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Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday , October 3, 1914. Pg 5

Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday , October 3, 1914. Pg 5

Image Details

Title Saturday , October 3, 1914. Pg 5
Page number Pg 5
Date Saturday , October 3, 1914
Publisher Reading Mercury, Oxford Gazette,

OCR Text






f'ormod. 14:.


.':l~'mg ':b. White Eilli HoIcl, .t Ht Ma...y.
... 0Jll~ :l £6 75a
the Wld 1l1Dg &Od mp ~
~~ road

Thooo a. tond n tho Inqutry-wb ell

JIOrough Bngu:.ecr Jlr J Bow. .) tbB ~h
t.&nt (ltr H. Land a.nd. ot.het
furniahed tho U61IIl uform&tio. u ttl


of the old and ~t&udad Boroogba. &nd
t. finan "tJ pomUon T'4f'I were ~
the 10Dgeoi; PoosWle poned.

pOp JdtI

~ far

Quolt,D-DOAlJ Wmzm:.;:G

T!;n ~ Clerk. n open ng the CU>e fo tlua O&D

a prlllt.ed ~m~um ful y der.cnbing the

~ and ~ Clrown.!tanam 0l]d:8l' whi h t bad
onnulated 1,Th. merpol"LIlp.w:n was circula.t.ed
b60Un tho m mbers of the Council befOl'l!!l the. epecual
t.!l': ~
that. body on Sept. 3 when L wa.s ap
moe lid and &ll thCl Al out po nts were g en III cur


p!'O on () that tneet.Ulg) Tho scheme he Mid
: : "hi II t.he Ccrpol"&Lion regarded as a 'YeT! 1lD
rt.&D unp avement nd ed The Corporation felt
~ they bad nOlIIII' ..:In opportumt;y of 8Oq0ll'lDg i;h-e
~ a.ud for the lI!!PJ'O eDl 11 upon exception
a cwab 1'1 t.e1'lTl&. The matter ha.d been 1iUb~~ to 116 Ro::W Board &lid that Ibody oo:z&!dered
~ ';1'0 ks 5110 n IfiO fo.:' a.s the.y
atod to the c.a.rwa.y .00 se'll;crs, ere pr p
u the CU'CUDl
"-a;lCCS- Tho Rood B oard had agreed tAl ro&ke ft, ()(mIo
t!ibuQOn 0 01 e.balt tbl) e:> W'laLOO. .cost 0 tbe wo 1m
isiled that. th'O unpro limen We,$ ODe to
clI. hc"f ould l' Ope!: Y oont bu eo They a.l&o
rL~ ill they ool3f>id&"t!d M wo k should be underUkcn a .once and Uldoubted y the fIM.SOD. for that
J1.<: tha. ao ColIn il Oll h.t bo n a p05l on to profide eruj) (Yjm!)n.t. duriu the Xlm DjOt 'VI n e fo mt=n
might. -be throw» out .of work 1Q c.on.s.equeu.ce of

th)f. W 'W .E Co f!!r Chairman 0 the Eghwa;ys &nd
I.![buo Comm!.tee ga.: e OOOClloo. Re had he
tAi<I boon 3.milia 'Wlt'b. the acbesne from the fu-st
J.JKi D all t.A 6ta.g~ I .. lUi a. very grea.t ft.Dd II. 'WIf'1
~ rr un\? ove:m&nt- Th3 pa.r;. .of the Oxford
rold u ques on "30& ccot .only narrow-tho
... 80
being onl.J 8 to 20 feet w de-end without. ..
fiI1fIiciently deflnoo liDe of frontage bat. tbete were
po nia which " ...."'EI pes tively dangerous especla.! y
tI) modem 5'rif wo wS'
and Co (!.n to 6low
m VlU t:'8of!l.c. J W.-:.:!i n p aces very thi kly pla:a.t.ed
Wlt.h ~ which were ~ aro.d ol:.cured tbe Vlf,W
000 WaJ tho n:'J&1D a.pproach from o.rlord and
ho quertiOD at w d 11 n
had beeD und~ considera.u D ever IS nO!! tho lkrrough 1Va.s.(!l'Qi& ged The p esent.
f,l'ltcme w:hen oa.r od ou would ma.ko pc haps the
tr.est. &Pproa h lllto B.uding 'The t.ennA .on which
the Corporauon cowd &cqture the 1a.nd we .a he
~oep OM
fa. '0 tr b e On
£Z5O WIU'I to
bt p..~ .a the whole 0 the a.nd wb eb., Dcl~g
h ba.w.:s and the eut{jn~1!I .ll.DloOU!lt.ed. to &bottt. 8l
1It/'l'6, en rt: y exeludip,:;o
hf'J ex 8 ng .oad 8 W
PlJ ~iS ~ WOUIJ1 also make be contrihlltio.n
tD'I'l.ldfi too wo b. The. fa.ct hat the Road. Boa.rd
'C'M maklD

