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Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, October 17, 1914. Pg 5

Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, October 17, 1914. Pg 5

Image Details

Title Saturday, October 17, 1914. Pg 5
Page number Pg 5
Date Saturday, October 17, 1914
Publisher Reading Mercury, Oxford Gazette,

OCR Text


and p" men Ltd
of 5 000 ebill nas towards the
Dally •• egrAph Shill Ilg BellPan Fund
KNItl Huntley

FlUDA.-r oar 9
~afore G W W.-bb El rt 1) the ucl
J).-JBHurry l
ADm;ms.AJB'D 14n.s
........ ..1
~ .... W 'K:u'" of 1
E gar oail .... tmml'~ !'l....
mUk wb. h was not of the DaWN
f~r ~d n;ualii1 dema.nded. b,. reason of the
add U() 1l of "aw
-... ......t to
M C S Jobn&01! wbo apyu-~
d a. p nt 0 l21l k ",,;,a pur bued (OI'D the dlC
" da,Dt.: s w fe by .. dcput: of the Ill6ptc ot' of NUll
&n ell eM'£.S Dodd
Tha TO
was taken t oUS an whieb "'IIA &t&ndmg an tho Door n.& paaaago.
Wr.eD the defendAnt. II. ed on the scene unmed
aftet'Wuds be trlade the remarr. that t. ~:lA
& fur S! e
The samp 0 wU d ided D t.he
usutl 'f(a1 and on analy s ... as found to contain 6t'0





~G II "'181'1' TO STll'EATIJI:

n support of Mr Jam-

suoeos. !LOh ev.d by German arms 80 far
s rega.rded ar. a. trlumph of
on Ull'! day n ques ICIn b IIi\ pp b.... ng been u
Everything hltd beon thoroughly
baustd he p tt ba.:ood b ee. qua. bl fr T4 a. YG1.fll
m3.ll n t.bft street .A.!ked by the MJa.g Rt.ra.tCll who worked out In advance preparations had
l.r..d dnal


thG de ~adant.


repUod hat he

evon been mlLde



W IlCK! t sa. d he did not P ead fo len ency addm,
I am fond of p!SOD I aID h::..pPl" when I am n
gao The,. won t. et. me keep out when I am


tha..t the Ma~
t Ilt.ell must find h m ~ Y W Imot.t. retna. 'ked
Tb1\nk yon gen emen I am ~ d.,f
G e mo
the heR est sent.enoe 011 clln
J. !LID h&ppy wheat 1
am m JI 110::1 fron1 Go 1'!518 to Re e al\(ln
'The Ch3.l man an (lObn? &t W mott s raoord)
'l"h.i..OJ Ii.n. eve at OD here. "You first Appea. e.d befo:e
t.b~ Cour!; J2 CU3 ago "'00 there are 72 etmVlC one
Only 12.... 1 must make up ho vLhor
When tlw.t Clm.lrJl"I fl.. n



tl h~r

The lIagistratee theD tmposed & fine af £1 the
a ~ e ~ D 14 da!5 a.nd for tho ba.d
W lrnott. was 0 dered 0 pay l.Ils.. 0 I'oC en d~Y8 \l1
de a..ult. He waa ILUOWOO a. week n wh h 0 pa.J

(Ee ore W

OCT 12



!:dnro J.u.on Eoq)


he d..&Ir


the urban dot,,,,, 01 C...nbam •• d of .... tb.
rate of 10 4-5d.

