Berkshire and The War: the "Reading Standard" pictorial record. Volume 2.  p 415

Image Details

Title Berkshire and The War: the "Reading Standard" pictorial record. Volume 2. p 415
Date 1917
Page number 415
Publisher Unknown
Description Not available
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Pte. A . CURTIS , Royal Berks Regt., 12, Smith'€™s Buildings, Greenham.- Wounded.

The late Pte. F. E. CURTIS, 8t h Batt . Royal Berks Regt . , 12, Smith's Buildings, Greenham. -Killed in action.

Pte. WM. HENRY HUMPHRIES, 5th Batt. Royal Berks Regt., 5, Queen,€™s Cottages , Sidmouth Street , Reading. Wounded.

Pte. FREDK. HAROLD HUMPHRIES, 2nd Batt. Royal Berks Regt . , 5, Queen'€™s Cottages , Sidmouth Street , Reading . -
Wounded .

[Photo by Donna Roma.
Lce . - Corpl . S. L. GREEN, 5 t h Batt. Royal Berks Regt., 44, Kent wood Hill, Tilehurst . -Wounded (shrapnel
in head) October 13t h, 1915, at t he Quarries; wounded at Givenchy, January 1st, 1916; discharged
from Army (defective vision) August 3rd, 1916. Served one y e a r 357 days .
Previously served six years i n Royal Berks .

[Photo by Donna Rom a.
Lce.- Corpl . A. J. GREEN, 5 t h Batt. Royal Berks Regt., 44, Kentwood Hill, Tilehurst .- Wounded.

The late Pte. ALBERT E. SLADE , Royal Scots Fusiliers, 10, York Place, Chatham Street , Reading. -
Killed in action . Aged 29.
Five brothers are serving .

The lat e Lce.- Corpl . REGINALD SLADE , 2nd Batt . Oxford and Bucks L . I . , 10, York Pl ace, Chatham St . ,
Reading . - Killed in action. Aged 22.

[Photo by Donna Roma.
Pte. A . R. DEAN , 8 t h Batt . Royal Berks Regt., Broadmoor , Crowthorne. -Wounded.

[Photo by Donna Roma.
Corpl . J . W . DEAN , 10 t h Worcester Regt., Broadmoor , Crowthorne . - Wounded.