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Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, June 20, 1914. Pg 10

Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, June 20, 1914. Pg 10

Image Details

Title Saturday, June 20, 1914. Pg 10
Page number Pg 10
Date Saturday, June 20, 1914
Publisher Reading Mercury, Oxford Gazette,

OCR Text




-Tltat tbe same facilities for heing ,rrlectly Co.·setetl Elljoye(l ill the
On Friday, Saturday, MOnda!1 atid 'filte8(laY.
West End of London shall be available ill 001' Co.'set Show Room.
June 19th, 20th, 22nd, and 231'C.1.
See Oui Windows for a Perfect Exhibition of Dainty and Graceful Models.

Granted a
of Kerlt
from the
ated III
.titute of

W,ll not
Rust or

899 8 - A charming model low
and medIUm figures


In bust and
In French

WIth det:p close fitting hips
Grey or Wlnte COUld

brOIdery and Vl.uh four serviceable Suspenders attached
Underbusk, and IS a marvel of cheapness

I t IS

Price Sill! per pair

DOWII tothe
Koment for


They are
Brltllh and

suitable for all slight

trammed damty SWISS Em
model IS fitted with a Ilu-;h

ocl etlon In up to date (orstlry SUitable tor all average figures.
K 4 3
n~I'ie prb IU the WIllst In fine White or French Grey Cob II, tnmmed
lowm bust a,: .,~ngLae ow nd completed With (our Rubber Cr pHose fi tlo;penders
hlbbon ThrelLUl;U
CC, a

Price 2 /1U per pair

Trpe 858,
Strongly recommended (o r aU
slight and medIum fIgures
1 hIS Model will
proouce tIl he long' slender natuml figure Imes
which are essentJ31 If thc finest costume IS to be
exhIbited to perfecnon Lo" In bust and deep
below waist I n extra relLable While or french
Grey Coutll, bound nch Satm Ribbon and fitted
With (our extra strong J lose S upporters



Prloe 7/6 per pair


MODEl IOG9 New Venus fitting Model, allOWing
perfect freedom to tbe figure
In Fme \'Vhlte Coutll
tnmmed dainty Lace completed wah (our Hose
Supporters very low In bust and exceptIonally long







1ypc 81,:)2 -The finest shape ror well developcd lit-ures that has e\er been deSIgned ThiS model
Will mould the figure 1010 the most beauhrll I atural form and Will reduce figure Imes below the
\\:mt by at IC:LSt three to fIVe mchcs
It IS extra strong and rehable IS tnmmed dalntY'Rlbbon
1 hreadcd Lace and c mpleted by SIX Hose Supporters
PrIce SIll per pair

~ -



1MPF. R] At.