D the £. for that. part. of the
Boroagh which preVloWl to thl! eommeneament
M toe Order fonned pa.rl.a af the pa.n.hel'! af
Theale a.nd Tileburst. wt the aS5eM'IIleat {or a
genor&! dlt!ltT')ct nto alsn now «uhm tted be ap
p ovod. and th.t n accordance therew th .. BeD
eral distnct r&t.e be now made after tbe rate ot
Is lad n the £. for th.a. p~t af the Borough

fore gn so 1 for the

UIla.b e 0 lSa.,.. He
ndin .. a. ma biDe on
utlhsat on of ~nn! It IS no wonder that
...h h there W811 no na me
Germa.ny was a.ble to make rap d proJ. A:: a of £3 and .ca.1£ "'u mpo.Rd.
Tm: WILXOT'l' H'm[~
grass In the earlier stagea of tl:e contest
Jaa W ma of:n. S e street waa ba ed on She ant 0 pated del v.rmg crushing bl"",.
t:allo nd w h u.s ng obscene a.cguaye n S Ive -.II :eeb
from which her opponents would never
on October 6t.h a.nd further 1'1 ,n a&l!au1t ng P ~
Phu.eT whiLst. n the aeouhoB of hia duty &t the recover
It ......, well known th..t It would
&&1Jle time i.IDd plilC()
ilmott. on CDtcn~ the dock Wlahed the 'Magul be some tune before RU6S & would bo
but the rap d march of the
ral.M a. ebeery Good me 11 ng
a.ed &aid be Wal effect '\"e
«; etl to see the JDStJees a am
Germa.ns on Pans 8'Omewpa.t as a.
Tho eha. nnan who was 3nrused a W molt. reo
H G Wells sta.tcs that
ma"tII: You heNl a..gaJu-? Row ong a 0 -.II t..ben Eiurpr 56
I t s no good pretend ng that France was
yon were here he ore
~ mo t. 1 h&V'8 kept &wa,. throe Tea:a clear
'Ths e tdenoe wh eb wu glven by P eo PhaBeY an fully prepared fo. an mst.ant counter
Sho w ..s short of all sorta of
'We(\OO!:da.y was read OVC1"
Yhen a..n officer wbo assi.!t«l 'P e.. Pbuey to materIal boots uniforms, oqwpment, and
he pru;oDe1' to thl3 station was g V1D", evidence
\\ mot ael& med
You a e lin. hO the Second was w able to put great numbers of Sova. 1
'" ou wd have ~ name and don t. forg~t. t..
able men .tOto the field for some weeks

There ...e2'8 PreMDt

tb. H.yor (Ao d C G F .Id) th. Deputy Hayor
At the mo.tbIy meeti'R of the BOld"" Ed.....
A const
(AId. J W Ibrltn) Aldermen eo. Dola.d ond
mu'ob nter Chi... ers 1aDd CoUDcillari H.,.....a~ E P Collier tian Comauttee field .t the OfBefll \.0 Bl.,....e
of tbe K ug E Jaebon Farrer (MID) Satton HOWJU Turner atrl!N!.l.. aD 'Thundsy allM'UOOD COllac I1nr 1... G

now app1icaoLe--and &fter the rat.cof 11 6d n the
-c for that. part. of the Borougb_ .....b cb preT ous to
the commencement of the O~er !omed part nt