a. contribut n 'W&S a grea.t ndu cment

to t.he Corpo.ra.tion to push the m&i.te!



af p OVlorU:Jg...., k donng the
m 'ne.... of ho 1aek 0 emp orment which
U1 h he e;pe ted n lC) lMlqu eDOA <'f thf'J W
Th& lli or Mid he had: 'beftn for ID3DY yeam Oh& r'nS

a.\.r.o he




• (f.H.S


gbwaya Cnmro ttoo of wh
be was
membe a.nd he had been ntima.t.e y connected
18 Sf'.heme is noe fta lnf'Jepti n.
Tt. Wa.& OJ,

dtlS &b1<J undert.aking ~ e




II Collie boo sa.


&1 and the coJt 'Wu

wished to oorrobarat.e &U Uuat

The BoI"01 h Eng-meer ezplamod t.hft plar.
FIIpPOrli of be a.pp OR. on was £1\"61) by Ald
.ill Brmn, &Ild CounWlo Sa.rje.DJlt

to tAke np


m the Punjab u


Bult. QuU'Ull. s.,,8lO,..,-Tho Quwter S ..





lIIatabUshed r723

Aderm<>. F A eo.
Coun lora W E. Collier &Del F
addS&: e,a.D tbe Town C erk (Mr W S. C ut erbuck)
Ad. C G Fied



The Bev Arnold lnDea
H A.. foZ' !!t
.t. st. John 6 Road DS illilac1 ou
S.tued.y ITom 'J)jJbnry Doolao OIl the P and 0

yeua a cur.te


of WI toe formal the.ra b n no OPpolltioD-wefIe

... ~


Bor.... _ _ Ha ..........-Woolt .. dUll
SUlIdu Sop_boor l!7th In patient.. odmntecf.
49 1.D p.tienb dischars&d. 4.6 operations per-

lDqwr1 T!~: to bol'f'OI'I' £430 for
publio w-tUt.B.r'Y ooave.I1H!a..oe fo

he1d p

b thI




II rnot-c.E. ID l,Dopoeim 01
l!r F 11.
.rd: OIl ltCNlda}
'" \pi (loftI1'1l1OO" Do lrOli ioIo .. &Pplia&t.i<>I>

moDS 'Wili be hald


the AssUe Coarta Beading

as JlO.tjfied III an otIlciarl odv0rti6ement; O.Q. the
front 'page, on Mondi>y tho 19th met.
BEUI AI8IDs -Oftlrual notice lJI £1VeD that
The pOSltion aI; th" front "Pl'''&1'!1 to be ill. bncn... 01 thee. A.ooi>.. will baSin.1 the
s"tisfactor)<. RuS8l& IS ma.king steady Asstze Comts ReadiDg .on Wedneeday the 14th
progress m the East., whilst there 6 every 1l1st. Mr Ed,wud Ridley a tbe Judg4t
hope that m the long .un the Alli... will sppointed 1M tho CllOUlt.
KOTIlA SU.VIClIi Bz'l"WDlf ltuDmG .»m ~
emerge VIctor OU8 from the long dra.wn INGSTO"" -An ••
t .tat... thot Mr
ont Battle of the AiOlle. Evuy effort .. Humphries hy ~gl)(i .. week da.,. mo or Hr
be ng made to outflank the Germa.n ,.,ght VICO betwom> l\eldlDg aDd Baamgstoke twice
w ng 1D that sphere of operations. but so daily oommenamg on MOnday Don.
TRR L.ocAL W..u Ton;.cco FUN» -A lett~r
far every move ill th .., meet on has been


