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Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, May 9, 1914. Pg 5

Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, May 9, 1914. Pg 5

Image Details

Title Saturday, May 9, 1914. Pg 5
Page number Pg 5
Date Saturday, May 9, 1914
Publisher Reading Mercury, Oxford Gazette,

OCR Text







AIr _



The death

tb@ Duke of Argyll was r
r~!ltet He Was not
only personal y popular but dUl ng a busy
and useful I fe d d h s Soverel~1l and h s enasneer
country eons der&b e aery ce
'Fot five

ce ved w th profound

vears he occup ed the post of Governo

General of Canada. w th eonsp cuous sue
He travelled m the Dom mon exten
s vely and lost no opportun ty of becom
ng aequa.mted w th th ..t vast reglOn H.

LoRD RU.DDfa AND THE P::a£M-Lord Read n
And HI' J()hn W.a.lter were among~ 8 .~

the annua) dinner of tho Nawspapet P eM Fund
D Lo don 0Ji, F dlloy n BIIt week
The PrlDlo
M n stElr who pres: dod proposed Pt'Oapenty to
the New paper P ell Fund
Lord Relld~ re
p ad ,() the -out of the s tors nnd Hr Wa ter

kno ledge served h m n good stead and go. e

The ebo. rman

the experIence he ga ned was subsequently
&ppl cd n the serv ce of h

other ,ph.res

H s man age

1 9h Royal Pr neess the first

B country
n the Nat anal T ust Lo d P ymou h the Chan
mlln and Ca.non BaWDS ey the Han Secretary
w th an Eng a.ppeal fOJ' he p n thelJ' eff rt! to pu Hydon
of t8 kmd
Ball near Godalrmng a8 1\ memo a to 1.1 8
on and com Oeta a H J liBter of the )Ate Mr Arthur H 11

struCk the pop lar magmat
Read ng. rhe Trust an opporlun ty of
H s death s of
manded Kenera sympathy
obt&1n nil to 8 SutTey beauty sPOt 92 acres of h

d 8t net loss

and the

warmest con

and wood

or £5000

Towardit h18 sum £2000

dolences go 0 t to h • w dow and the Royal has a. eady been raised and the op on of RU
chl\ge ema ns open for a. few mon hs onger
fam ly n the be eavement
Cheques fo the fund ShOll d be sent to tl e Secre
The Budget

as awn ted w th .. great

dcal.. of anx ety wh ch w I not be lL rayed
by its p oduct on It was general y ex


hat the Chancellor of the Ex

chequer wou d endeavour to produce some
th ng n the nature of an elec oneer ng
Budget and the ant c pat on s not far

from the truth

In many features the new


It • to be hoped that the ratepayer w I
get all the benefit wh eh t • a eged he
w 1 get There are already many mur

mu nga on the SUbJ6C
and fa
no nent the e s a, ~ood deal of haz ness as
to how pa t cu a d st eta 0 bod es w 1


h";'n"..lij,.' be affected


On th smatter f lie

ton s awa ted

nforn a

As far as the land taxes

of the 1909 10 Dudget are eonce ned the
tota y e d has been £386 000


value duty has bought n £31 000 Un
de eloped land duty £270 000
To get
these meag e sums about £3000 000 have
not to men on the cost to

'",!". :K"~I'"g; ! been spent

tho.e who have unfortunately come unde


~i~~:'f:~~~~;':~~ the
operat on of these taxes These we e
the taxes that were the character At c
feature of that Budget they were uBed as
a peg upon wh ch t. at ng an e ect once
ng campa. gn
ere to pay fo

Dreadnoughts and soc al reform Is t not
t me that offie al ceogn t on 8 g ven to

t e fact that they "re a d smal a.nd expen
s ve fa lure by abol sh ng them 1


The Arehb ahop of Canterbury has ap
po nted Fr do) Jun e 19 th as a Day of
General Intereess on for the Church n
W 81es

Means are also be


taken to

6p cad a. fuller knowled~e of the charac c
of the Welsh Chu ch B I Though the e
to be very I ttle hope that the

prevent thm B~,~l1~~li~~:~~~;
'li"~~;~~I~B~~OOk w 11tsbe bec•.


ta.rv of he Nona Trust at 25 V to a stree
Westru note S W

IlUUllDAY InY a.
p B. ...... ODd K I(


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