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Greenaway, Miss Annie E., g d 52
Spring gardens
Greenaway, Sarah Emma, 1 v, W el­
lington Arms, 17 Howard st
Greenham, Miss J., costumier, 1G
The Forbury and 13 Friar street
Greenhough, Wm. II., chief librarian,
ReadingPublic Ljbraries, Blagrave
G re e n sla d e & Co., P rin te rs,
L ith o g ra p h e rs,
D e s ig n e r s ,
and Illu m in a to rs
F a c to ry
B rid ge, K in g ’ s rd


Ilabgood, George, plumber, Armour
rd, Tilehurst
Haddock, Robert J., builder and
decorator, 90 Prince of Wales’
Hadley, Bert, hairdresser, &c., 58
Southampton st
Hadley, Charles, fish frier, 38 South­
ampton st
Hadley, Charles, confectioner, 48
Southampton st
Hadley, Edward, fish frier, 46 Pros­
pect st, Caversham

Gregory, Edward, g d, 71 Wolse y st
H a d le y , H a r ry , re fre s h m e n t
Gregory, George, bootmaker, 55
contractor, &c., 148 Caversham rd
Norfolk rd
H aigh , G. & H op p in g, W illia m ,
Grey, Albert, farmer,Woodland farm,
plumbers and painters, 6-8 StanLower Henley road
shawe rd
Grieg, David, provision merchant,
Haines, William,bootmaker,52Friarst
27-28 West st
Haines, Thomas & Son, 63 Field rd
Griffin, Mrs., teacher of music, 82
Hale, Chas., fruiterer, 351 Oxford rd
Liverpool road
Halfacre, Mrs. Alice, confectioner, 155
Griffiths, Mrs., upholsterers, 94 ;
Cranbury road
Castle st
Halford Cycle Co., Ltd., 7 Oxford rd
Hall, Amos, bootmaker, 62 Essex st
G r ig s b y , M r s . H an n ah , board~
Hall, Harry, dairyman, 66 Erleighrd
ing house, 53 London rd
Hall, John, china, glass, earthenware,
G ro v e , N u rse , p riva te n u rsing
rivetter and repairer, 21 Charles st
h o m e , 2 6 , B u lm e r s h e road
Hall, John, wheelwright, Star rcT,
Grove, M., tobacconist 23 St. Mary's
Hall, Miss A., confectioner, 189
Grover, Mrs. Martha H., g d, 68 De
Cranbury rd
Beauvoir rd
Hall Place Dairy (proprietor, J.
Sheep wash), 24 School road, Tile­
Guilding, Lansdown M., M.A., M.B.,
M.R.C.S., surgeon ; medical officer
Hall, Norman, brassfounder, 3 Ivatesto Reading Union, 1 Sidmouth st
grove lane
Guilmartin, Thomas, ironmonger, 29
Hall, Robert II. Kemp, principal of
Prospect st, Caversham
Reading Collegiate School,
Gundry, William, lv , Nag’s bead,
Clarence house, 81 London rd
5 Russell st
Hall, W. W., builders’ merchant,
Gunter, James, house decorator, 16
Broadway buildings, Station road.
Norwood rd
Hallaway, Ernest, b r, 34-36 King’s
Gutteridge, Albert, fruiterer, 113
rd, Caversham
Gosbrook rd, Caversham
Hallett, John, g d, 70-72 Essex st
Hambling, George, chimney sweep, 3
Guttridge, Henry, carman, 6 Whitley
Coley passage
park lane
Hamer, C. H., baker & confectioner,
Guy, N., tobacconist and newsagent,
25 Church road, Caversham
109 Wokingham rd
Hamilton, C., g d, 33 Kensington rd
Gwilliam and Son, brickmakers,
Hamilton, Miss Katherine, prepara­
Whitley kiln, Basingstoke rd
tory school, Arlingford, 8 Blen­
Gwilliam, Albert James, boot re­
heim road, Caversham
pairer, 288 Oxford road