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Beetlestone, Frederick William, 28
Talfourd avenue
Beecroft, Miss, Viroflay, Kendrick rd
Beesley, John, 29 Castle st
Beesley, Miss K., Roseleigh, 9 Upper
Redlands road
Belcher, Alfred James, Eldon villa,
21 South view avenue, Caversham
Belcher, Charles, 55 Russell street
Belcher, Mrs., M. E., 115 Castle st
Belcher, Walter A. S., 194 Tilehurst
Belcher, Walter John, Fair view,
19 Hemdean rise, Caversham
Belcher, Walter Robert, Braesiae,
Mansfield rd
Belsten, Ernest, Hollingside, Priest
hill, Cav
Bell, Harry Peel, 71 Russell st
Bell, Mrs. Emily, 63 Baker street
Bell, Miss Marian, Santa Rosa, 8 St.
Bartholomew's rd
Beilis, David 0., 87 Blenheim rd,Cav
Bellew, Reginald, Coniston, 5 Highmoor rd
Benbough, George, Ambleside, 11
Alexandra rd
Bendall, Mrs. E., 97 London road
Bendall, Sydney, Remenham,21 Priest
hill, Caversham
Benger, Harry James, 164 Caversham
Benger, Thomas, 43 Russell street
Benham, George, 76 Erleigh rd
Benham, William John, 47 St. BarthoÂ
lomewâs road
Benndorf, Mrs. E., 97 London rd
Bennett, Arthur, 42 St. Anne's rd, Cav
Bennett, Arthur, Hillcrest, 67 WokÂ
ingham rd
Bennett, Benj. Wm., 2 Kidmore rd
Bennett, George, Acataerlea, 20
Harrogate road, Caversham
Bennett, John L. T., 40 Baker st
Bennett, John William, 188 Oxford rd
Bennett, Mrs. Flora, 32 Wantage rd
Bennett, Mrs. H., 32 Bulmershe rd
Bennett, Thomas J., 303 Oxford rd
Bennett, Wm. Baxter, Haytor, 30
Kidmore road, Caversham
Benning, George, 93 St. Georgeâ s rd
"entail, Airs. F., 8 Lime tree villas,
Norcot rd, Tilehurst
Bentley, Miss L. Mâ 3 Milman road
R E S ID E N T S .
Benwell, Miss M., Shirley lodge, 91
London road
Benwell, Aliss E. E., 19 Carey street
Benyon, John L., Wild Oak, 112
Hamilton road
Bergerson, Sidney, 27 Erleigh road
Berry, Edwin Dennis, Rokeby, Shinfield road
Berry, James J., 21 Culver rd
Berry, Airs. C. A., 149 Oxford rd
Berry, Percy William, St. Woolos,
Grosvenor rd, Caversham
Berry, William, 33 Russell street
Berry, William H., 15 Waylen st
Beetson, 18 The Mount
Best, Edgar C. 7 Kidmore rd, Cav
Best, Mrs. Elise, 95 Blenheim road,
Betts, Airs. Marion, 13 Brunswick hill
Betts, William 0 ., 13 Brunswick hill
Bevington, Harold John, 27 Alelrose av
Bevitt, Arthur, Ivy cottage, 87 ChristÂ
church rd
Bevitt,Wm. H., The Rise, Kentwood
Bibby, J. J., 33 Prospect st, Cav
Biddles, William Byron, Sydney
lodge, 40 Prospect street
Biddulph, Richard F. S. 10 Castle,
Bidmead, William, 44 Addington rd
Bidwell, Arthur, Aloorcroft, Cintraav
Biggs, Samuel, 11 Christchurch garÂ
Biggs, Thomas, 333 London rd
Bignall, Wm. Ernest, 25 Talfourd av
Billett, George Henry, Glen Helen,
8 Warwick rd
Billimore, Arthur, The Bungalow, 71
Kidmore road, Caversham
Bilson, Wm. Thomas, 3 Tilehurst
j Binks, Miss Louisa Zoar Haven,
Basingstoke road
1 Birch, GeoTge Henry, 39 Upper Redi
lands rd
j Bird, Charles Edward, Oakley,Woodcote road, Caversham
! Bird, George, 51 Erleigh road
i Bird, Miss Caroline, 5 Coley hill
| Bird, Misses, E. F. and F., 5 Down\
shire square
Bird, Aliss Louisa, 164 Castle st
Bird, Miss & Mss F. C., 3 Coley hill