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C A R R IE R S .



T h e places of call and times of departure w ill be found under
the N am es of the Villages pages 106 and 114.
A ld rid g e, W., M ortim er W est

Evans, W., Sh erfleld

A llnatt, W ., g ro c e r, Sonning

F oley, A., B urghfield

A llen, W . E., S w allow field

F rench, T., C razies H ill, H en ley

A lley , A. G., F a rley H ill

G iles, A., W a llin g ford

A g g , C. J., The
bou rn e

G irdler, G., 115 R ea d in g road,
H enley
Grant, C., C hurch farm, H urst

M oors, P an g-

B ailey, F., N ettleb ed
Barker, C. S., ‘ J a ck o f N ew bu ry,’

G reen, J., Sherfield

B aston, Rj., U pper Basildon

H arris, T. & R ., The N utshell,
Y atten d en

Bourton, A., C row th orn e

H artn ett, J. L., Odiham, Hants

Brow n, O. W., H in d’s farm, K in g w ood

H arw ood, G., C heckenden

B urchall, F. E., C becken don

H avell, L., W oo d co te , Ox on

H arper, A., G orin g Heath

Bu tler, B., G ra vel H ill, P eppard

H erbert, G „ Sherfield

B u tterfield, “ N orth S tar,” N orth
Tow n, M aidenhead

H erridge, W., Binfield Heath

Clark, F., P eppard

H iggs, G., H eckfield

Cooper, A., Church st, C row th orn e

Hinksman, A., ‘ G arden ers’ Arms ,.
Crow m arsh

C ottrell! F., Southend, Bradfield

H ouse Bros., H igh stre e t, W at-

C rock er, C., ‘ The W h ite House,
N o rco t rd, T ileh u rst
Cross, A ., T w yford

lin gton
H ow es, J. R., C oldharbour farm,
G orin g Heath

D avy, H., H artford
W in chfleld

Hudson, J., Sandhurst


EnglishHLeather C o., Reading

Johnson, James, M on ey farm ,