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Witherington, D. H., 71 Hamilton
Witherington, Mrs. Ilted, Keneval,
Shinfield road
Withers, Mrs. James, Oaklands, 49
Hamilton rd
Withnall, Edward John Tomkiss, 30
Priest hill, Caversham
Withnall, Herbert Brereton, 51b MinQ tP T
< 5 tT P p f.
Wix, Edgar W., 642 Oxford rd
Wixen, Walter W., 120 London road
Wolfe, Louis, 34 Waylen street
Wolleott, Herbert, St. Helens, 33
Hamilton road
Wolters, Albert William, Desmond,
Oakley rd, Cav
Womersley, Miss Mary, 4 Milman rd
Wooberry, John, 76 Bulmershe rd
Wood, Miss, Hillcrest, Shinfield road
Wood, Miss Mary, 104 London st
Wood, Thomas, 8 Priest hill, Cav
Woodall, Francis W. 87 Waverley rd
Hughenden, Northumberland av
Woodeson, Alfred, 18 Victoria road,
Woodeson, Frank, Croton, 2 Victoria
road, Tilehurst
Woodeson, Richard, Charlton villa,
Armour rd, Tilehurst
Woodeson, Thoma Henry, Cedars
villa, Armour rd, Tilehurst
Woodgate, William, 26 London rd
Woodham, Claude P., 51 Russell st
Woodland, Edward J., 2 Brownlow
Woodland, Mrs. E., 51 Castle st
Woodland, W. George, 59 Pell st
Woodley, Albert D., Little Johnâs lane
Woodley, Ernest J., St. Elmo, 12
Priory avenue, Caversham
Woodley, Herbert E., 82 Hamilton
Woodley, John Thomas, Glencoe, 44
Blenheim rd, Caversham
Woodley, John C., 101 Blenheim rd,
Woodley, Miss Annie, 319 London
Woodley, William, Ivy cottage, ArÂ
mour road, Tilehurst
Woodruff, Thos. R., 90 Kendrick rd
Woods, James, 166 Caversham road
R E S ID E N T S .
Woods, John, 13 Waverley road
Woods, Major, Keston, 5 Maitland
Woods, Mrs. H. E., Manor House,
Church road, Earley
Yaxley, W m , 77 Westfield rd, Cav
Yellen, Francis H., 47 Market place
Yockney, A. L., 17 Mansfield road
York, Mrs. 33 Erleigh road
Young, Matthew, 162 Southampton
Young, Mrs. E. M., 49 Lorne st
Woods, Thomas Henry, 144 Castle
Woodward, James, 231 Oxford rd
Wooldridge, Albert Henry, Glenbrea,
Basingstoke rd
W ooldridge, Charles, 19 Zinzan st
Wooldridge, Henry James, Church
WTooldridge, William, 62 College rd
Sydney Walter, 235
Oxford road
Woollan, Miss R., 25'Carnarvon rd
Woolls, Mrs. Alice, 59 Bath rd
Wort, James, Gloucester villa, ReÂ
creation rd, Tilehurst
Wort, Mrs. Annie, 321 Oxford rd
Wray, Mrs. R. W . , V i r o f l a y , Kendrick
WTreford, Roland, 253 Oxford road
Wrien, Henry Blandy, Whitley wood
farm, Basingstoke rd
Wright, Arthur J., 40 Hamilton rd
Wright, A. J. II., 6 Bulmershe road
Wright, Charles, 39 Caversham road
Wright, Francis H., 7 Addington
Wright, Daniel, 189 Caversham rd
Wright, H., 17 Green rd
Wright; Henry, 1 1 a Duke st
Wright, James Metcalf, St. Denys
Kendrick road
Wkight, Miss E., 79 Blenheim road,
Wright, Mrs. Ann, 160 Oxford rd
Wright, Mrs., Eversley, 18 Kidmore
road, Caversham
Wright, Mrs. F â 46 Tilehurst rd
⢠Wright, Mrs. Harriet, 279 London
., ,
WTright, Mrs. M. I., 47 Russell st
Wright, Thomas R., Rosedene, ores
cent road, Tilehurst