Eleven small views of Reading area.
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Eleven small views of the Reading area, c. 1900. (1) Shooter's Hill, Pangbourne; (2) the Maiwand Memorial (Forbury Lion) in Forbury Gardens, Reading; (3) Forbury Gardens, Reading; (4) Sonning Lock; (5) The Abbey ruins, Reading; (6) Municipal Buildings, Reading; (7) Huntley and Palmers offices, King's Road, Reading; (8) the Inner Gateway of Reading Abbey; (9) the east end of Friar Street, Reading; (10) general view of Reading from Caversham; (11) Broad Street, Reading. 1900-1909 : postcard with the message "Greetings from Reading," numbered 8047.
Image Details
Image Title | Eleven small views of Reading area. |
Date | c1900 |
Format | illustration. |
Description | black and white postcard 8x13 cm. |
Subject | Unknown |
Ordnance Survey Map Reference | Unknown |
Collection | Local Studies Collection |
Horizon Number: | 1243098 |
Type | Reference stock |
Call Number: | R/C |
Status | Reference |
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