(Wlth list .of 8ub6cn"bera)




met by bnnglllg up oppoSlllg force~ The 0010= from ¥assn. Fl"IUIk W Porter
proce.. cannot be continued indefinitely B cha.rd Hope. who started .. tobacco
as one Slde or the oth6l' must


ts ahire Bell'me.1 actuolly fighting .t the fronl

but a. the Allies
brmgmg up further reiidorcements t 18
hoped that before long they wdli accom
pI sh the r obJeet There,. also the other
da.ngcr of weakeDlDg the front 60 that the

ava.ilable troops


Clga.retie fund foZ' the men of the RoyaJ. Berk

from which t will be seen t.h.t; £106 had been
6ub:sonbed to September 28tb coUeded lD fi e
d ays .nd that at £600 8 wanted to enable
the gentlemen named to do the work to which
they na e set; tliems61'Yes tborou""hly

line may be pterced





But iliasmucb as Court of Qv, SoaaioD8 for tho Borougb Wl be
General J offr. b.a.s alwaY" proceeded Wlth held, u advert:iMd, on :rh unday DC t vibon
there ",.e two c&aes for mal before t e RI!JOOMer
d e oautJ.on, there 1S not much fear from -VIZ
Walter WMton charged ~ h reee ng
that pomt of Vle,.
Th. Allied Force. ha.y, and Artblll' McEwan and Ja'lSO Clemeuts
IU1d recelll'lAB cues
have already beaten off several severe
G W R. Exau.&aIo:N8.-0n MOlidav and Tues
counter attaeks
The lIjost disqUletmg
nerl d.,. trip. Will be run fram Bea.dinl~ 00
feature lD ~e Sltuatiop. 18 the news of the d~y
NoLtiDgham (nces.). aDd o.n the followms Woo
attack npon An",erp It would ha.rdly neoday o.nd Thunclay to lieioeator (alao lor the
b. pOSOlbl. for tbe Germ..... .el'lOUaiy to lace meeting)

undertake • ego ope.ratiollS if they were
hard pressed m Fran... or elsewhere, but,
on tb. other hand, uuormation from
Belg an source. .tatea tha~ the attack
upon that place U! bnl; poorly supported
by UUaJltry

8.u.B OP BoeES tN RUDUQ -The fourtb ft.Dd
6nol ..eel< 0/ the aal. cl Mr EU.h.:I H ck< •
r06M by the ladies of Bunt l,.U the ,,!;reels of
Reading 1&5' Saturda.y reeolted n :£10 95 Od..
being cOllected. This 6tUIl hu beeD handsd 0 er
to the Roading Belgl&.n Fund. 'The to III co cc

ted by the ......Ul'6t; Indies was £60 1& G~
Ma.hel Heath WUlB the medal p eiSGnt.ed by lIr

Though the peGPle are Impatient for VI.

J Hicks for eoUect.iilg th. hiSbest .,.OUDt.,

£6 I.e 5d. Mr Hicks .",.bes to bAnk Ut.
news of an overwhelmmg v ctory m these follow 08 lad1& ud ~t1elDen for so kU:dly ~
arIDles extending over long na theU' help for w.L hout thei vnluable
days 01 hU"'6
U6 stanco
the we the roses would Dot
t seems almost lDlpos51ble to haTO been 150 &uecess!ul
For g vmg uneh to

aohieve dec s ve success

a da.y unless
the other
In the end
mater al or


the 1JUl'6t lad es M8Sil'$.

one force la.rgely outnumber~
The ~ar w 11 probably fin sh
from a.ttr t on Lack of men
[Doney w 11 become the declS





le Talbot Cefe, nDd G lo
teas 'Mess s A HB 18 ~ ce Sa.!Olon L d
and W Mellroy liar driVlDA the ad ee oto
ve factors Read og Mr Geo se Loader (J:lur~ ) a.nd Mr A.
and n all probab lily the last-named Hayden Twyfordl. · <cr us. of rbe BroAd hoe
The nat onal revenue returns 5J)ucd on ya d M Dea."feB.. For loan ef bask(lts
Wednesda.y rught g 'r6 an lll.dica.tlOn of MOS5 a. Swam n.nd Son Fer a lOWln~ he lad es
of how we are fanng from this mporiant to .ell cn th. R<adiJig Football Ground M:r I:l.