DcJendan Mid. t.ha.t. m k was r a. ber 6 a ce and


A. meetins of the Beading TOWD Councll wlA
h.ld on Thur&d..o.r enn Dg

LOOU. din' APPOlRftI ••tL



hue. .,

oent. at added

th1.. IfIm



J')ond&nt wntes
We have ~ea 10
eited n the a.ooounta n the ~&pers
M eWIng the troop... on th$ Fa r::M l~ W~ COD
Norm W nter Sparks Dormer But er
s.,.. Sutton (Ch. rmaa) preltded and. there were alto
clu<le h.Us pontion wu OD tho hill at tbe end lcant Webb Walt.era Stace .. Monns 0
pre!ent CouncUlor Dr 0 S A..bnm ('\ lotS ChairlUftt above Moulaford alwaya knOWD formerly a.3 .t...ema Babson KOI"'lcy NewbOZJ Adn Watu, man) tho Mayor (..l.ld C G P eJd) AldermeD
EBta.blished 1723
The K D8 8 Standing -the Spat where 1 000 Walters and Quelch
H Bull eou ...
The Deputy Mnyor mOT~ • That the 66H. o Ridl.y T G au ••
years ago K U8 Altred C6 led back hu v ow oua
ment for a Borough ra.te DOW 5Ubmitted b6 oillon E. 0 Farrer (1ft.,) E M Suttoa A... W
army from thelr Pu.n5wt of tho Dymg Da.nes..
BEADING SATURDAY OOT 11 191'RO·U.L BE'&E"SHlltE HI')St'ITA'L p.ek ending approved ud that l.D accordance therbv. lh •
A Webb F A S'I'J'''I, J Rob"'" E Jaek. o.
&r<lugh rate be now made &Iter tho ra~ of 1. F W nter Md T N o~ M.. H. E llQIIOll
So..od&y October 11th In pat ents adIIUt.ted 22
6d n the -£ for tha.t part of the Borough n coa the R. Dr H R Cooper 8m th I4r W H.
n patieDte diech:u-ged 34 operatlaos performed
Though the n ..tion ,. still & 16.
ltituted prevIOUS to the commencflm~nt. of the
&eadiDg (Ext.eDt.10n) Order 1911 sub ~t 0 the Child. l!r C 11 Po,.,U ODd 1Ir A 5 Coodl.
....It tmg gooo new. from the front, the
,..,th the Clerk (llr B. T
PUSh) and other
tOl"1llS of d frcrentiAl n. Ins conceded by the Read
pos t on s fa.r from unsa.t &factory
IDg Corporat on Act 1887 110 fDr &s tbe "me are omCllls


petEridcnce was hen. g en.
lIOn /I 5 atelXlen






oonat tuted '0 ev GUll to the CtlDlme.n~~ment ot
the Reading (Extf!Jla on) Orc1e IGll-lUblect to
the terms of ditfe ent a ut n~ conceded by the
Reading Collporat. on Act 168 80 fat..
& &re DOW app enb f!-- and af er the rate of
1& 8d n the £. far bat pa.rt. of the Bon:nu:;b
wb oh pre, ous to ne com mellcement of tbe
Order formed p:.ut of t.ho urba d st]' ct of Cav
e.rebam and ..rter the rn e of 15 1 1 5d n the
£ for t.bat pa.rt of the BorouRb lI'h ~h pre",ous
to th& commencement or the Order fonned parLa
at the pG-MhtlS of 'lbeale and T lehurat thllot
eaep of the sa d ra.tes become due a..,d payable nq
the 26t.h October 1914 and th:t.L the eammnD
teal be according y a.fti:ud to lucb a."usmentB
Aldenn&n MutiD 8a d t m ght loern to mao,.
thnt the preaent. was a rather cutcu to :l " ' . , or
g~t.ting a.t the ~ond DSI.n ment 01 th !! r raUl
but U) were bou d to do t n thM. way ft, thougb
th9 mwng and publ ution nf r&tea for tbe
yeAr 'D(\w n'Vo "t"ed. four mee ngs
Mr Hayward leoonded the resolutioD aDd t


only now that her full resourcer. of


J Ie a.nd are gettmg a.rmed mto

tbe figoting Ime Vi. do DOt. know upon
wha.t informa.t on Mr Wells bues h R
statements but they accord W' th the facts
a nd eTpl;un \1. hy the Germe..n m&rch
though Belg urn a.nd Northern France waR
pra.ct ca.l y unopposed a.nd the small
Br ti5h force nearly overwhelmed by the
assault of unmonsely superIor forcea..

agre d tn
The C'lthe.r fonnJll,l Teflol


tiOD 1\.'1 to the pub1 ca
of the ra es 'W"U art.;:) tl.pp 0 eel
and & CouoCJ. meeting remarkable ler br nty
came to a.n end.

