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Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, October 10, 1914. Pg 5

Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, October 10, 1914. Pg 5

Image Details

Title Saturday, October 10, 1914. Pg 5
Page number Pg 5
Date Saturday, October 10, 1914
Publisher Reading Mercury, Oxford Gazette,

OCR Text

;;:... aJ:ADING 'Y 14 C A



SoIdSBB. ASSAULTS AlfO~-OD Wedn,tda1
oIBeer D the Somer


eTOlIU'I;g a DOD-<lOmm... ODed



.BA])111& BO.Oll&B POLIO.

.et L sht Jutantl'J beh••ed. .... wr.ord DU1


on the South Eutern Bail••,. pla. Corm

lewuR • lanC8-Corporal of the uma reBimeut by (Belor. G W W.hb E"I n tb. choir G 1t.
tM throa.t and burlin« him to the grounCi
.J aeboa C. So S1IlI b E.qt a.Dd Dr J
ol!~nder wu conveyed to the police .t&t OD and
B. H"''l'~

oub,equoDtly b&Dded over 10 tbe military IUtb
til t es.

WO'LVP:l.lf!K'l'TO,," RiCES
The G W B COll'!
p&ny advert e ezeUl"S ont tiD Monday and Toes
De to Wol c hampton for be races They
• so a.dvertl!l:~ an C~ aOll ve week y e.enes of boll
dn es:~urs 1)118 dunng OoooMr II.Dd N01"ember
PALA.ot TlfEA'tB.'C At b s populu p1ace of en

Established 1723



tert.mment the e w appear nut week amonR
otbor u us os Ern e Mn ne n new lOngs and
o d fa.vo r tM Hoeler and Meel!] ttl
fun n a

On the ",hole progr.... at the seat of war
IS fa Qurable though news of decISIve sne
cess s 8.nx 0 sly a.'
The Gennan
forces still hold the r pas t on on the Aisne.,
and up to the flresent successful y re
pelled attempts to tUrn tbelr r gbt tlank
As e. result of the ma.nceuvnng on tb 6
ful.nk tbe battle I ne has extended north
wa.rd UDt 1 t rea.ches the front er
we are to d la.rge forces of ca.'l'a.lry are m
act on..

hay oft




c, of


of Paeh'l'Oarm
Coley "'f'eDue
A co e
ng ~ f ()
ad ug for he
NatiTe ud a.n ReA: mOllu a he. Front, She baa
been &Bleed to eo cct F a.nnel Cummerbunds ~.
v.rd oog 'T k Socke Comfortere M tb and
rb eli: Swen c So

W e fib Rei meDt • atJMled • C.rd tr • nee
19th all.. He wu remanded (or &D e SM t.


CroLlsQ. O!'PU;O!.ll

HIlfT'y I et
Wok Dgh.m road
for nd. ug ~ b e,.e1(t all the f oot ....." n u rmt'J'
Redlands road OD bept t lllher ~ h • kDO..-ledged
th e ebarse and "'1. fined 5.. ne UI ve
P'r&nk CaUt'.nder ()f 6 southampton .. treet
fOC' b eye1 up: on tne '('1ft nlth n North mbe and
awmua on t'he !!.1 d n
d d not .pp@u n1' 1\' te
00 the Bench and .... all eon l!equcn :ly 6 ed ]06
doub 0 the u u_1 P~DI. t


The outcome of these ma ements

s he ng keenly followed
may be expected if the

fmd Ka.lm ... od comrll'uy

pba.ntom U'OI

J. Dunna

Pte Ua", Eut ~u chi led ClD hlJ t)W1l eon
fHl OD WI h be1Da a de!lert~ r from the NflW

Great results
Germa.n 1I&nk


Two bro he

cou d be turned or the lmes of eommumC3.
t on cut
The fa.te of Antwerp bangs ill


II S deey and A
OWl ~ I ODM 0


bert DaM'


moned f or i.b
he .. nS .. r or pas
BenQers and reSldent4 n Wh Un 'Vood road on
the ') 16~ 1I"ere ell ID snd OD the ra. her plYIog be

tbe balance
The Germa.ns have succeed
ed lit forcwg the """s"ge of the Nethe,
and are now n a pas tion to bombard the
c ty
Ii rom German sources we are told




tha.t a. large number of guns have been captu ed
It s to be hoped that Antwerp

... 11 be ab e to hold out nnt I the pressure
of t1 e All ed lelt WlDg 1Il France compels
tn. German Army to look to I" own safe
:r rom the Eastern 81rea. of operations
comes nothing but good news The Russ a.n
forces are gradually dt v ns towards tbe
f ontier and the mcreasmg prossure OD
this • de may bnng apprec ..ble rei ef w
the West

