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Marcs, John, tailor, 63 Catherine st
Mares, John, Ltd., tailor, 10a. Tudor rd
and Howard Hall, Hosier street
M a r g e tts , Joh n H e n r y & S o n ,



M a s o n ,T h e M is s e s , S h o rth a n d
T r a n sla tio n , T y p e w r it in g &
G en era l C op yin g O ffice, Town

hall*chambers, Blagrave street
builders and contractors, 114-118
Matthews, II., civil engineer and sur­
Castle st & 65 Brunswick st
veyor, 87 Recreation rd, Tilehurst
Marguerite, Madame, milliner, 27 | M a t t h e w s , H orace J a m e s , b r„
Queen Victoria st
wine and spirit merchant (whole­
Marguerite (Miss M. Wells) milliner,
sale), 128 Wokingham road
66 King’s rd
Matthews, James, b r, Richmond
Marie, Madame, milliner, 15 Station rd
Arms, 9 George stiect
Marks and Spencer’s Penny Bazaar,
Mattingley, Charles, hairdresser, 6
25 West street and 12 Broad street
Prospect street, Caversham
Marks, Edwin, bootmaker, 18 MunMaud, John, watchmaker, jeweller &
deskv st
optician, 41 Friar st
Marsh & Co., engineers and boiler
Maurice and Guilding, surgeons, 56
makers, Short st
London st
Marsh, E. G. L., & Co., boat builders,
176-178 Caversham road
Maurice, Edmund S., bootmaker, 18
Crown st
Marshall, E., ticket writer, 18 Union st
Marshall, Miss G., dressmaker, 19
Maxwell, Mrs. K. B., confectioner, 35
Prince of Wales’ av
Cross st
May, C. & A., photographers, 90
Marshall, W. C „ 1 v, Tudor Hotel,
London st
53 Grey friars’ road
Marshall, W. G., fruiterer, School rd, ; May, Henry, Dean’s farm, Bean’s rd,
Tile hurst
Martin, Abijah, tailor, 17 Cross st
May, Henry, g d, 48 Coley place
Martin & Martin, solicitors, London
May, Henry Charles, g d, 22 South­
«feCountyBankchmbrs., 16 Market pi
ampton st
Martin, Frederick Wm., solicitor and
May, Hubert, solicitor, 22 The Forbury
commissioner for oaths, 16 Market pi
May, John, chair cancr, 23 KingsMartin, J. Lancelot,solicitor,Coroner
for the Borough of Reading, 16
gate st
Market place
May, John J., baker and grocer,
School road, Tilehurst
Martin, John W., notary public,
May, John H., ironmonger, 9 Gun st
•solicitor and commissioner for
oaths, 16 Market pi
May, Joseph, J., baker, School rd,
Martin, Percy, g d, 80 Belmont rd
Martin, Reuben, park constable, Pal- | May, Raymond Augustus, dining
mer park
rooms, 39 Bridge s t ; wardrobe
dealer, 33 Bridge street
Martin, William T\, butcher, 44
May, Robert, b r (off), 12 Rupert st
Erleigh road, 90 Whitley street,
May, Thomas, fruiterer and horse
96 Castle street and 28 Lynmouth
slaughterer, 65 Great Knollvs st
road (wholesale)
Maslcell, F. H.,undertaker and monu­
May, Walter IL, confectioner, 12
Prospect st. Caversham
mental mason, 318 Kings road
Maslen, A., ¿a'dener, 29 William st
May, William Norman, m.d., physician,
173 Wokingham road
Maslen,- Arthur, County court high
Mayes, Frederick, restaurant, 89
bailiff, 172 Friar st, commissioner
for oaths
Caversham rd
Mason, Mrs., wardrobe dealer, 87
Maynard & Son, steam launch pro­
Friar si
prietors, 22 Caversham road
Mason, R., carpenter and joiner, 20
Maynard, Ri •’ ard E. A., Reading
Battle street
Reporting Agency, York road