June 19th to gSrd

Icnmplo of a.lll18l.1oUlSC "' . cn was dCllicrlbod by CanOll CHURCa SOHOOL
MANAGERS AND tolWhlUg 6ft"ectlvcly SeC(lndl~ 1.10 would 88.1 a word a.nd AIr Cordou HIIlB. A \l1>1t \\ns tbeu paId
abcu t tho teacbers From tho finanCIal POlDt or VICW
t.o 1 rlory Purk whor~ stauds all thut remal118 of UIG
t.h oy .... e l"() ooufronLed Wi th Ii. very 6CrlOUS cr1816 par
Oil l'hunoday and FrIday In Inst v. cek tho Bexb GroyfrIars monasterJ
Alderman Hol~ me~ tbro
t leuJa.rly nfI ecttllg theu' Church tralnlllg oolloc C6
!\.rchreolo .. ca l SOClet~ mado tilclr two-drt.ys excursion m<!1l1i>ers thcro 011 d lir Gordoll 11111s statcd that the
were the, hrat. III tho fi eld and tho Importn.llco
1.0 t.ho Hl to n .'b"l:.m., Stlr5Sex City nnd thooo wpo wero frlatH rcmo\ ed to thiS place from theJ.r orlglUal homo
o f ? hlCb It waa qu!t() llIlpo66lble t-o
fortunate enou"h Lo be ruble to aceomp ny tho party a~ St Marya lIoapltal aoout tho ~our 125j 1'1101mc
(H ea r, hear ) Apnrt alwgether [rom tho de nolUma
s pent a \ (!.ry t! llJO) a.blo a nd 1IIStrucL \ 0 tunc lie v ot cI Irch was the sceno of an ordlnatlOll by BlSho[l P()Ck
t lollal pomt. c t l e, tue teac hing profea; on \\&8 illy
t he cathedral c t CoS of Eugland call mal ChIchester I am 1\ 1283 It SOlllctU les bears t.ho I to I) of tl 0
110 moans flO popula r as It was when he \\as a youllg
I ts catiltxlral 1B not 1)0 Ilr .. o and Impa6111~ [I. .structure Gll1ld HrLiI becausc U\<l Guild merchant.... used to h ol l Fa,ourC!u b) d C!hgbtful 1111(1 Juue " cather and ma.n Ihat \~a~ as truo of our great publie l4Cbools
I.S so lI O of t.ho mIghty epIscopal b\llIOLD"S of our t heIr mectlll.,6 t.herc and the a.ssU:3S ",ere 01 C{! h oi I U1 dCI exceptlOl 111) ch lrfmug surround II!;:. tho tit nl
us of oUler ~radCB and kllld6 o £ schools &nd Lhe fm
dIOCese.!! b It. for qUIe t dlgUity and for UIlSl)Oftt oTlglllal III IL lbo part.y wa... condUdod to HSlt one of the quarterly llloetu g of thu Oxtord D OCct>1l11 A.<i5oclahOD a lClal qUesLlOll lay lurgely at tho bot.tom of t.hat
hellu "y It I.':i 1I0 t. surpa.sscd b) my other lU tho liLUd olLi hous es winch COllt UlIS a fino plas collug and O[ G1mrch School Manarrcls and l each ers was hold Ihe 116tonJ8hlO .. s uccess of Roman Catholle schools III
i\l oroo \ el tho c ty Itse lf IS full of obJocts of beaut-y "as U 00 CI t.) dVi elhll!:> of tho F..all of Scarix)lough 00 1 Saturds) tdtcrllOOU ill the deh ghLful grcunds cf many pa.rla Viid U Idoubt.e<lIy duo to tho numoor of
~ u u t..c r t...t 1.ho Marke t. Cross ono of tho fmest III ,I e ro 10 enl:.crtamed Quocn "ho thero fliIl Ide Reml II whe lL It. very large att.endunoo 01 rcllelOus commUlut f:;$ who t.a.ugbt not aa a Jlllld proTilE happy Illediulll heh\ ccn lIuht I\ud hell\Y
LIl .,laI J &<HO perlul.p6 t hat: at MbJmcsbuf)
the r eecn ed tho bOlll!l.gO of th Q CorporntlOll
Needle members ollJoyed tho Jl ooplt.ahty of Mr LCOll~rt.i G feSSIOn bllt all tho bMW o f \ olunt-ary &eruoo From hiS
- 8 la/to It p Ctu Lhnt rides llS fite/ ulll) all
H (If St Mar~ tlie quamt. streets \llth thon mn.kwg was tllOn a. s ll·eclalllldustry of t.ho e ty and SulLoI J P Chumnu of the Rcadm" Educatlcn hoart hf!J dool'red te soo something equl\ale nt to tha t
thongh It n e ighs much m ore
.., rea t. 1:1. Icly of t~t>ca (Jl d Olllcsllc arclutecture the QUOOIl ronalkeu
I trow that It> Icrr Llt.tle Committee who co[(hally w[!lcomcd all
lhe J:athcr for l othln:; was more gloriOUS than \Olllnt..n.ry &en ICC
110uscs co\ eI'od \ t.h creeplllc grool ness from WlSwm& London
TillS namo IS stili apllietl i,o n. str eet III I
1\ Ul honcurod b~ t.ho preseucc for tho ftr" r. tUllO
A light Cur "Ith nil tho economic.!! that
for 10\ 0 ot a grcat cause (H ear h ear
Dut Yihere
t() alllHlopl:llS c ~ e l ~ doo
\\11.11 Its classiC plllal'8 and tho elLY Tho mUlke t eross \b ICh.,rcctcdt bo l lSltor3 cr"t.he Presdeut t.hl;) Lold BI!>hcp of Oxfcrd
e therefrom
t.hey 1;1.1\0 rcmuneratlOn It tihould be a I V ng WQg'l!pcd me t (0;011 C .,ra l o and acl U IS cll as 1tllSS Austeua wbe nc\er th e) $10<1 from the I' hol:.el IS ono of the
lhe day be an With a ceLebratl cn of Hol~ Com ade lunto and suffielClllt (Hear hea r) E o gre atl}
A benutltull) hulll.nced po\\ CI ful pe l tcc tly
chi rudc r", Imgllt. I !l1 0 I l ed 1Il and at least ono au best III England lLlld -';8S tho gift of D shop Store, n IIIL 13 I Lt St "Mar} s at 9 a In f01l0"OO by a. brea k
propOi t.loued (Ilr "ItIt Ii ti \ e seated
pe ril SlleCnTlCl of tl 13 urt of S r ChriSLophoOl "ren a III 1502 Its prcscnt. nppoo.rance 18 dU Q t.o a I estora [wst. a t Bcud tI LI t West.strC(;t. alld b) Mat.lIlt; deSired thut tho teaching profCE&lcn s hou ld 1m Ivcn
streamline !:.Ourlng body
greater freodem And ootter sa larlCs '1'ho scafo of
masterpleco of slIhstantml red bnck nnd l!.llobI61Un tlO ll by tho Duko of Richmo nd III 1746
and a. QUiet 1'imc at St Mar~ s at 11 \\ltb a s l ort. salarlCB was Inadcquate and must be rcmsed for
Equlpmcnt cOlll~letc 111 B\ el ) deLlt1i "lIloh
Dol I
d I
h add css by t.ho V ear (t.ho HoC" H. " ckba n Leg")
t l t) De lli n wl lch t ho SOCiety made Jts headquarters
includes the Studcbtlk e r H~ ~t6 lU o[ t:lec t.dc
ot7re lts., le n a. room big' cncu"h for II.
DIllllcr"as serc a t 16