t.ioD and l eTT ng




Latter y the French lu e ha.s been ex

tended from

La,.s gny and R<>,.e

over t he Belir an front er




Ro.. Buw Ucava (' eGD\&lu7).- L E W
Ecet'tf)Cl (laLO .1.icniCJ1Ol D Sb,opt.b.i:e );oo ~,.) lD
00 T.doot.emAnt
Q 0 01.. c cL-hire RUfoX,
lO:uner L eut.. \.hft Ual!
A G Child V 1ef'!i, us abio ~d nto t.: ft '&swtidll
B ck nt:ba n !'t re fut.t.. Opo d and 'Bu 1u L ! - Tbe



that tber. mu st have bcen conSIderable

nccrot on to the Al ed Forces n the ast


week or two

Unfortun"tel,. th- effort.

carne t oo la.te to rao s.e the III ega of ~nt­
~ erp
Tbe fa ll of tha.t pace 8 to be
deplored not only becauPle t w II a.
moral effect b t "W II ro ease A. cons der
able body of the enemy faT ser ce n the
rna n army of the west It w n the




Belg urn




'O of bft

ap ~tme nt t('I .. ~rwt

ter. a "1' of A r r .\t .. hieb appu ed n
af Sept.. l:.t. LS c&DCOl.lfld






the Germans out

N c edhclcss



at s

factory to noto that the All es have
braugl t more force, nto IlDe and that at
seve ral po nts thev ha e slowly pushed
the GeT mms back
T e F ench com

n n qu c:\ haV'p. 13,tterlv heen much rno e
rcassul' ng
The cr t cal phase of he
ope at 0 S

5 anproach n.ll'

Gcrmanv 1 as
the qreateT tart of beT
st cntrtl
nto the fight n~ hnes 'l,nd t
m st bp, n ow or n e e r w th h e
Th e ou
orne of t J e now n pro«re s w 11
b" 3o'tt"a ted wi; h the keenest anx cty

ow 1.1 rown



--0- net Post
del e r ed an a t
on C hu ell 11 for b 5 8
aged n ve (c r c nco w th operat ODS at Ant
\\ e do not know upon what
nformat on ts it wele "as ba. ed nor of
course S or t CIsm to b(!J condemned 00
f" cry oecas on
But t 'Would be a. bad
th ng for this country if any great nternal
controvers es 6tarted
\Ve wa.nt to be
perle tlv un ted and present a. perfoct1y
un ted fr ont to OUT enetllles That s th~
po nt of the grea.test unpor a.Dce

ta Ii a





of Drye bill
of the ~a

mall n",

of Srnitb he



taste a.nd fot'e gn to BrIt sb hab t
10 not wlLnt boast nJ;'
We agree tha.t the
e v 1 bead of tho Adm ratty should not n
E J cuo::or and Ro s Jack OM CoMler-:!l Re.a..d ng
milnd n{:' ho T'eg ment., g e p UlOD&" five 1"'" te..rfere u the cond let of m.. Bury or naval have n 6fock 101)) HJ: "7\ Wz CUT CLam B 'li:m'
good eha acte
opera.t ODS but 501a,t there s no eVldence RUGS &S u&ed a."I1d fiUpptied.. by tbem 0 bl.S lie. ee.t !'l
the ella m8..n sa d U p'l"1 on~ bad bee" !;!1l"Sn &
Troops.. Th~y are truJ.y ema.rhb e '" ue at the
rood character and wu n th" 8C e of' h .5 country that the elllp)o;rment of our forco. at AEt- umfonn pncct of S. lid each &tId.. aho d command
werp wa.s not 'W" th the full concurrence of .. ready we
th Btu! b had docided to de*, elUen
'1'1' th h m
A e b ..nket '1'1' M fo w",Tded
and be wcu d ~ bomJd 0 or for a pened of 12 months the oollect ve raspons b hty of the O..b net UpM fequt&t to aCUoDs C("Irnen:: Read n ..... here aU
to be of i'ood 00ha. our
ca and 0 den a4auld b add eaed
Tc epbone
If there " any Decess t, pIa. D sp~a.k ng enqu
should not ha even n war t me No 249
but any semblance of d scord s IItnctly to
(BaIo e E P Collier Eaq
1D the chtl.J..!'
a..nd D
bo a. 0 ded
Ro....e E«t)