P o nt of vew


For the Qua.rter lust ended Matthews (Secrctary)
BZLGU s R Vl'.:JI. Tltl!' -A partv of be wean

there :01 a. net d ec e2,se 0 I £ 3 75 1 000 n th e
revenuo In the c rc mstaoces th s fi~re

t orly an

fifty BcIsiIlll4



them6el es


Me:MTfII Mo.yn~ d and & S urnlaiioo to apeud
not .& larga one Expenditure has bow an tU amooo on one of theU' nvor s on
ever a.dvanced by £45 000 000 0 that the Fnday Ul la6t week. The tnp was to Garms
war 8 cost ng sometblDR 1 ke five million where the pa ty we e met by F&tbc.r D" an and
pounds & week
To th s sum has of one of be r pnP.5ts l\bo both expressed the r
co se to be added the 10s5 u revenue &orr eell\tion ot the kindDf!~ extended 0 the
These figures do not nclude the general refugeee.. Bo b on the outward aDd homo ::u-d
los. of trade to the ~ountry The only Jour"<,' pat.rioLie .elections of mus. were I!!ven
comfort to be obta ned frorn the Alone young Indy who apoke Eng u;h limp; ng God
5 tuatioo \.S that Germany s ndergoIDll: 6~ve the KillR.. IUld &160 TeDdenng fun FreDch
and Be gll\O "Na.tional An hems while M D6 e.ur
a. far greater 6 ra. n Tb e note CJ.rCul at on JOIUJ G andJea.D who wellt throngh the E. I!g of
of the Impor a1 Bank of Gc ma.ny bas L ega, 83 e seve a. 8DJoyabJo 8010s. The fii ng
r sen
bv 0 er
£100 000 000
al?'lt nst UlS of La Ma.rse 118.lso tn Freneh bv tbfil "hrue
£2.:. 000 000 of Treasury notes
Wh fi t pa:r y was a. ery unp esm 0 em Thanks "c e
our Government ba$ heen able to ra se up eeeed to C MaYIlard and Son for
1..4 000 000 OD OIL ba s of under 3! ner lending ho bo: t
0 Mr hadley fo
pod g
cent the German Gave nment has hHd tea to Mr To J; for f u t e gar os end
to pay as mnch as 5! per cent No 'Publ c egan 1t.Jld to Mr; Morr~ for th& sou enU'
loau i as had to be fiollted hera WOe rFl b16cwt
n hlB to sav wha.t IS the e.."\act effect of
JlORESTEJt s Ftncr.JuL.-'J'ba fun eral took p nee
t e blow on Germau export "t: ado but t at tho Rea ling Came ery au oa.turdny of the
m t be by no means m cons derable.. So o.t.e B 0. C Ho ;yoak peR of Cou
wood Fa est No 346:~ A 0 F The R
tho financ a. 5 uat on goes
t £. Newhouse V cn.r cf bt I r..uren os om cd
mpnrat velv sat [",ctor:v and ~ iii
Tho deceased bra her had been A mcmbe of
t s I k v to 'Clay no the court for over 46 yea.ra ha mg ]C U E!( n
L ovd Georp;e sa d
n ost rnportant pa.rt n the war But the Angust, 868 nnd bad been a W(I ker P fLCti BUV
time of exha.ustion 5 not yet
the who e of his ong member6rup ha. ng: he d
_ _0__
Dear f all the Va-MOUS offiCf)5 amce )8tif) rlowo to
the timo of his ncceaF.e He \Ii a. e CIl cd by the
T vo notable butbdays have fallen m the <ourt a. dele••t.e to tho R•• rung High Cou I
p ~seat
week Str John F cncb 3 on a.nd hQ,f; 0. 0 bee "' P es d Illt (If the
Monday and Lord Roberta ou Wednesda.y R A F ~ Medical AMOC atioo Be e a. Vi n s
81.l' John French 1ea.rned b R sold er ng m were sent.. mc ding one from the court. B~
F no G& nca Cuthbert, Powe I 6 eons
the b •""' dest school of all-that of the Coope
a.nd Parke acted aa bea e 8
The F nrc!> et'S
H 8 brill ant work as a. funeral eerv co WU6 ret.d n • ery mp a
cavauy leader n South Afr ca marked way 0 er the!! and aftar the e no 0&
rn out for h gber command and though had ta.ken a as
ew uch ot he Fo es e 8
t.his s tho first. t me he bas commanded dropped a. spng of yew OD tbe cofli:n
a.n army of
ranks In the fie d he has
M.utRUGl'!l OF 'XlD!l HON G ROYOs Iflucs A1\'1)
bMn em nently successful
H 5 ha.ndling MISS Mo in The malT age betw.Plen the H n
of the) BrIt sh troop3 dunng the grea.t Gerald Rufus banes only IiOD of tho 1..0 d Cb ef
retreat from MODS 18 wo thy to rank WIth Juei ce of Enp:Jand K C~ 0 a.nd Lnd Rea.d
Ehr Joho Moore 5 famous r~treat to InS IU'}d Eva. V olet, eldest daughter of tbe R ght
Corunna. But he has provod h s capac ty Hon.:::; Alfred Mond Bart -)1 P II.nd Lady
not only 1n defence but a.lso In a.ttack Mcnd of 35 Lowudes..square,. took t loe. e ~ry
aud fu ly Justified the confidence tha.t has qwctly OD 1\1oOO&y only the DeAreSt re 8.Lions

