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James, Mrs. Elizabeth, 3-5 Silver st
Jarrett, Miss Ellen, 24 Brunswick st
Johnson, Mrs. I I , 54 Waldeck street
Johnson, John, 75 Mount Pleasant
Judd, Harry James, 191 Oats road
Keeling, George, 11 Leopold road
Kent, Walter, 37 Blenheim gardens
Kimber, George, 6 Amity road
King, John, 119 Chatham street
King, Robert, 71 St. Peterâs rd
Lee, John, 39 Hosier st
Lingey, â , 87 Katesgrove lane
Little, Annie, 45 Rupert st
London, Mrs. Ada, 11 St. John's road
Lovegrove, Thomas, 24 Coldicutt st,
Mander, Edwin, 75 Essex st
Marshall, Charles, 108 Elgar rd
Martin, Percy, 80 Belmont rd
May, Albert, 48 Coley pi
Mickle, George Wm., 133 E lgar rd
Moss, Charles, 138 Belmont rd
Neal, William, 41 Alma street
Newport, Charles Alfred, 128-130 St.
Georgeâs rd
Newport, E. H., 9 Manchester road
Nicholls, J. S -, 8 Watlington st
Norris. William John, 88 Wykehamrd
Oke, A. J., 55 Gosbrook rd, Cav
Parsons, Alfred Henry, 103 a Wolseley st
Parsons, Mrs. Annie, 29 Garnet st
Pearce, Hugh, 19 Orts rd
Pearce, Jacob, 7 Granby gardens
Peckett, Walter, 101 Chatham st
Perring, Mrs. Mary Ann, 25 Boarded
Phipps, Joseph, 54 Mount street
Pickering, Mrs., 34 Mason st
Pointer, Frederick J., 29 Briantâs
av., Caversham
Ponder, Ernest George, 1 Little st
Popejoy, Fredk., 112 Wantage rd
Primmer, Walter, 34 Gosbrook st
Prior, Victor, 52 Elm Park rd
Pyke, Mrs. Ellen J., 15 Chesterman st
Richards, Frank, 65 Bedford rd
Richardson, Mrs. Mary Ann, 17
Willow st
Ridgers, Lawrence, 93 St. Peterâs rd
Robbins, Francis, 2 Gloucester rd
Robinson, E., 35 Wolseley street
Rockall, Albert, 34 Great Knollys st
Rose, Thomas H., 74 Kensington rd
Rumble, John W., 22 Arthur rd
Runnells, Charles, 14G Cholmeley rd
Saunders, Annie, 18 Cranbury road
Seymour, Robert, 63 Queenâs rd
Shadbolt, Sidney G., 1 Mount
Shadwell, John Wm., 17-19 Chatham
Shelley, Wm., 21 Prince of Walesâ av
Sheppard, Herbert, 59 Cardiff rd
Sherman, E. H., 36 Recreation road,
Silver, A., 14 Manchester rd
Silver, Mrs. Alice, 7 Cholmeley rd
Sizer, David, 600 Oxford road
Sladden, Mrs. Fanny, 83 Amity rd
Smith, Albert H.,33 Prince of Walesâav
Smith, Elizabeth, 5 Blenheim rd
Smith, Mrs. Bertha, 91 Sherwood st
Smith, Mrs. Phoebe, 14 Mount pleasant
Smith, William, 42 Bedford road
Snow, George, 8 Southampton st
Soden, Henry, 76 Prince of Walesâ av
Spokes, William, 7 Greyfriars rd
Spyer, Harry, 1 Elgar rd
Staniford.Mrs. Caroline, 103 Wolseley
Streek, Sidney, 61 Mill lane
Striake, Leonard, 59 Pitcrolt av
Taylor, Charles, 126 Southampton st
Thrift, Edgar Arthur, 52 Cranbury rd
Tillen, Edward, 31, Salisbury rd
Titcombe, Thos., 37 Great Knollys st
Turner, G. E., 31 Upper Crown st
Vass, Mrs. Eliza, 175 Chatham st
Vincent, H., 30 Letcombe st.
Warden, R., 20 Albert rd
Waugh, John, 46 Prince of W alesâ av
Webb, James, 2 Piggotts rd
Webb, Miss Sarah, 30 Beecham road»
Wetten, Mrs. Harriet, 15 Sherman rd
Wheeler, Mrs. F. E., 8 K in gâs
Meadow rd
Wheeler, Richard, 39 Cardigan rd
White, John William, 41 Carnarvon
White, William, 36 Spring gardens
Wicks, John, 69 Silver st
Williams, George, 27 St. George,s
Wilson, Miss E., 47 Manchester road
Wing, Mrs., 36 Kensington road
Woodbridge, George, 37 Pitcroft av
Young, Albert George, 24 Spring