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V IL L A G E S .

Harper, Thomas, dairyman, con­
fectioner & tobacconist
Hensman, G. F., secretary of Poly­
technic Club, Horseshoe rd
Higgs, A. E., milliner and draper,
Reading road
Higgs, H., chimney sweep
Holmes, John & Son, general smiths
and shoeing forge
HummelL., watchmaker and jeweller
Hunt, Thomas A., coal merchant
International Stores, Reading road—
manager, W. Stainforth
Company, Reading road
Lever. Mrs. H., 1 v, ‘ The Star '
London City and Midland Bank, Ltd.
— Clerk in Charge, A. W. Sheldon
Mortimore, E. C., grocer, Thames
Nutlev, E., boot repairer, Station rd
Oram, Richard, fruiterer
Paget, Frederick, stationmaster
Pangbourne Gas Co., Ltd. — secretary,
Albert Butler
Pangbourne Telephone Exchange—
Fry, Francis, caretaker
Pavey, Geo., engineer, Tnames av
Pitney, Lloyd, draper and clothier
Purvey, William J., general sm h
Oakhurst, Reading road
Saunders, M. W., purveyor, fish, ice,’
poultry and game
Sellwood Brothers, grocers, drapers,
wine and spirit merchants
Sellwood, T., cabinet maker, up­
holsterer and antique dealer
Sherwood, Ernest, painter, The

‘ T h e E le p h a n t H o t e l / P a n g ­
b o u r n e ; M o to r G arage, P ost
H o r s e s & C a r r ia g e s — ’ P h o n e

Tegg, Walter J.,Prudential Assurance
Thomas, Richard, hairdresser
Tidbury, Bros., stationers, printers
and newsagents, High street
Varley, R., council schoolmaster
Warner, B., builder and contractor
Watts, G., signalman, G.W.R.
Webb, Arthur,-parish clerk
Webb, Arthur, saddler, &c.
White, T. butcher
Winkworth, S. H., ironmonger and
general engineer - 'phone 68
Wood, Lester, hairdresser and
Wyman & Sons, Ltd., booksellers,
The Railway Station
Wallace, J. P., 1 v, ‘ The George
Hotel ’
Young, G., painter
P U R L E Y (B erk s).
4 m iles from Reading. P ostal dis­
t r ic t , Reading. Area, 877 acres.
Population 1911— 238.
Nearest station, Tilehurst, 1^ miles
St. Mary’s Church, rector, Rev. R.
Letters delivered at 6-30 a.m.
and 6 p.m .; Sundays, delivered at
6-30 a.m.; despatched at 6.35 p.m
Postal orders can be obtained here.
Pangbourne nearest telegraph office

S k ilio n , W illia m & S o n s , U p ­
p e r T h a m e s S t o r e s — F a m ily
G r o c e r s , T e a D e a le r s and
P r o v is io n M e r c h a n ts , F r u it ­
e r e r s & H ou se A g e n ts , T e le ­
p h o n e 49
Smith, W. H. & Son, bookseller.-*,
newsagents, etc.

Clark, Charles
Fowle, E.
Fullerton, Mrs. Downing, Purlev
Heath, William
Hodgkin, Charles Ernest,Purley lodge
Pring, Rev. R., Purley rectory
White, Brig.-Gen., Westfield

S t o n e , E . H ., K e n t’ s
R e s­
ta u r a n t, T e a G a rd e n , P a r tie s
C a te re d fo r
Surplice, R. F., motor end cycle
Surplice, Mrs., Regd. l r . a .m .,
• Reading rd

Burgess, Henry, sexton
Clark, William, cowman, Home farm
Clarke, W „ postman
Dunster, Wm. Charles, Mempes cot.
Edward, Mrs., schoolmistress
Fuller, Charles
Gulliver, John E.-, Westbury farm