BVlI"TllU• • PPOU, ••• H

been ~ aced n b m Lord Roberts de
sp te
s great age ho s e ~h ty two 1S
ono of the g eatest figurM n England to
day 'Vhcn no longer able to rema n nn



fi ment




ccess and thougl

a. es of 1 a d ;h p

of coune one hears




cry great

deal s be ng done to uutJgate the lot 01
he nfo tunate
The response of the


p bl c to the many. appeals that are bemg




FA.T SroOK Sao v



meeting on Monday

en ng t 'W~ d ee ded to bod he C M & mM
fat &tock t5bow a.s u ual &nd the scbOO Ie w ~
cd he nza money (lft'(l cd bel g £60 a~
6gtIJ.Dst 81 year
Mr T Bowen S h OD
s cretnry





ce h ill!


fo med a offer abe tc for n. 1 m ed number C
But t ~ tho samo tale everywhere
An B clgl&D refugees of be wo kinS..c 11.
Board of Guard an! are be ng recommended y
..ppeal "as n ade through our colunms for tho Hou!>e Comm ttoe to lend nn unocc p cd
blankets for the Berksh re Beg ment and part. of be Wo Ji.ilouse Two women aod a. boy
n th So ssue we publ sb a. letter stat og he. e ar ved at the cou en
t hat the re ponse ha.s been suffic ent
HARVEST FESTIVALS Tl 0 ha 6f.t fc li aJ


1 eouest


ns.rtod an was held at oJl three church ~ n Ab ogdon on

appea.l fOl" funds tor J5upplVUlS smoking
uater al for the Berks Rep; ment at be
Iront Though a week has not l' ssed bv
a l ea.dv over £ c,Q has been sent t..o the
promoters and t s honed to make the
fund up to £600 wh ch s t he amount

P LIonel' wed fa t.tme to pay and W0Q,3 allowed •



est mated to b. necessary
This s au
object that must make a w d. appeal but
.spec alii!' to smoke,.. Anyth ng th&t c.a.n
be done to chee tbe Tomm es m the r
arduous a.nd dan~erous u the
trenches should find a. rea.dy response