'Wou <i 00 nnM


eyCl Sf PiJr.;m Da.'W'-!On of 104 L erpool road

wu mm
h cyoe WIthout ~ liRht at 115
11 Tn au Octohe Sth in ltupe t..-,flt .oot
PC II HI\. man. kM Bowra. ..t:a..VB e dance, e..nd

mooed fo

id OR'


do &nd&nt wa.s fined 51.
Rmnm 0

" -C,Io,,,1 t he '""""
a~ i.heM&y~


R oha d Will!lm Deaooo

of 26

Hamn on rt)a.d

did not _ppee..r- n &TUJWe to. II mmon 0 ndlDiC'
.. b GYde au tbe foo way n Cowa /I p~


A good deal of compl&lDt 1S made by the
ord nitTY reader that he hae diflionlty In
&rr vmg at tl e truth of the 6ltuatlon at
the .e..t of war
Many seem Inclined
to I..y the blame on the dally papers and
acouse them. of bemg contra.dictory The
papers only g ve the reports as they are
recel ed from correspondents from the
Agenc elll or through offioml channels

Euta n aY~tlue <on Octobe 9th
A polieo OOllIJta.h", atatod hat tlKrre W'a " natiee Somet mes the news fro n offic al channels
m he PlWi&ge p <"Ihib DR' the r diDJ:(' of bLCyclce
abroad 6spec ally Austr a.n 18 dehberately
De enda..nt 'W8.11 tined 5tI
A htt1e exerc.., of mtell
,\MENna WI'l1IO'UT LFJ.lT.
Henry Sh~e d wu lhlll ,Q;ed

genee will enable the ",Itdor to ar. ve
F edandc
W'\th be1J\(t an ..beentee from the 2th HatttA
lteguncnt so n6'W here nea.r a. general
of the pos tion The opera.tions are 8pread
Illnoe the 10.b inet
P 5 Phn nil «tatOCl lla.t II .. 1"lt.1I'" 'DTte\..'lt'Hl 1I.t. Scm o>er such a argo area that.t g"".r&llv han
fll'Set tlle.oe a.t 0 45 th&.t 'mOTn!nll' Lnd n tip
0 pens that reports relato to " comp ..'''tlv~ly KIM I'm h'7 'IV noN h. adm t.t..od t hat ~ wu • mall sect on of the fightmg
It only
e..n Absentee w: thout lea\"8.
p ~ner WMI rem"ndad for .. W"Mk n ordnf th~t Iy happens that .. dec 81'1'0 general VIctory
the comma.t!n nt:' !'lffioor of the re~ent m ght be Of defeat or adv&noe or retreat ean be
oornmurucated \nth
Readers of war news wa.nt
tberefor.e to carefully ;tote tho
whence. lOformatioD comes and carefully

note ..lao whether. the fighting reported
"''Why Brita n Went to Wu" n tbe tit.!e or an upon UI only a local engagement or
~ booklet wntteD by 8lf Jam.. y ...n- whethe. lt I. mdlcated as betng on .. l&rge



aDd publUobed "" 11--. ea- 1 a. Co.

lA ,.al. The maps publ shed from t,me to
s..'"are. E.C pnoe ld 'nt) booklet demaD t me
f carefully BtudJcd IU conJunotion
_100 to tho 00,. ond Rrio of til<> Bnl"h Erup ,.
th tb d-">
d d
th.a.t althoorb th&r eonafZ..r haa al",..,.. 6t.oad for W
t:tq I ne"9J"l
WIll glT8 & 800 1 ea
theT. II .~ 1
bl,bor tl!An p<O<e- of the ml'oltance ~nd natu]e of the
"" II&tio!mll10DO\lL




H..-..p al a t t...e.ect..

aoro.t Berk .......
h Leie.\e: lfOlp1tAl

~ ...