an ilCllt. O the n l'ctlll a.t Hillsuie at230pln wa.~herdm capable young: m cn and ~omc n wore now r eAWilllS
sturtlllg n.nd dYlllHllO IIght.lIlg
ha.Urcom 11 0 Cit) has many at-tractiOns Iud the members adJQurued to t ho ComIc \ Cl a uber Vihe ro aspacousm;ql~ u ue l t h c prcs dmcy of thc RlrLl t h at. they had Q:.ctter opportulut.IOS III ot.he r profcs
hUIL'le1f a. titTOn'" trado Unlomllt. and
The St.udelJaktlr EOUI HI 80 e tli cicnt t.hnt.
IleI bers of tho Society f01 111<1 qUlw ns much to ltI t.IS " ero rccel\ed by t-hc Mayor aud Mra.yorcss blr Dc
of Rc dl g (tic Itcv n P :\ C\\I OISC \lear of
Ito hOI Od t he t,c.achlll~ profcasion would at.and I().
wrest II CII 1 I It. as .. ('Io lcc.;" \' c: s \ . ar\~ e~ a I .Mrn S \. G tr[ltl d rhere Wit;; an e xllb hon of 51. L~ re a 8)
the Illst exeu!le for p Lylllg 11\0 1 e ( 0 1 l ~n y
:l I othc r n aces \ h tl er tl e, lla\e wanderoo SlnCO tho CorporatIOn pla.t..e und cha of t h e. c Ly
Alde r
U l\~lboCQt Sill th of St Otles Bo3oIS Sel 001 (ll ou gc UH~ r and mako It.s chum knowll and folt. by com
m edlulU 110\\ CI'ed CIU Is Iilmll~ e
Iiurdly hi § Lordship urged that t hey
III Holt d escribed the forne r v.hlch has passed
Md I 'lumber of b I .ntlOn
II e progra l 110 of t he SoClet} h tS 1I1clud od a. h(lo tI u I
1. 1
1836 sceret..'lr} all d correspon e ll allnouu",I~all too reall) to recog'1W;O tho trlll Ls of the tcncherR
10 g lsun
VelS$I Uf05
wasa liC III
blL toattcnd from tho Rurnl life
d a.}/> o.;XCtr:;IOI ll o~ " ero fa\oUlCcl \\Itllcxcelleut
that \\Iulo they dCl3lred to "ci from the m In tho
\\ ellt.llf' r a 1<1 Ih o 0 Iy elrll.\\ back \\ as tho somc" hILt ~ hell lho Corporation WIlS r eformed rhen certaLn ~r~I~~I\~ 0 Mllna~~ of UII\ c rlilh CoHu e All&> EdIth
II U 10 o f Ih e natlOl alld of tha Church the acrnc(!S
te<1 () l.S ulw:l) JOUI C)
c el Liemcll of tho ('.J.t.y Ccrn cd a Mace Soclc l) and l\f S tt..o~ tI 0 VIca r of 81. G less iho lw, 8lcph e 1 U
F o r OOC:lll'to lpilCIl'!(lIlt!OIl o r trllLl "'rite
HO 10) ally I1nd dlhgontly l"(lnde roo
they must
] I 0 I a t, cille I the 1 rcs dCI t ('i\fr C E Ke) sor 11 Ire! asod tI 0 plnte and I r L'SCr.ed It \ nltl recc nt Cormah (UftOlI) MISS Woodlc~ (Ca\crshl m) Mr W
IIlso seo to 1. tha.t the ordinary ccmmumty ef tho
1: S \ ) and :Mrs h.e~ sci tim Re v I H D tchhold t ncs v;lie n t.ho soclcty prcsented It to tl 0 Corpora I I Ro t,h (Chrst Churcb) and ot.hers
CI Irch {It 1 It... best 1.0 bcfrlCud t.hem and to ma ke
J S \ (Jl
S )
D I" Id ld t OI and PlOOes thlt Ind pll.SSCd 1110 [lrnaw hands 00
I d I
to 'I IC Co.
d "
on ec a l ruTS til !\ IS'; Itc I e
I' followod Its (J:lample It conslSts of n. lnr"O mace
Reporl.s \\ere II:lde by t lCl C ega.(:S
ncf~ fr e ndA wlt.h tl cm and let It he seen that they werc
B Hrl.\ cnscrof ( li e
Jreasu lc.r) Mr Gordcn G P of t ho tuno of CharlCB H t "'o 6OrO'canls m;ccs cup a~ Mah ern-'i\rr Sadler (St Jclll S lRoath g) ILl Mr 'ot left out 11 the cold sohtary and unhcfno.ndod
H II1~ (CaLl w ral St n o),or) Mr Radford oOf Bradfield ,;nlt. cellars shoo cks et~ Ch chesLcr also Albert Smith and MISS E M I arhalll of Wcst It. "as from all thOS() p OlO ts of YlQW that. he d efllred
H all i\(r \\ att.s (H OI Secretary of t bo Newbury po.sscsses a Mock CorporatlOlI klo\\u as that of lallllg tho orgnmslIIg &ocretarl of tll<l CClle ral \ s t..o do all that Itl him lay to assISt that Ali6OCln.LIOO
D s.l r ct llcld Cllb) Mr ,\ Mone) F S A the St llancras p~ln<> a mace and ma,cI' s eham of 5Oclatloll ga"e au 11 terest 19 audrc.."S III I\h ch sh o ( \ ppla\ISCI )
Itt!I R laud Mr;::, Newhouso Mil,s Kltc{~t Miss office 'IhlS curlOIlS ~d} Vins founded 111 t.he rei II pClllted out t.he cre t. progress mode b) lito Asso~ n.
A hClI.rh 1 0te of thanks WIla passe<l to tho Dili hop
J... cep P rofessor ,Mrs and MIi[;S \Vtlh lms (Gorll g) cf ,\ Illmn and Marv a.nd formod a 1 Or:lW'O arr t. 0 1 t hrougllout tho K n~do n duru ., 1.ho 1 as l:. two for I ~ ad IrCo/16 on t.ho. propoilltlon of Mr CitOWtrURIf"I"
),Ir H ot cs Ml-"..<; Coo pc18n tI !t115S HlSSCY Mr It l.S Prot.(,,stallt and Co nsenatlve aud ~c~es Ya )oars and c.specla.tly the last. t.vcl (\ mOl thli DUrll g s !'!condod by Mr SlllTIt and Mr Leonard Button was
D n: Mil' I ctrocok 0 Re
A N Jlalpm II d ot.her 10\ Ill" ell I a Id other t re IS Ires The eharkra of t.he 1I 13 ;lea r sho stud t.hey Imd -beb'lJll work 1Tl SCI e n \ (! I Y oOr<hally tba.nked for hiS hOEiP tnllty on the call
1 Hhcs 11 I gcntkmci tho party nUlIlbermg tblrt.) -ono cIty c e\~ d c..cnbc 1 b tho 10WIl Cl erk !Ir LOMer dlOCcsca that bid pIC lOunly nevcr heard of them nnd of A1"chdeucon DuC~T scoon ded by tI 0 RUk..'L DHA......
J1 13 Ii CCCS/l of tho ext."UI .. IO 1 s ma I I) duo to the kllld Cooper and mc1udo ~n. \ery early cno gralltA,.'(]. b t.welvo new branch(!.8 had been ac tually st Irted at.
] en. \\1lJJ t.h e n scncd III tho gnrtlell and a most
'C):ert.lO 15 ct M Gorde n C P Hlil6 Surveyor of tho K ng S t.crh cn Thore arc t\lO gl\en!bJ; H e nry II all~ work
lit o follo ~ ltg btnl.emClt cOllccn us; l oad
tlmo W86 spent after wards In Inspectw'"
~~ cdrtll 1\ \ 0 k Ill \ $ ~blc::rltcr and t.bte sllelg~bo~b ot he rs by sueC{!SSI\O monarchs A great C1Irloslt~ 18 COIlSldera.ble d SCllSS1Cn t.ook place as to tbc proposed ethoI]oyablo
ooaut.lfu\ grounds and t.he COD8ervatorLCS lit lind ether obst.rueLlOlla on l oad ~ "I thl ll t ho CoUllty