The deco aMona a e tafirofull
8.1"tlWlged Bnd tho 6e v eo v; e .e hea t.i y e de ed
~be Dewly appo nted V car (the Rev
Ke1ll1edy p eoob.ed mot'Ulng aud e eUlDS &t St..
Helen s Church
At the month)v
tQ.eeting Oil Monday a. eOmml ee was 8.ppO nted
to mquue lDto &Dei upon upcm the dama e 0
the dlStr et road by motor traffic Md 0 the
road from Maroha.m stoDe p t to Lo d Bcrkale) I!I
e:olt ground... Foxoombe w th a lOW to c1anna

lD l'OOpect of

extraordinary traJ1ic
Pun T.ATIO}!ll' '!'O '1'0 REV A L FOULltES.
These R.ra only & few of the ma.ny wavs
At • meet.iltg at pa.rMhioners 00 Wedneedn.y
n wh ch those who are ..t hom. show theIr week 111 Sto~nton Schoo room the Rev A L
g ca.t anx ety to aSSlet
FoWkes who bas rBBlgne:d he benefice 0 Ste
enton wh ch ho h;a.s h e d 10 'N yea.'l wae p e

--0-.entod w th & cl1eque for £34 odd Mr Feull eo
It s gratify"'g to know that what WIth preached hUl farewell sermon on SWlday e.en
He a.nd Mra. Ii oulkes gone to
the moro generous scale of al owa.nees to ng
the w ve. and children 01 men at the Pmner
Rlax }i IltES. The Abingdon br ha ~ t'e
Iront and tho sU!>plementarv work of the
Sold ers and Sa lors 11 a.Dlll es As!oc a
tion the w ves a.nd eh ldren of our sold era
and :sa lors are bemg well cared for
The 0 have be<'ln many cafies c:.f hardRh D
espec ally unt 1 the Government allow

ance. have been po. d

svstcrn s u full


but when the

klDg order the famil es

of so d cr. and sa ors w 11 ..t
reI eved from the wo st
meals aTe beIng proVIded by the
autho t os where necessarv
s p~ak


evetythiDg that

least be
cb ldren s


s possible


ce 'Yod 6LX C:lUs IBUlCe August 22nd
they &ttonded a Are .1. Appletord

On Frida,
when a l' ek
of about ~ tons of new hay a.nd 1\ st.nmp or
old boloDgll~g to Mr E Pullen were a1 ght. A
good po. t of the ha.y as a. ed r.nd the fire pre
vented f om epreadin$ to 8Om& corn r ckll
Monda.y the bnga<le did good work at Long W
tenha.m CD Mr F Paxma.n.l!l farm uy conRn DS
a. 6rIe (cawoo by • child p1a.y ng Wlth rn~hos
to 60me neks 01 hay and aU&: whwh wer~ n
cl""" pronm ty 'to • b,.rn
In bet:h not""COII
the damage s cCtvC!l'ed by nsura.nce.



,Ii&CTll\O -

be ng dono to prevent lamll es from !!Omg Mr Thomas Fra.nklln Swtnfolld Farm Ctlmnor

under and Dot w thout a. great measure when 6UDUOoned ~ore the Connty BBIleh on
MODda.y for 115 10 reaI*)t 01 tho mung of ..
of success
tleld at W ootton ~ throng Mr Hm:ace


The ft~ures of the PrLnca of WILles
Relief Fund cont nue to Jlrow
A novel
••hemo has been taken up by th. Read ng


ThlS WIU he c



St. n,.:rt.holomew 1'1 Church Nett ebeil
~r September 25th The sermon WnJII preach
'l'h by the Bev C B Avi.. V 0.. of Shiplake
:B e collect on whwh wu n ft; d nf the Roya
her-lis Hosp ta oniv amounted to £1 1111 8d A
ort ~a.n rec tEll WM 81veQ by Mr Edi&OD tttf'l
~~lat from Pep'PlL1'd befn:-e the service -On
hlin v nnd the WedneliChy follow ng apec a1
cb."e1t &erv ees were held at the Congrell:at. onal
,,,_'Pel. th.: fruit and veBet&bles be DR lold aft r
... ,",u DI&h~ oemee }.II • a 01 !.he aIuUiel _