S .lW:Clood" 7443. P.o, &! _

1 nn.t.8I T F bk nnw 91SZ do u.o
In PONmoutb a.p t.&l
J Blaekban 'r.87 !loyal

p ~ r COI!4e'Ot.ed to 'he cue be.i'Cg de& t W'lth
IUmmAn 1 ..nd p eeded gt
Ca.Dta. n F.a.nk i\!'..i II!; B naba,m
be offtee «nXI

he der~naants
fino of £20 ~acb
of tho a.rt c.!es

Tn t bl\ " rihe n
G. lr., d ... _


reference n a r~ee nt speech
to d ggmg the Germa.ns out 1 ke ra.ts n a.
hole W/l" genera,Uy adlll tted to b. m bad

Cl urch 11




lkG'lm flJ1t.
PM Lte



r; ItUn% 4521 d lAo.
rri\"&1J:I A &undcl'l 7161 dJ to

, C O. A.~D PIm lTEA Hl~G
'Pr nt.-ft I J. Ie ne 88:) Khy&l Berka ]t,:,uuenfl
PriTlotft 1l' But!
913S d t.v.
rn &1.1'1 ( Clarke 6026. d t.c6.
Pn'rete G F.)'nl 'n!M do t 0
Prin 0 £ G Ibc..-t 466 4 tto.



PaO'VlI!J..OX OJ' '- MOTa. A»nm...c CL
The member3 of thUl club liave Just ftCeom
pUshed .. fine p eee of patriotic 'fork .. tid t.he r
enmple s one that mtsht be followr.d by other
clubs. An 'ppea} waa made for funds for p'l'O
Vld ng a. motor-es.r nmbuIa,nee and n a week he
a..mount was &a.bMrlbed and t s hoped to pre
t'lont tbe ca.r to the 2nd Battalion of the ROyal
Berks Regiment. next week Mr J H JODea
tbe Hon Seoreta.ry oJ the Clul;o acted ae treu
urer of the fund.
The c.ppeal .~ted The br.rbarou6 and. mhuman methods .. h ch
too Germa.os ba.Te ado~ted n Europe dunng the
present w&r particnlarly of do ns: all they cnD
to: D a.pse tate the Armics Med c&l Carp:! are
entailing untold and unnecesury InlIer 08 and
:Dll!f!lJ"V ut;'nD the wounded haops of the Al es
re.sult ng n ma.n" cue! n deaUi .hiep oould be
aWl ded. by prompt me<! cal attendance and u •
~oDsequeDce motor car ambulaDaea v~ry UI
gently needed for the purpOtle of aOD'Veylng the
'Wounded to where tbey can rcce vo attentIOn
Tbta 8l~cs those of us who Me not ablo to take
onr ~n In the :6eld an opportumty of ahomos
those who fue 80 mllingly dola. eo that wo
ALLEGED THUT C;>P OVIJl.CO.A.t -When on duty
not lUUIlindful of them .nd are au OU8 t...o shoW'
Camp road, F .... borou8b 00 S.IW<1.y P.
our practioal I)mpatby by lisndllg to them euoh
••iatana8 as we can n the r great Deed aDd W:t.t&on appre.tllonded a youth DIUDOd BUlb Ell
to do tid. It i. Riseited that the members ot the roe "ho WM elolTYlD8 a new o..ercc*. UDder hil
Wollinglo. Club .bould .oud. fully equ rped arm The garment. had been .tolen .tram outaldo
motor ambulance to th. front for tbo use 0 the • &hop .t AId.robot aod.t )lomy. Polico
KilTo........mlDltled for If 01 ~I lb•• e.I
Beruh!>e lh. ..t m.ted totlll of
Quarter Sealo...
which WlU be .bolli £150 to £160; t


Pri..a \V G
13.'4 ditto.
Pn .....t.e T Batt.oftj 80St di .....
&rl\. 8 lA
S 89 ci t.c.o
Pr-iY&te It. rtlrry 24.5 dltto
Print. J Port..oat lOl.9S. ditM.