fi ~x fe;n e Y d e k an I~c I y ga\ e c OCI C y 0 tho Moon a baUoon..,;haped lan tern placed 011 a re \L\n1 of tho pupil teacher system lllltmtcd by tho II llsido -full of charnung fl owers and plants
or llcrka hUll bcc ll roceHOO from Lho UOld Depllrt
p. ne 0 ItS \1 1 0 110\\
lole that. usod to bo carr od before tho Mavor toO Archdeacon of llerkslmo (U 0 Ve n 'V M G Ducat)
mellt. of tbo AuLomoblle A.s.soclut 0 I a nd l\lot.or
lhe pn rt) left Rendmg by tho 955 tram e.nd g-mu e I lin home\\ards 01 dark e\'elllnfl's
and cootmucd b\ MISS Parham Mr John CroYihurd
A. mcmorabl o day In tho annals of thA AIII'tOC18tlOn Uluon _
tra.\ ellcd by the Scuth Eustern Railway winch 18 lIC~
" (loon Lreasurar of U 8 Ae;.<;ocmtlOlI II d \I cc-chairman closed w th o\ e nsong at St. Lawre nce I'! Church With
MOtOCiSt.s aro \\ arned to c,;orcu;o specia l care )I
lCma lknblo for t ho 13.' t. lcss cr Its trams and delays
At t.ho closo of t.he Olenmg t ho Prosdel t )lr of t ho London C<luucl) alll?tlr \ll erl Smit h the a s ermo I by tho ReI Canon ~\ IT Dnlmmond of
II .. hetYiec n 1I ou1l810 v al d Col I)l oo k ( J oudol
QCcurred .n.~ G t Id tord Ll d 110r.,haro ArrJlUlg nt tJ 0 Korsel exprcssoo to tho Maror tho cnl d al t hu.nks of I llLtters dealt \ lLh arts ng out of Il r C1>Oh t lon passed Jl[a.ld'ellhead ut Ivhlch n auy frt<ll dB of GIn rch schoolll ndrlY
~th road)
S . l;6c:x C t.y at. 145 1I 0 1 arty mado Ita way to tho tI 0 Soc eLy for hw hasp tahty a 1(1 to the speakcrs at tho Congress
and p \ronts of chi ldren attended
I arrlllg III h nnd half II IdLh on thQ Mald c nh ead
Dol l I I \\ hor o adnma.blo arrangements were "ho had ISO ably deSCribed tim trcasur~ of tho clly
lhe B shc ) of Oxford-who h ad bcc n delil~ cd OW11 g
H e ul e> ro.'ld IIl&o he tlYOOIi \\ Ilr.,r Lve !lId Hel ley
mnd o fo r the comfort of t ho m embers Aftor luncheon So e nded thQ ptoceed ngs of the first dny of the c x to hIS ha\lI l rece led tho Roy d Command t.o atte lld
ca r;) nced £! 1 HI tlal"c lllllg o , or tho \Io et. la
11 0 proceed nbS commel ced With tL 'lSlt. to tho Ca cur~lOn
the Chapter of Lho Order of tho Garl;cr at \\ II cIs<ll
t hecl ral \lnu er Lho ., UdUllCC of Mr Gordon Hills
011 Friday tho sun shone bnrrhtly as t.he vlSltcrs tho saml.) dlL3-arrncd lato He r ecCivecl I,. Hlry cor
Jber o th:J. CltJqua~t~~\ cr°tlmo~) tho IteR" ~anoD took up their cumagca and journeyed to Booham dull \l elcome III the uame cf thQ Assocmt.lon from
ones an
a. lOll
as IS Ie
lOlLS In esJ ence 01 0 cf tho most lI1ierestu),; e lUrches n SllMex: It Lho !tural Deno
P&tt.CrCOIll: s WhollMlale C l«o-r Importer Hot.clll and
and h5 Prebe nd ary B eunctt Seated 111 thc nn,e tho
hi d
L_' b h V
!lbops~upplled Tel uUI-17 Mlirket Uendilltt
lne I hc rli I stcncd to a n adllurablo d escrt )t.101l Qf t.h o WIUJ 'ery a y
esorlUL'Q y 1. 0 lear the Rc\
lho BlSUOP said bo was OXoocdlllg1y gllld t.o do an~
llu;tQJY a d rrrclu tcetlr Ii fcat.urcs of ~10 splcndld Macdermott .... ho hIlS cd a gUIde to hiS church thlll .. h o could to olIcr e llcouragemellt to t.hat As
h lid I "
no j rst cathcdral stood 00 I the Island of Iduch eontalns wbundant. Infcrmahcn ccncernlllg It SOCULtlOIl a~d firstly because It \\a.s lLl AssOCiatIon of
MI..,... STF.vID;s dcs res to Thank tI 13 many Frie nds
Se.lse <> v. It ch was "'ran ted Lo 8t. 'VllfTld "bo coO 1 'Vallt of space prevcnts U8 from giVIng a r6sume of h13 thoso \\ho d eSired to mallltulll our schools upon tho \\ ho hl~v o o):prcf;SCd t hClr s) mpathy With h er on th e
t.c~ tho S It.h S..
to e ll st. Uut.l tI 0 (;);ooll ent addres.s 'lho \iSltOl'B thon dre\ e to Kmgloy baalS of Lha Church and tho tCllchl g cf tho ChuTch OCcU!.lon of her 1hrot.he rs dcat.h Ind Tegrets that sh o
C~lqlleBt Se;;5 rcm~~~~1 t.ho scutlof til l) bishopriC Vale or 13 of tho most fnmoUB bea.uty spots III Su.sse3: Tho prO\lons Dlght 111 London ho "as pllHlcgcd t.o 15 unablo to acknowledgo the m .'1 1\ llldl1'ldually
I he I.;)st Saxon Jlrcl t.e Etbelflc r ecel\cd harsh treat,. It wa!l tho secno 01 a. battlo between tbe Sal.:Cl1l> aud preside a.t a mooLulg of till), Oxford MISS 0 1 toO Cal
Manor Farm East Ilsley,
men t from tbo Con leror aud \\ns de rl\OO and tho t ho Danes and 6Cvon KIRgs of tho Da.nes 'W er e killed cntta to ma.ugurnto a groat sclleme for 51..n.rtmg
1'10 maduig :Uld DlStnot Ehtmontary
Juno 18t.h 1914
first Nor ma n prcla1c SLI<'I'and me\2d tbo b shop s III tho sla.ughter and tho mounds or tumult on the CI urch collo~cs tor me n al I for wamc I 11 connectIOn
BWIIlUlllllg AasoclllilOU held Its t Qnth tltlllllHI moot.u g
t.I ro 10 to Cit cI f'st.c r Raf, h de Lull'a. Lbo thud li1.Immtt of tho htll aro suppO&Cd to be thclr g'ra\"c.s w tI tI e projected Unnerslty at Dao.;ca Ih o GOlcrn
a.t the Pa lmer 1'18.1 1 on I rK18) m e uu J; In the tnl
).;cr man hisho (10911123) h~ .... an tho resel t bwldm 1ho&o barrows aro roally noot ~lllc Thq \"alo hll.!! a mcnt. of India. bad becomo ..horoughly dus,sut.l6f1ed
81 0ldablo absenco of the l)r(l6ldc-1 t (MI [ G SuHOI )
lire played h~\oc "' Ith t mC 1114 mit lt \\as rebUiTt wouderflll gro\"o of and a slIIglo oak thn ~ soems " til tho system of IIcn rCSldelltlll and secullr Ulll
Mr r It K e ll ~ p roalded
!\. .... 18 roa d froUl t ho
