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CAM 67!)

G. J . P A Y N E & C o .,
(By Special appointment to the Royal Military College!
1 4 5 -6


B O O T M A K E R S .


M ilita ry O u tfits a S p e c ia lity .


’P h o n e


C am b erley .

London and Provincial Bank, Ltd.—
Norman, D. G., postmaster, the post
manager, W . G. Cracknell
E., bootmaker, 4 3 Park st
London Road Bakery Co., F. Lucas
R. P. & Sons, general drapers,
London & Provincial Meat Co., 68
outfitters and complete house
High street, also London road
furnishers, London road
Longhurst, E., newsagent, 200 Lon­
Page, James, draper, 8 -1 0 High st
don road
Pank, H. & Sons, ironmongers, &c.
Longhurst & Sons, builders, 201 Lon­
Parsons, A., York restaurant, Frim­
don rd
ley road
Love, II., Gordon rd post office
Parsons, R. J., grocer, Frimley rd
Luff, G. W ., 1 v, ‘ The Hope Inn '
Pauer, W ., veterinary surgeon,
Lunn H. C., ironmonger, 153 -1 54
High st
London rd
McGlinchy, F. A., grocer, King’s ride
P a y n e & C o ., G . J ., M i l i t a r y
Markham, Frederick, draper and
B o o t m a k e r , 14 5 = 6 L o n d o n r d
hosier, 35-37 High st
Pearson, F. & Co., confectioners,
Markham, S., tobacconist, 61 High
4 0 High st
P e r m a i n , R o b t . , <5c L y f o r d ,
Markham, W ., tobacconist and con­
estate agents & auctioneers, High
fectioner, 9 High street
Marsh, F. T. S., solicitor, Sandridge
Phillips Bros., cycle & motor agents
house, Waverley Drive
Martin, James, coal merchant, 175
Post Office Telephone Call offices,
London rd
Park st and High st
Martin, James, confectioner and
Potter & Son, hairdressers, 195 Lon­
don rd
Potter, George & Co., music ware­
Mason, Mrs. M. G., restaurant, 1C1
house. 51 High st
London rd
Poulter, H. Reginald & B. A., archi­
Masters, Mrs. Ellen, jeweller, London
tects, London rd
Pratt. Henry J., grocer, 32 High st
Maxim, Thomas, 1 v, ‘ William the
Prole, Miss, fancy stationer. High st
Fourth,’ Frimley road
McRoy, W ., draper and milliner
Putnam, Alfred, grocer, 2 6 London rd
| Pyle, Harry, tailor, 19 London rd
Miller & Sons, grocers, Frimley rd
Radford, Lucie, milliner, High street
Munday, Maison, hairdresser, 58
High st
Robert’s Cash Stores, Park st
Municipal Offices, London rd
Robinson, Frederick, photographer,
High st
Nailer & Sons, boot makers, High st
and London rd
Rumble, C. D., cycle shop, London
Newman, H. & T., saddlers