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Birch, Thomas, 47 Kidmore rd
Birrell, John H., 7 The Mount, Cav
Bishop, A., 13 Hemdean rise, Cav
Bishop, Joseph, 21 Hamilton road
Bishop, Miss M., 34 Berkeley av
Bishop, Roland F., Moorlands, 117
Kidmore road
Bishop, Thomas Bryan, Caine house,
31 College rd
Bishop, William, Highlands, Shinfield rd
Bisley, Thomas James, 3 Chester st
Black, Mrs. H. E., Littlecot, Northcourt avenue
Black, William Henry, Inglemere, 69
Hamilton road
Blackallâ, Alfred T., Surbiton house,
8 Brownlow road
Blackall, Charles, 20 Hemdean hill,
Blackall, Mrs. Thomas, 44 Baker st
Blackmore, Arthur William, 50 AVatlington street
Blackmore, Mrs Annie, 14 Hamilton
Blackwell, Mrs. Emily, 153 Oxford
Blackwell, Rev. W. H., 29 Eastern av
Blagrave. Henry Barry, Calcot Park
cottage, Church end, Tilehurst
Blake, Charles T., 190 Caversham
Blake, Robert, 33 Zinzan st
Blake, Thos. Holmes, 28 Queenâs rd
Blanchflower, Albert, 43 Lorne st
Blandford, John Robert, Hillside, 11
Wantage road
Blandy, John, 9 Redlands road
Blandy, Mrs. F. J., Freemantle lodge
17 Bath road
Blandy, William Charles, 1 Friar st
Blatch, Mrs. E. A., Inglewood, 80
Bath road
Blaxill, William C., 196 Tilehurst rd
Blay, James, Dalkeith, 10 Belle av
Blay, Mrs. Catherine, Stanton, 98
Hamilton road
Blazey, Henry, 337 London road
Bletchley, Mrs. E., Wyndham house,
86 Crescent road
Blissard, Miss Grace, 9 Victoria sq
Bloomfield, George Robert, High
clere, 34 College road
R E S ID E N T S .
Bloomfield, Henry, 41 St. BartholoÂ
mewâs road
Bloomfield, Robert Thomas, South
view, Bath road
Blundell, Henry, 36 Western Elms av
Blyde, Arthur V illiam, Bancroft, 8
College road
Board, Alfred M., Hinton Magna, 92
Hamilton road
Board, Miss E. R., Hinton Magna, 92
Hamilton road
Bockett-Pugh,Mrs. Alargaret, 6 Castle
Boddington, George L., 33 London rd
Bode, Milton, Westdene, Woodcote rd
Bodkin, Mrs. Marian, 52 Tilehurst rd
Bodle, Walter William, Gosbrook st,
Bodle, Wm. Stoates, 344a Oxford rd
Body, Rev. B. R., 36 Eldon rd
Bogosow, Emily, 12 London rd
Bolam, Miss M., m .a ., St. Andrews
Hall, Redlands road
Bolton, Ernest, 40 Zinzan street
Bond, A. C., 30 Castle st
Bond, Francis Richard, Bourne
lodge, 96 Bulmershe road
Bond, Mrs. J., Rock villa, Armour
road, Tilehurst
Bonnett, Isaac, 4 Waverleyroad
Bonney, Edward, 97 Castle street
Bonney, Mrs. W., My Nook, Oakley
road, Caversham '
Boodle, Dr. Robert, 78 AVokingham rd
Booth, George J., Sefton, Victoria
rd, Tilehurst
Borelli, Gaetano, 79 Oxford rd
Charles, c.B., Lancaster Lodge,
55 Bath rd
Borroughs, Robert James, 21 RusÂ
sel st
Boseley, Dymore, Earley villa, Church
Boseley, George, Elmdene, 3 Western
Elms avenue
Boshell, Thomas, 51 AVaverley road
Boswell, Harry John, AVhitley house,
Basingstoke road
Botterell, Octavius S., Langdale, 33,
Blenheim road, Caversham
Botting, Airs., Glasby, 172 London rd
BottriU, Mrs. J. T., 10 Alexandra rd,