n l cOD6OCratc lm 1148 I F ro a am VISIted It m1186 to d to back to prelnswrlc daIS
\ long walk o\er \el,sILlOO a.ld they '\\ero IbOllt to ma.k e. It n ew depar
l'rcsld(lIIt eJ;pf'CMIlI'; 111.6 hearty coed \\ L6h OH for a. ld
\\!ll ch plcpared the "aY for tJI; traruHtlonal builders tho DOwns WfL.S mueh e njoyed n.nd ellabled tho nntl tUre lit thQ establ shme nt of a rCilmlenhalulin c rslly
Mr Rooor~ Grey aged 76 of tha 'I'reu urers ROlls e hiS h oort) suppor t of tho excellent \\ ork of tho As
who " e re d el'elepl\l" tho he a.utlcs of English GothiC quarl%(
Inspect somo Plt.-dwellin gs wInch lu1.\ e hi 0 that at. Rcadlllg' O,nd t hey IlI tond ed to gt)O pe r
B ishop BelTrid t ho '"'second who bore that namc was reeCIl r een () They t-hen UTO'Q back t<l fect frcodom to all the rclt,. ons With \\ Inch tho) hlu1 th e. Fo 1Il11111~ HOf>pltv.l Gil lforo..stroet w e, und of soclat on
church H Oll80 "hltchurcb Oxfords-hire hghwr
t he d rector of tbe \\ ork t ho tnfol1lum tho upper Ch chester for lunch and set out allo.m for Box~rO\ e to d eal to teach what tlle, t.hought only for
rlla alUlUal re port stated _
"wre of the westcrn Lowers al d tho lower soore Church wh cit nVII.Js Bcxsham In In teres t ana 1m b ddl Ig prosolyt Sill" outs d{': lltey had tho lbe6t. I l In for 0\ cr 20 ) cnrs tr€!llSurer of the FOllndhll ....
Durmg tho scallOn 660 oertlfi cat.c5 I\f'rl) a wa rd ed
o f t.i"~ central towcr ma n.l In.s work BLSho portance It. wa.<; a. monnstlc church \l Ith .n parlJebJai hOI ~ for tl at I C\\ onterpr sc for "Inch III a. \\oude r lIosllltal left. net person.alty £1f..S 608-£43 906
makurg t.ho t otal fo r te l ~ efl\'S 4284 1110 lumber
N c\ lie (122~ 1244.) d es led aul he"'an to bUild Lh~ cbhllrfh Vatta.cboo toO It There the party " as wel comed ful \Ill) funds had bcon f crt.heclllmg That. was a tHg n
of eleme n la r} cer h fical<Cfi !&Sued \\11 $ 436 lI.1Ld Judglll$
~ Ire al d t he Lad aha el was :rbl constructed r t. 10 JCtl.r thoO Rc, - W ells tbe son of AIr Wells of t ho t mC6 Iho GO\ ellllllellt. had como to tho COli
the numhe r of o llir 08 Ob(.alllCd fOI t hlA cem]:>oLI
1 ~ D.lql or Gilbert Yde
J~ra~ (11881304) a.nd of Sc.arletts W.argrave who Wlt.h MI' GOrdon HIlls ehulloll that secular education was not t
tlOIl It ~ lafo to aasllme t hat UI)Wurda ot 600 clnldron
J ohn do Langton (1305-1336) fimshed the r etro cho r d ose lbOO tho ~llldmg and vesy h06pltabl} enter thero must be mornl and rehlpeus lIIf1uenoo us Vi ell
or tho B oroug h wore taught 10 8Villll durlllg 1913 a
ami liouth Will"" of tho transept By tillS time tho tamed tho members to toa ThoO drIve to Ch chester Though the causo which that Hew leprescntod had
f elmlt Yihteh the Locnl J;'Ah ca h on Aut.horlt.y Rl d I>
(;athe<lrnl i.Ic!"a;:; to assumo It.<; re6eot fcrm Want wa.<; qUIckly accomplished where tho 514 tram was seemed to be adverse to the mam atrO/tm of Liberal
AMoelatlOll mal f oclJ IlAU), ploud
of spaoo pl e~ellts u.s frem descrfblng t he rest of the '" Rlt I ~ to comoy the party to Borkshlre Ag 1m and e dncatLOnnl OptnlOIi lR England for Il.. good mnny
slor Y of t ho 'btllldln" Tbe art the n rooocded to ~he ralll';a.y }ouroey WUJI somewha.t tediOUS but plea yoors he t ruly boheved the nc" was 1l0W bell g
'lbe finnn Cln.1 st3.l e me nt dlllCloSCl' II. d efiCIt of £7 511
\ al round tl 0 ca.t.h~Irn.J a:d 'I~lted tt!: ch
18cf Bant memories of two d'chghtful days and congen al adopted Tho tlmo was long' pw;t nhOll the Stu tc
7d and tillS fact. eallSefi t.he 00 lIlmt.t..oo g rave 0011
5t kG ecrRo al d St. Cleme nt and tho SIOO
the soclety helped to Wile away tho hours until Read ng would lIlSlst on v.ll children belllg tramed 10 the prill
F Igbt yoars ago tho anllual lllCOtnO Wll.'l £1\6
I ollows
ch els cl St Anne t ho lour VU"Itl8 SB Tho
WVin appoorOO 10 Sight The Ne\\bury contingent CIplt$ of tho Established Church-be did not beUe\o
but. smoo that tune thero bas boon t SQrleUI> filUm"
~ I {'Edmund St. Richard eLe tho tomoo and m::::: under thoO guidance of Mr Watts were compelled to III that h mself, but t banked Gcd ho did not WISh for
off III tho amount .. ull6Crl bcd and t ho 1913 1II00tnO of
ments tho hhrorv \lIth Ita troasurC6 tbo alDtm s motor from Ikadmg to Ncwbun as tho latest Slal t' eompnison fOl reI glollstruth Wllat t.hey
£28 13& v;n." ceria nl~ 11Ui.utficle nt 10 ca rt )' O\lt the
of th o bishc s of and thoO Kin olEn lufd tram for that t.own leavB8 soon a£ 8 p m It IS '" IsbOO for themsehcs let them whole h ClI.rtc lly grflnt
mCf"Oa6Cd work f' lfeotlvely and Ro t lRfactorlly
fn I dish of
h Bernardt winch we ro much In)tlrod b~ the 60fdler8 ll.hvays a pleasuro to t.he members of tho Berks to all other people (Hear henr) It was a Inment.Tho com nllLtoo tlust that. thn rrtends or tho AfIItOCii\
tho CIlII "nr and restored by au lllddTerent artist Soc cty to meet thocro of the Newbury DIStrict F aId ablo fact that most p'aroDta did not caro what reI glOU8
t.lOn will tillS ~e4 r nllil e n. I l'al d ' ort to pluoo It 1\1
IItHi Lhose of the foundlnlT of the 600 and of the four Club and It 18 hoped tha.t ere long t.he two bodles Inst.rnction their children 11IId Tho way to meet. thnt
II. finanClallv 60und pootltlOtI by obLam lllg fr~h flllhpre b:m ds by lIellry VITI :nd BIShop Sherbourne An ma.y Ibo a.ble to arra.nge another ]OInt eXCursion 'rbe mdlfTer(:noo was by throwlIlg the rcspons bllity of