- Malllt'

Poulton Cb ef Cons Ilblo far Berbh re) IUpf!(l
ted tlIIe wbot,. Qf tl\tI IpGC 11 constable. 0 the
.A6eol d r.trict at the Grand Stand on S.t.urday
The MaJor compl meDted the men 011 the r turn
out and tbea announced tb.t (If tbe .. 000 eo
rolled n the county 1 500 would be twOI'D ill tor
dut.y n anv p.rt.. He d d not &Uppale th.t. the
mea 'tfO Id be w.ated out of tho r own dietr cll
but r the)' were .n thOlt9 a"ol'!l n would be
uader hili ordeJ'l'! lhJor Poulton eumlllaa aed the
im~OfI or -pflirn1liag tbfl 'foltda at NSDt.
the eDee :1l const.bles W(!re doing
Sr.Z!T L QRTt.'fO The rae~OD1'M authori
t 1'5 a.rfll Plio" n. hn eat,e aott. of lilb~ nS 4aeot.
road. aa Uie1 did. last 6e&60D
R.~Tl.IJlI!cT OJ' AX OLD Sz.v .... "'" ltr Arthur
Robbin. for 3S YUH meatser fnr Me..... Sm b
aDd Sna at A.cGt St.a.t aa • ","no II on ....U
earned p nloa Wlthin the nut few day.
Ftr~u u or ~ I nn.!> AlO'fOJl VICTIJf -Th.
fune-rAJ of Beg FredfJrick rAl'P&A:e who "' ..
kn ed n the motor ace dent. took "p aco at All


Sol.t. Cb ...h 00 tho lollo.. ", Sotard.y

Print.. A a-. S5J4 dilio.
Pri ..." 1 Stmm..... 1110 diu...
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A Tumer TlU diU.o.
Po Voltiu. MW d tloG.

B. Waner I(M4. dllt.o

H.u.l 1S'f


- Th. anllull 11 ......

tbauuR1YiDI sen e. ... heW lD the t'bueb
Thllfld.y October lib
The <bUrGh hod _


tutefglly dlOoratild wltb Gowen folia,ce oon
.nd ""Iet&bl.. .~ &Ma IMina th~ work or II . .
st.o...n .od 11 II E SIoIII.\1 lohODOOi) II ..
SteU'u lpulp t and loot) lb. s.,,1> (•.,....
and 'fi Ildow.) Thate wu • lUI' COD~.uO•
..blob Joi.ed b....llly 0 tbo "ql'. oillie Ii.....'
hym... Th.
"10 pre..atd bl tbo Bo.


H, II Foolm.. Bector 01

Kook ............
abl,. ~ the abo r
Tu ,*",Uo.
.mounted to U 11 8d.
La aid 01 •
Rolo1 Alricultanl Be...oIeal lrlAilalloD.


'J11t, mUlcal pan. of the H"1C8 . . . ,.,.,

PoJxmg H _.... ~ _ , \lot . . .111..
obsequ as belD, conduoted b, the Re. W F La
tJMir lUaull h.~
'1 robe B temu
A largo congTegat on attended .......... .1&heldN........
of~r II
III • mark of 1JIIII~.thy witb the be,..ftd mother
oorvt_ 00 , _ . , ........ _aft ..-Iet ....
Ind man, beautiful wr8ftth. were Iftt.. Amon, bed ...... ..w... ....
1he letten of oondolenc!t reoelTM by Mrt <II liIohottar ~ . . if ,""I, ~ . . . loy
~••e "10 on. !ram II B B Ibe Ducli.. of Ilr a. Oorlor w!tJa ..... '. eo!
" u.. No. Dido ....1 to • a..I


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• b"
u " ' " 0-"", V.1InAil
and Aln.. Fred
n :-Nll'l .