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Hunt. Brothers, grocers, wine, spirit,
and bottled beer agents, 17 Duke
Hunt, Edward, g d, 10 Alpine st
Hunt, George, b r, Butchers' Arms,
Lower Armour rd, Tilehurst
Hunt, James, 1 v, Jolty Brewers, 26
Tilehurst rd
Hunt, John, Gray's farm, Basing­
stoke road
Hunt, Miss Helen, dressmaker, 10
Wist on terrace, Friar st
Hunt, Thomas, Bookseller, stationer,
etc., 30-31 Market pi
Hunt, Thomas, coal merchant, 16
Armour rd, Tilehurst
Hunt, Thomas, toy and fancy stores,
12 Covered market
Hunt, Walter C., corn, seed and for­
age merchant, 15-16 Broad street,
and 2 Gosbrook st, Caversham
Hunt, W., boot maker and g d, 130
Wilson road
Hunt, William, mason and slater, 28
Junction rd
Hunt, William John, shoemaker, 72
Sherman rd



Hutchins, Geo., fish frier, 54 Elgar rd
Hutchins, John, fish frier, 73 Orts rd
H u tt,

Thom as

W i ll i a m ,


master, Gosbrook road, Caversnam
Hyde, Mrs. Eliza, g d, 64 Blenheim
Hyde, William, fish, game and ice
stores, 24 Queen Victoria st
Hymas, Walter A., electric engineer,
481 Oxford rd

Ilsley, Alfred, carrier, 51 Norcot rd,
Im p e ria l M o to r s , L td ., 7 5 , 77=

8 7 a Castle st
Incandescent Fittings Co., wholesale
and retail Winslow, A. E , 46
West st
Ind, Coope & Co., Ltd., vrine and
spirit merchants - Brewery stores
and offices, 52-54 Caversham rd—
Tame, T. R., manager
^Edward’s buildings, Station rd
Inman, Mrs. Florence, g d , 50 Alpine
Insell, W., tobacconist, 13 Station rd
H u n tle y , B o o rn e & S te v e n s ,
International Tea Co.’s Stores, 237
tin box makers ; offices, |
London rd, 437 Oxford rd and 23
122-128 London s t ; factory, Crown
Whitley st
st, Southampton street and Church
Iremonger, Charles, Ford’s farm,
Church end, Tilehurst
H u n tle y & P a lm er, L im ited ,
Iremonger, F. J., g d, 36 Field rd
B isc u it F a ctory, K in g ’ s rd,
Iremonger, Frederick, chimney,sweep
F o rb u ry rd, etc.
400 Oxford rd
Hurry, J. B., M .D., M .A., physician &
Iremonger, Mrs., dressmaker, 520
surgeon, Westfield, 1 Southcote rd
Oxford rd
Hurst, G. M. board residence, 144
Irons, E. C., toy manufacturer, 54-5
Oxford road
Oxford road
Hurst, Mrs. Rose, g d, 70 Brunswick 1 Is te d , A lb e r t J a m e s , a ssu ra n ce
office, 246 Oxford road
Hurst, T., tobacconist, 18 The Arcade i Isaacs, Harry, Proprietor Moss’s
Hurst, Richard, piano tuner, 71 Car­
Boating Establishment, Thames
narvon rd
side— ’Phone 1038
Hussey, G., boot maker, 16 Crom­
Ivermee, Charles Albert, ham and
well road
beef stores, 143 Caversham rd
Hussey, Geo. F., bootmaker,67 York rd
Hussey, Henry, bootmaker, 16 Crom­
Jack, Mrs. Elizabeth, b r, The Red
well rd, Caversham
Rose, 98 Southampton st
Hutchings, II., g d , 57 Weldale street
Jackman, John, cycle dealer,- 66
Hutchings, J. & Son, ladies’ tailors,
London street
43 Friar st
Jackman, Robert, Café Temperaiice
Hutchins, Elizabeth, 1 v, The Golden
and Commercial Hotel, 32 West st
Key, 152 K ing’s road