acrtberR and tntT'Porter.R ot h erwUlo t he Vo ork Ulu.8b be
I ;l;R.mlDRtlon \\as a 60 made of the bell towe r and of
thanks of tho Socwty were due to Mr GoOrdon chOice as far as posslblo upon thn pare ntis Of eourtlC
ourtsLiIcd. to t h o (lllilldvanla go of the childre n
t.I 0 Sf reell which t.he llnbquRrtes hoped would be ra
I s tot' the trouble ho had tu.kcn m helplug to tI ey had to deal \lIth tho dIfficulty of ono.scbool
To n,o Prl'6lde nt ~ Leonard G SuLto n J PUle
arrango thl8 excurslcn to the lIon Secretary and areas whero ho t hought they ought to be stncUy
Illacoo 1Il tho cat.hedral
WllrUlI)'8t. thnnlui are wnderi'd fo r eontlRllod In Lcrost
to Mr E Ravenscroft who lery ably carrwd out. t he ImpartIal It WILS however de monsirlLbly tho Ca.&Q
alul kllldnOIM Ur SuttOl.!l latMt e, Hlcnco 01 hI.
l\.fr GordotJ Hills thcn conducted the part.y to tho de tal'" a.nd arrangcd for tho comfort and com emellce that tho undc nommatlonahst 0pullon \vas contrary
BI~hop s PallWe which 18 a. ibclldlllg' of maoy d~tC;$ of the members who Will long ret41.111 lcr.) happy to tho faeb; of history They claimed IlJJ Churehmen
rOOhn!!f11 towa.rds tho A..oela Llo n WAR th o ~Irt of u
J\.lJd s hared In the firea t.hat dcmohsbed the cathedr3.1 memorl(!.8 cf theIr l"lSlt to Chichester
t.hat they should teach the Blblc on tho basI.!. and by
mOlt bandllOme silleld "hl("h Uloeemnutteo With the
Th o chape l WIl8 the work of Seffnd and p088e8Sed
referenco to tho Croo dand Cat.cehlsm Thoy liad boon
donora AIlnetlOll Rnot~d to a. comll1ued bo)'s Ilnd
some cha.rmmg Early Enghsh pamtmg jho Virgin - - -- - ___ _ _____
_ constantly aocused of addmg to th o 81mplo and m
J;ulil squadron r.:lce
to 1l11..'1fO\\ mo rmng
and Clllld and two cOnlwcratlOn e The dlnmg
tclhg ble relt"lon "Inch beloll<'l'oo to all men somethmg
R efe renC8 must be mado 10 thl) ext.reme k IIdneAA
room I\IUI tho werk of Behop Ware (1413) It. waa &
unnecessary Da.nd suoorfluouS and theroforo schlS
These sw('et
tIl! I
or A1d a R JnelUioli r {, tIOho 111 &(ldltl0n 10
.oftv' roo ... extendtng as hIgh IUS the roof It walt
mat.IC and na.rrow :But G'vCTy Book of the N e v Te&ta
Il1 \(_1", Irl) 11 I Hl1 II Corn are
[:r1'Y1II1,! ltUi usual J;t\haer llholl c.1l}ft.roo ott luL
dn"tded ml:.o nn tipper and -lower storoy by BIshop
mont nssumed that thoso for whom It WIlS
d efiCIt
L.: o J...l:d
tl) Is tl:Q llld ~ C lied III
Sllcrbourne who remodelJed the wbolo paJ&o& 10 tbe
had alrea.dy been taught. tho rudiments cf ChrUl
Tbo Tcport and acoouoh ..-er a ado pLcd
Tudor style He (hed In 1536 It oontaina some por
tlan religloll'-"-the moomng of the Thr-oo fold Name
t I~ It P tl..kcb
\\ Llhout the
tra.lU! of t.he holders of the 800 Hleludmg BlIhop
Btl Appo'mtment
th& Lile Death a nd ft.e.surrectlon of t.he lord t h o
Mr L G S Il ion v;u le-eleet.od proSldollt Mr
' VllbCl:force It d the present bIShop The old kitche n,
comm<'l' or tho SPlrlt the erlBt.enoo of tho Cbureh the
G H 1't1rnor hon I16Crolar) and Mr 0. G H SmlUI
w th ts huge f\rcp laoo gl\"eB an Idea of tho bOEpltahty
mea.lIlllg of th e Sacramenoo a nd the final DlVIne
Ihc\ l elch )OU fl e ~h a nd
h011 l.rCIUlt1rl'r ] he \ ICO PI"{!8ldoll i.s wero aiao TO
of tho hlshC1p8 m former daya No barons of boef
Jud"ment 'lhoso tlllngti were al'Aa)susslmed Mhav
clecW and tho conillutt ee w th )1r '1 n K ent ..
t:rlSP-.t"c;.t,Jy t v e It Irom the
liO\'; are rcast.OO. b.:Jfore the great fire and the modern
mg '&en already tau"bt before the Books of 'bhe Now
kltellfm 18 III another part of the palace Th18 one
T{':.Stllment were wrlton It was becom ng app8..l'llnL
P lrl et b} l(ldl1l~ cream or
Upon the mollon of lIr F \V Holnu.·Wlllker teur
W8.B bmH ,lIK)llt tho rcar 1380 tbough It was much
1;0 cducaboniste that t.ho wrong \\ay ~us to take all
me mbera wero elected on a 10<:&1 committee to eon
nltered m Tudor tURe6 :by Bisbop Sherbouroe The
tiho rehglOWl OOdloo and try to arrlvo at somothmg
1\ -ahemo lit oonnect.lOn With Ule oa,mple Sporta
palaoe was ROld to a. private gentleJ'llAu dunng the
to whlCh nobody could object and which WILl; thoreforo
To,st,e. arc a Jolly goo<l
hy mean. of ",hl ch boys .bo am ahoui:. w le&\"O or
CommonwQR.lth pertod but waa l"fJ8toroed to the aee at
oolourl~ and meagre Each body Wll8t ~et fnll free
c1 lshhalo loft achoollihould be awardod IKlholarNllp8 giullg
the Restoration It w ... 1'0modeUed by BIShop Wad
dom to teach as best. they could lTt their own way
t.hem freo a.dmulluou to tho bath"
dmgwn ID 1727 Bnd B18hop BuMer m 1800 made
and aecordmg to the '.ushes of the parcntM That
lIundrv alteratIOns In aocordanoe Wlth tba uute of
orlnclple W8SI he behoved flO clcH.r so ratIOnal &0
Mr Morley nul the Pub and PI~uure Ormand.
the lime a.nd bren~ht It to de present condition
hmtoI1leal and scrIptural and 80 much 111 accord With
Committee 01 '1own CounCil or which he waa "
The party then adlourned to tile hotel for tea, and
the fP oWing mInd of cducatlomata that. It. WM the
mcmber had a.rpW:&tiOD8 ,&lom tor p~f8l'Gntl&l
treatm&ni and I they granted ono of th~ apphca
afterwnrds VlBltOO 8t Mary s Hoopltal that umque
Eatablulhed 1790
~y cil'or. ltive mothod of mallltnlnmg ml:O:fXl rollg oue
t.IOIlS tho, woolll 00' knoW' where lie . ,




