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Write to Standen & Taylor, Ltd., Broadway
Buildings, R e a d i n g . _________

"iN D E X ^ T O ^ T I L L A G E S .
A l d e r m a s t o n ...............................................6 5 6
A ld e r m a s to n
A r b o r lie ld

w h a r f ........................... 6 5 7

a n d N e w la n d



s c o t ..................................................................6 5 8

N e w la n d (s e e A r b o r fie ld )
P a d w o rth




P au gb o u rn e



P la y h a tc h

A s h a m p S t e a d .............................................. 6 6 1

P u r l e y ...........................................


A ssen d en

...............................................6 6 6

R em en h am


B a rk h a m


R o th e r fie ld

B a s ild o n ,

.............................................. 6 6 2


G rey s

R o th e r fie ld P e p p a r d





............................6 6 2

R u sco m b e



...............................................6 6 3

S an d h u rst





S h in fie ld

B i n f i e l d ..................................................................6 6 4

S h ip la k e

B in fie ld

H e a th

S ilc h e s te r

B ix


B a s ild o n , L o w e r
B eech

H ill

B eenham

B la c k w a te r



( s e e S h ip la k e )



S in d le s h a m

B r a d fie ld

.............................................. 6 6 8

B r im p to n

...............................................6 6 9

S o u th

S to k e

...........................................6 7 0

S ta n fo r d

B u r g h fie ld

.......................................... 6 7 1

S to k e R o w

O a m b e r le y

S tr a t,fie ld

Y o rk to w n





T u r g is

S tr e a tle y


........................7 2 7


S tr a tfie ld s a y e

an d


D in g le y

C a lc o t (s e e T ile h u r s t)
(S e e K id m o re E n d )


...............................................7 2 4

W ood

B u c k lc b u r y

C an e E n d


B earw o o d

S o n n in g E y e

S p e n c e r ’s

(see C ro w th o rn e )


S o n n in g C o m m o n ( s e e K id m o r e )
S o n n in g &

B ro ad m o o r



........................... 7 2 9



.......................................... 6 8 0

S u l h a m .................................................................7 3 0

.......................................... 6 8 1

S u lh a m p s te a d

A b b o ts



S u lh a m p s te a d

B a n n is te r



E a r l e y ............................................................. 6 8 5

S u u n in g d a le


E a sth a m p ste a d

S u n n in g h ill

...............................................7 3 4

C h eck en d on
C ro w th o rn e
D u n sd en

an d

P la y h a tc h



....................... 6 8 7




E m m e r G r e e n ..............................................6 8 9

S w a llo w fie ld

E n g le fie ld

T h e a l e ................................................................ 7 3 6

.......................................... 6 8 9

.............................................7 3 6

........................6 9 0

T h r e e -m ile

....................... 6 9 1

T id m a rs h

...........................................7 4 1

G o r i n g H e a t h .......................................... 6 9 3

T ile h u r s t

........................7 4 1

G o r in g - o n - T h a m e s

T w y fo rd

E v e r s le y

(H a n ts )

F in c h a m p s te a d

G r a z e le y
H a re H a tc h
H a rp sd en
I le c k fie ld
H ig h m o o r

....................... 6 9 3

.......................................... 6 9 5


C ro ss

........................7 4 0

...........................................7 4 2

U f t o n N e r v e t ............................................. 7 4 5
W a lth a m

S t. L a w re n c e



..........................................6 9 6

W a r fie ld

...........................................7 4 7

..........................................6 9 7

W a rg ra v e

...........................................7 4 7

C ro ss


ig h m o o r


u r s t ............................................................. 6 9 8

W a s i n g ................................................................7 4 9
W e llin g t o n C o l. (s e e C r o w t h o r n e )

K i d m o r e E n d .............................................. 7 0 0

W h it c h u r c h

M a p l e d u r h a m .......................................... 7 0 2

W o o d c o te

M id g h a m

.......................................... 7 0 3

W o o d le y

M o r tim e r

.......................................... 7 0 3

W o o l h a m p t o n ............................................ 7 5 2

.......................................... 7 0 0

Y o rk to w n

N e ttle b e d

........................7 5 0
........................7 5 1


S a n d f o r d ...


( s e e C a m b e r l e y ) ...

For Copying and Translations,