingram, William George, 37 Kidmore
rd, Cav
Irmeli, Frederick A., 276 WokingÂ
ham rd
Ireland, Arthur, Kev Repoz, 31 MorÂ
gan rd
Iremonger, Thomas, Hill Crest, 9
Albert rd, Caversham
Irving, Robert J., 26 Eastern avenue
Irving, Henry Belsize, Northcourt av
Ive, Edward John, 40 New road
Jackman, Robert, 32 West st
Jackson, Edward, j .p., 33 Upper Red
lands rd
Jackson, Edward Russell, Highfield,
74 Elmhurst road
291 Oxford rd
Jackson, H. J., Woodlands, 10 WesÂ
tern Elms avenue
Jackson, H. J., Junr., 18 Western
Elms av
Jackson, John, 69 Blenheim road,
Jackson, Mrs. Alice, The Hollies,
2 Priest hill, Caversham
Jackson, Robert, 106 Kendrick road
Jackson, William H., 159 Oxford rd
Jacobs, Alexander, 285 London rd
Jacobs, Charles M., 62 London rd
Jacobs, Miss H. J., 1 Erleigh rd
Jacobs, Robert Courtenay, Kentwood
road, Tilehurst
Jago, Andrew J., 46 Northumberland
James, Charles, 22 Priest hill, Cav
James, Edwin, 71 Castle st
James, F. H., Bartestree, 8 Bulmershe
James, Miss Gertrude, 35 London rd
James, Mrs., 4 Lom e st
James, Mrs. Gull, The Hollies, 103
London road
R E S ID E N T S .
James, Richard Henry, Cliff hill,
Kidmore rd, Cav
James, William, 105 Blenheim road,
James, William John, Dawlish, HemÂ
dean rd, Cav
Janes, Mrs., Packwood, 44 Albert rd,
Jardine, John, 12 Chester street,
Jarman, Edgar, Silverstone, 16 KidÂ
more road, Caversham
Jarman, Josiah T., 204 Kingâs road
Jarvis, Charles A., 12 Holmes road
Jarvis, Daniel, Swanbrook, Gosbrook rd
Jarvis, George, 52 Christchurch rd
Jay, Mrs. W. M., 12 Blenheim rd,
Jefferson, Charles Berkeley, 28
Mansfield rd
Jeffs, John Holland, Grenville, 11
Marlborough avenue
Jelley, John, 35 Oxford rd
Jenkinson, Mrs. Clara, 43, AddingÂ
ton road
Jenkyn, Rev. Cyril W. O., Broadlands, Grosvenor rd, Caversham
Jennings, â ., 33 The Mount, CaverÂ
Jennings, F. E.. 113 London rd
Jennings, Miss Mary Ann, 136 Castle
Jennings, Walter, 119 Kingâs rd,
Jennings, Walter, Britwell, 24 BlenÂ
heim road, Caversham
Jennings, AYilliam, Exwick, 4 Priest
hill, Caversham
Jennings, Willis, West Bay, 112
Blenheim rd, Cav
Jerome, Mrs. M. A., 37 Waylen st
Jeyes, Charles, Frederick, The Croft,
10 Priory avenue, Caversham
Johns, John Edward, 15 Tilehurst rd
Johns, John Ernest, 3 Brunswick hill
Johns, Harry, 36 Waverley rd
Johnson, Captain Wm. Frederic, 10
Craven rd
Johnson, Charles, 6 Hemdean hill,
Johnson, Charles Henry, Glen villa,
Newcastle rd
Johnson, Ernest E., 5-7 Kings rd