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Hobbs, William T., 1 v, ‘ Victoria
A n n s'
Holt, W ., steward. Park farm
Hooper, Mrs., grocer, Rose hill
Howell, Miss, dressmaker
Humphries, James, dairyman, Amen
Jarvis^ Alfred, builder, The Common
Jones, John, butcher and dairyman
King & Son, harness makers

K islin g b u ry , Reginald,
P a in te r an d P lu m b e r, T h e
T errace
Mai'tih, A;, confectioner
Maskell, Richard,farmer, Amen corner

M ip c h iu , B ro s., H a y , S tr a w ,
Seed, C orn & C oal M erch a n ts,
B rick a n d P o tte r y M anu fac~
tu rers
Minors', P., farrier and general smith
Munday, Charles, bootmaker
North, Mrs. H., stationer, post office
North, W ., Billingbear farm
Park Farm Daiiy, Ltd.
Pither, T., Rose hill
Rice, Arthur, 1 v, ‘ The Shoulder of
Mutton ’
Rogers, L. R., grocer, etc., Pope’s
Wood Post Office
Rose, J., h r , ‘ The Bladebone '
$\yfield, David, baker, Rounds hill
Statham, F. G. 1 v, ‘ Bee Hive
Inn ’
Terrey, Frank, carpenter, Pope’s wood
Terrey, W . T., Holly villa
Thorpe, J., Brooklands farm
, steward Working Men's

W e b s t e r , W . B ., T a x C o lle c to r
and assistant overseer; bee-keeping
appliance manufacturer and expert;
insurance agent; clerk to the
Parish Council— The Apiary
Wernham, Charles, carman, Hill cot.
Westall, John, 1 v, ‘ The Bridge
House' Inn
West, Joseph, Cabbage Hill farm
Wild, W. H.
Woodman, W . E., hairdresser
Woolford, George, r . s . s ., registered
farrier, The Chestnuts

t\ miles from Henley. Postal
D istrict Henleij-on-Thames.

.1 70 .

Deliveries of letters and
parcels : — Week days, 6. 1 0 a.m.,
1 2.3 0
p.m. Sunday, 7 a.m. There is
no delivery of parcels on Sundays.
Despatches, week-day, 6 .2 0 and 10.45
a.m. and 6.0 p.m.
Sundays, 11.55
Sub-Postmistress, Miss E .
Lower Assenden
week-days, 6.25 a.m. and 12 noon.
Sundays, ‘ 6.25
1 0.50 a.m. and 2 .45 and 7.5 p.m.
Sundays 11.45 a.m. Sub-Postmaster,
John Froomes.
Nearest office for money orders and
telegrams. Henley
Nearest telegraph office, Nettlebed
District Councillor - Frank Grant
Parish Council— Messrs. Frank
Grant, Rev. C. W . Formby, Wm.
Clark, E. II. Iloare and Austin May,
Frank Grant and
William Clark ; Assistant-0 verseer,
Austin May
Parish Church ReClor, Rev. C.
W. Formby, m.a. ; Clerk and Sexton,
William Clark.
Burton,Col., Orchard Dene, Assenden
Clinch, Mrs. J., The cottage, Bix hill
Cousins, Col., Manor house
Doyne, Mrs., Bix Hill
Fleming, R., Nettlebed
Formby, Rev. C. W ., m .a ., The
Froud, Horace, N., Myrtle villa
Froud, James, Mill house
Froud, Samuel, Middle Assenden
Froud, Walter Henry, Spring villa
Hoare, Hugh E., Bix Hall
Houghton, The Misses, Wistaria
Ruck-Keene, Mrs., Swyncombe
Cannon, F. J., Assenden dairy farm