"FOUR ..

---0- __



H. E. Hewens &: CO. t~:'I~I:~:7}






Good Day

A Good Breakfast







Minster Street, READING




I bovod


.-/•••ocr pilir.
"" _ . . . •






A H BU lJ, Ltd
. ND



bXl'R!.a1'S mOll! !II>
1t ~A.DlSG lI f r.
JUNE 00 1814
Ih.i.a [[;.ondon] Cazette ooutalllA a. plocl ull tlon 1"6
JaWor ilIat the <kifiwto Il'roaty of L'ea~o wllb f J'fllloo

hlUl ~tl dull r",t.iJlud l'oaOO!ill t.O be IH·oc::lillllIrod In
J..ondou 0 1\ Monday Iloxt 1h1& Ga~(! tt.e ali:o oOllLaiWi
u. procla mation ordcnnir II. Gone ral I'h a nbgl\Tlnr
tbrolt~hout .En g laud/ Scot.lllud {Iud I rcltUid l'n I'llu rll
1.1I~y tho 7th. lI ..y 0 J uly ue~i
\\ 0 Ulld~\" lId 1.he
D Iko o f " clHn.,'"t.Ou .., Ilrll\\l\1 11I to\\1I Ih l& lIl ~ rrtl\l li:Counor
J?a.r L.ft Pall'Cnt to tho l Stil II1_t.. . rrt\~
Tourll"" dt;ti Do ha.tB which N.'CC lltiy lIle ll tlollcd UUII..
BOflupn,rto h n.d 00c.01l10 ItW!.UIl oonta.lIW II lehu
jjwtod to ho fr om Ii. ,.CI'5O I ~ o I Lh'y of confldcllf"i'
(IUOLIIlQ' an 1I 000Llut from the \ 11 1(> (. do hambro or
th o Ex I: mporor v. bo 11000 111\)11 1 led h 1ln to t 1IJ.1 l1t
.... 11Ieh It l!l ft.llcd ...oo tbat. ~o n ll l) llrt 6 had IQfit Ill.
.'I 10I1,.'it Iitl I ad t..
'C(IIII() UII object. of d crliuoll to 111 0
h !) t 111\" of Ih o ulllnJ
By ~ calC"l llll lOl1 tn Oll t l ~lI e l !l t.ho l'r IIch lUl l I_
I ~ ap pOl t;l LIII"" wllJUIl t hu I/lu 11111 0 yearH. tlio Dill
b LIO I o f Bollfll)<ltt.e h lUI
t. I hat. coulltry 0110 0\\111011
SIX Inll drc·d t.holll,a lid Coll~ r IUd
P UUSUITii o r Tlill RUULAS AS P Pnu s!u,u :SO'£lIIUti):i!
IfTc - lho 111u"t..rIOtL!J So\ r~I::IlJ5 Ilnd ol her dUlt l1l
g il 0;11&1 pC'l NOnagc8 nc w III til Me tropoll&
llIumo LO
..t ract.. t h u Vii 0 10 o f 1.ho IlUbh c aL(.C lltlon
Ih ) cxhlltltUloll III 11 ) (10 l)l1 r k Sunday " aM mOit. ell;
trl oldul1 lY ]ho Sovcrulg lu Lho I f1IlCOtO WIG \ ncr
11 0 Uluehor 11l1wlf Ill! l all Lh o o titer II1u5tr OUI
M tug-en, I \OllillOd 011 th~ llrlllCO nc~c tl t.;; hOl ic.
mlldo l hel r I.l.pj}ca ra nco III tli fl do lind It would 500.rll
IS If (>\ er.) h ol'6O III tho me trol)Ohl!. had I'C£Or l.e<1
til Ull'r
I he 1'l'Ci"fi,tlrO WU!!I 11I10le rablo
t h h ()rM"ff
\\ 1' 1060 JII IIlIlHYI togl't.her t.h IH. 1I1:l llj' Noblemc n alld
ON U" ll cn I II I t heIr kllcoo er UJltcd flnd hoot~ to rn ofT
I h Q Illt nre>;tlll g Ulueh c r Willi liO cruelly p r.i('."ltL-. 1
ihat I (J dIJlllll oollt.e..! all J t.OOk rorllg III KCr.JIIIl IjV.HI
o L!'flOI ;; hu t h ero hm n:;: (11 001 hf! Vo U 1lI01'() 811 110yed
110 Rot lua llMk lUlL [1. t roo lUll iCC IIH!(l a t. Icngih
(I lila (':xlutuJiwd
]hn C\{)]!'IiO); ndnCM ot Ollr 11I0b li
noro form fl nblo toO ILlIlI t hall all tho IIf>JIlI Ca 110 e, e r


TADldU .
110 I rr.u

P m41). - l it o 22 II lfIuuill II

NJ llOCWOll ill .Id r ItI Ito)' I ' ~r~ H
I, ~
j a il.:; 1)laoo 011 81111, lal, hili 28
II , A \\ ~ ,
lluJ P II J ... ....... 1100 oIIrv Ilu h ou .. ,..tAr
RJ\lII Il;('Il1II11. Wl\f'iil Il I'-t. or tl I II t. • I