F &ber) tbE! qoestion of whether thare hoA beeD

He co.lend.d tbl~ Ih. stat ..
meni of the aa&ist&nt OTereeer Ul.t bft bad lent
a deDl&nd 110te by p06t was inauffie ent ~v deDOe.
There Ihould b:ILve been 8. persona dem"nd-

a legol demand

Comm m the form of a.n a.uet on sale The eMe was a.d]ouruoo. u order that sueh a.
It lIS thought tha.t those who bave Riven demaDd ... would be OOUSldered lesol m Shl b.
all they can afford 'to tbe fund or thoBe ....d..

who cannot spare any cash at ..II w II be
willmg to pat!; w th 80me object which
can be put up for ...Ie
A .ell known

firm of Reading anctJioneerB have gIven
the r serv CBS and mdertaken to bear the







tI e s ba. eo bo n
mo ed
S nge A mnnlIS 00 fit Milton Hil

magn ticent.
Every Due
cems anx ous to do what they can to help
&.tu day "as Bolg an Day n Rea I ng
and I y tho sa e of f;craps of paper
the Mayor w tt Iy ~a d the handsome sum
e[ £o;) ~a.5 ra. sed n ono day-a tnbute
a kc to the or:;rau &at on 01 th" movement
nd tho warmth 01 publie fee!.Ug lor tho
nhab tan s of tl a.t be 0 0 I ttle country

Last week

..... 0






11<"* IlIII.




MeSl!?1I Rickie Bnd Rickie I:d

a s the knowledge that at mus c will tue p pce OD Octo ler 16
Ie st he d d h s duty
'lltI. PALACE TmaTRE !\J Moon h ne" "
revue pre eo ted bV Joe Co 0
n fou lS(lene~
-0E t!J6 Mayne comedian 8.n H 1 a.nd A n
ml\Il pa.n onum sts arf'l Among be ft, tar. o 8
The measures taken for t.he p evention adv to &ppear at t.h lS p oce of eote :un
or reI e of suffer ug caused by the VI ar ment.
ha • been crowned w .b a great deal 01


lil W D ""~ V.u.c..

be DB prese.u\
JOhD Thu burn of W 1160D S fio e1 Roo.dlDg
a.nd Coo5ervative Cub St. Jnmes linec !II dd e

be the last to fi d ..ny saU,factiol! n Its th.t th. r nut nVlt.wOD roc tal of



mom u; ... 7..:.0

and the neee. ty of taking n eas es to Anrue fuurhura 1m daughter th. sol. "".eu
meet them Event. have pr oven that h s tr,
n ee ded and thoup:b h f':


:;"o~-:r."l\:i.l"'::J.'" ~

I';ex whose delL h 00; uned on the nd Sep moe
the a.ct va list be aid not 6Dll;1'e h m e f last hfUi 1m pronerly of the g 55 a.
but. entered upon a C1l.mpa gn to Olise the £69T.l 13 "rl v; 1::1 net. pe!'t"~n& y £6703 &.
country to a sense of threatemng danger!' 1M Probn e bM beeD SrtLoted 0 MiF..6 E be
war n DC' wa

TIl! ClIAVE" YlOO'..·M - _
.... ".,., .. IIoCI
.'3 Wcd • ..d. 0. 1 y.....h• •y ,, ~ ..... iIAwriwlaid.IlL Il n fll!»
SOOT" R~R" 8 POXlJOClJIIDII.-II_. 0... f>,


'rn HARV&8'l



The Royal AMlert ()r.pbe.nage &t Ba.;shof; haa re-

& cheque for £4.095 from th., of tho
expen... connected WIth the sale and oened
at.o 111_ Au. Jane A:rden VA B&rt.on unde Need
tlu. novel means of ra Ilnlt fund. should "ood who died m A~ 1913 ..nd who by her will
result m .. conllde>abl. aoaretlen to the 01.....f... t... th of 'the ~ ..tate to b. in
local funda.


rtl'lM -I)" lI. 2b ,1I ft
. .. ~mADhU'l 'WFl
th"'we o{
ftaaRobtLP\aM."" . alf ...















St-Ot.tJ!:'P9' -4')n






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