Cl l oo ull te r~ 1

rho antlUIl} Ra.lo ot t.ll ~ Ue rkilh lro Cou nt, Bli nd
Soe lc t, wok l)iRoo o n ll olld av June 81 h Rt. \VU IIlI;
PhlOO lIr and Mill MoulI{, han 1[; kllld l) 1l 1ldr rtllke ll
II. thlll }flUr
1 ho 61110 WtlS all unq ua lifi ed £U OOCM, tho lar, Q sum
of £105 7H 6t1 b1l1lg realised
Mril GQO(lha.rt. (Pr(lAldc UI ) li rA H unley (li o n The-II,&lIt'er ) itnd Mr.. IAt Ml:OIurlf}r m on Secrat..a r y
oUml membom of Uae ooJlluut.t.ea w ~ro Pr<lIlellt..
I Ito sale \\'M o,H'lUx l b y Coltll tcAll Gurow.r.lca III'ho
-ended It er short bit a ppropri At e SllQ(lch by quoh n;M illO wortllt fre m I hI) l.\{>rksilire Ccunty B h nd Fk)
CIOt.YI1 f opor b for 1913
I ~ I;') lI1tJr h to bo d r. lre<1
tI at. a n ch County I k., Ilorluh lro liihould be Ro hlll t.o
~IV C Rupport. to It oil o ~n blllld Wit hout .. \un: IiiAlatau06
frolll oth e r 6OC10 I Ie4
Colli tl'tllll OUr09iIlIt"" tl!tai('(]
tllnt. thlH para1; l"aph h Ood trne n hor qUIt.o Il M oek
whol1 I;h o roaJ lilCd t hat ..h e he r4!'lf 1\I,d not. p rfl"t" loulily
l)G('n a. 8uhsc rlbf>r to toho I«lCU~t)
J ho fQII()~ Ina
lAd M " c re tho RU ]] h olde r.), - ll rll Na nl ,
li ra
W~ rllLg ?tfrs g ford Mra Kel llCr MIM'lifll and
M /{.q W IltMll 'I ho L'it.all!\ \\. ort' t.luIt.efull ... decoratl'(l
n.1 d U
Ilrt.ielCM for t h e mOlt PlHt mado by tlift hlhwl
" ('ro bo t..h Ilw ft I ..lid ornamental
:1 h o Uuutb ef th o llurbh lt'O Couuty IlIllld SocII:)t.y
nro II 0 to ~fr and Mi-a MOl n t fo r a.hOW101.: tho 1lii Ie
10 'be !t r ill HI tho s;rolllld" or " 11£111 '; Pt.oo 'lui f or
thtllr porllollli kudllORR I I t htlR de lUo\\litratin, t.hclr
illt.crcst. HI tho " olfar!) 0% t he bhnd ill Ilcr1c"bl re

A Jolly






I hi d model
:lttn 3\ t OJ), an hu I
1-1 0 e ul"P0 rl C'tI attach d

ondh medIum
R h


Mo ml 45 0 - 1he finest Model that hl' ever hee n d el lgned r )r well developed Wit
:1nd (ull (il:ures
I hiS Iype IS cuar:antc:ed to reduce.! the figure he low the \'41,Ii"t from
and dUring tins period the services or a skilled 3 Inches to 5 Incht:s Without any cumbt:rsome belts or S\I'3)) J I n ] me \\ hite Couul
:\natomLSt and <":orsetu) re lUe enttrely at your with broad !jllk Elastic GUfaets Inserted to front tri mmed \\ hue SWill E "lbroldery
llnd completed by SIX rehAble IJ ose Supportcni
Prioe 12J11 per palr
dLSposal fr ee of nil char~e



P. I 900 A dilllllY de Ig n In "Ine \\"J1Il
1 I
atlSte, extreme y o. In u. t, nd • I~JO.
lIy "ell cu t below • • I't , . uItAbl. (or 1I~"tn
M Ol

.f Ohm p"Uy JI",lel.

PI'icc 12/11 per pair.


quality you deCile upon
\\ care makmg a


A H BULL, Ltd,

The mtroducuo n of the ayera(:C' Conet adver
h sement usually conslstlO of matter, neatly set uo,
deftly throWing as many bouquets as pOSSible
at the types catalogued
Such IS not our purpose
\Ve J U!i.t want )OU
to look over thl,.£ully, ludCe the models
enttrely on their ments, and bear to mmd that
we have endeavoured to e;lVe the very nnest \ alue
ID every number Illustrated
We believe that, after all (Iuaht)' IS the stan
dard by which \\e must stand or fall, and ,",c are
convinced that the good, honest .. alue offered In
these types will appealstnm(:ly to aU our cllenu
We "AN I to supply \OUk Corset We should
value your order and CI\'e It our carerul mtelh
gent Ilnd proml t :lItentlon qUHe regardle!!.f of the




IItan ~

No LI I"lJl T
l){mg lnH C1a.rk of Mor tlmcr wu "'\llIllllo" d fo r
rl ll1l~ a. blcycle wtlhouL a light a t. .Mortullcr 0 11 Iil fo
6t h IIUlt al d "lUI fillOO
IIlId 6d CCWiitM

W ilLe r }rnnc\& "'''8 ehal aed willi I ur" 11011 . Ilacul.(ll"!
h Olll illo 1ft" Ball Sou th \ \a ll'4 BordU"C ri l h .. "
m Ol lllug. H e ploadc:d gU lh y
I i; Ha.rllold " lu(1 lut aaw I II..) pnso nC'r al 10
th ~t IIlDrnULg 110 &toP~ hlln auti uk(!d If h.o \\ 116
Q.II u.baontoo Iltll hI) r«!phod 111 th p .mrmath f1
IJo put.y Cillot C01lKabll) 0 1" ('r llo bDlh.1Il Lit e 1
t hat t.he d eto ndant W4:\ wlLh t wn olh e .. hefore Lho
Court .. month ago on a . mular charge
lie) WII remanded to a wall, li n e (\()rl


1he marrJ a"e arranjled [)'J i .. e~n LlCuteaant J W 8
Oorlln, It N. hlA Malf'flty" flhlP Vnnon &On ot
Coiollol F Dorhug of ])UIU FlrnhorOlllb n.nj",
u) 11 1}o rothy Burnott. nnl, c1lt,\Ilbie r of ColOl1el J n

I 'nlon J C ~r G

of Th. R-d Ho_ hraboroulb

Will take pllleQ llule U" In AUIWlt ft. 1101..... ' ...0
rolatl\cl only (If tb bride ond brKi t'J::fOtm will be

Sil ver J <J WflU,lry O61ouNJoJ
B road , tri'o(! l ll.eullnil







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I • T/Il



(n croro Major Darby Griffith III tb6 C"h S r
0010111'1 DrOll, tl JK. nl
Chllrlca ["ntor
Coio ll ol WI\II,cr J hor Ito n " lid a \\ I Y.(lr aUf
n O.s non8. l.-q rt )
llooil WmrOUT r..!cp.... t: I If
Jll.l lca Pocoo.k o f lJrlldfie'd licrt. Gocllflt I or
11le floorGo Cook of Ihu tl l! QIL 1 barlf''; UrliWl
or llnrgbO ehl vti'.ro f'll( h Au rnmoued for keeplIl!; doQ'1i
wlt-h oll' hooucc.\ Pocock Cook Q nd Goddard were
oa cl Iillll(1 2s 60:1 and 711 6d ODll.l a lltl Ur,iutt. . ..
j 10<1 2lI 6d
tho llO&U i s 6c1 h: mg n!lnltl
MllgUltroLOiiI tnklng 1Ilto 0011& dUrlliloll hWf d rculIl


Id J ewl1!!