1\ umerous pub1 ca..t OD& are trom
0 Pre.s tbroWlIlg .. great deal of light


upon German a ms and methods
'Va.r 8
t ~ Prnss a.n nationa.l ndustry S8J.d MlTa
beau a. d we exper c ae ng the truth
of tha.t d ctum
From the moment when

th Kit ser dropped tbe p lot and began
b s dream of world power a conft ct on a
stupendous scale became sooner or later

From the teaoh ug. of the Gor

no ,table
man p ofes

0 S

we know that Ge many has

been ed cated to bel eve n t e forc e of
arms for the achievement of her amb tons
nod far from bemg a.verse from war her
pol cy bas been to court t ...t he prop taus
moment as n fact she d d
Tho Pr ma
Mm ster made;, r evela.t on of the gTcatcr.t
mportance at Car I Ii
In J9J2 Gcrma.ny
was nfo mod t hat Br ta.Jn wouJrl ne the?'
make nor JO n n an unprovoked attack
pon he and tha.t a.ggresSIon upon Ge
rna ny formed no part of any treaty under
Land ng 0
comb nat on to vruch Great

Br t.. n vas a pa.rty
w hed for
) et Mr

"hat more could be
tens U5 that
it pledge wa.
wanted of abso ute neutra.lity
In tbe event 0 Germany bemg engaged w
In ot.her wonls she askcd for a.
fr ee hand flO far as th s country was con

f an d when she relected the
portun Ly to 0 I"J rbea
to dom nate,.
European Wo d
To th s amaz ng
quest only on e answer conld he g van
that a.n emphat c negat ve
Germany was
endea. 0
og to p ay the game :she so ft e
ce sful y pIa. cd d
ng the wa W1th A us
ce n ed


, , _ SO'l1C1l8 (wb <h "' .... "" . ............ tod w
b, Nama aod Addm. of be w:adf,r) an . . I
u 6d uUlieQlCGt... 0110.,-


8£1,..1 Zt. Cd

an d l'ranee when ber d p omacy S~
CUl'cd the t'1eu Tal tv of other European
nat ODS
Fortur!atcl ~
on his occas on
she h~ DO B ma.rek at thA bea.d of a.ffaIrs




lUJlal&GU MeQPl1DI.l¥ JJ ....
adcliuooal liAe. id

01 - .

2a. Id, '6

W'" •

sta .e men ha,ve a\'3o lea. nt by ex

They have not fallen nlo the

_ _0 _ _

1 ugs of tbe Be d ug (oOlm t
connect on " h the
Nat oon Relief F od v.E::ro OIl Monday






lor tie first t me thrown open to the Press
Tb s a t shou I be T b 6 corum Uce n
5 ru lar comm ttcos for otber
s cba.rgcd 'W th
c y mpo ta.nt

con n on w Ih

dut es It bas to asee ta u tbe coud ton.
of cmplo) meut and d stre • ar S og out of
tbe war It ba.s to p ov de em\loyment f
po s ble or allcrnat ely reI ef where
DcceSMrv Ono of ts great. fUDct ons 5 to
co ordmate a I effort., for dealmg ... th dis
tress lD. Its area. There s no body whose
vork at the present moment aJIects the
p blic more than thlS aDd policy demands
tbat ts proceedmgs should be ea.rr cd out
w th tbe fullest puhlic ty Those who sub
scr bed ""d those enutled to the relief n

partlCul ..r are ontItled to a complete know
ledge of the ad1lllll .trat on of the fund
but the matter s also one for the public n
general who bave a responslb I ty n the
matter because t 5 mcumbent on the
people to see that proper prov S on 18 made
fat' deailng w tb the extraordinary con
clitiODS consequent upon the grca.t struggle

Tberefore we bope that the comlIllttee Vi 11
coot nue fully to report wbat s bewg done
and g ve all the InformatIOn that 15 des r


At Monday s meetwg vruy I ttle tra.n

sp cd as to the amount of



and d strcl'iS nd t would be extremely
useful to comprehens ve and reha..ble
da.ta on those POlllts The espouso to the
c reu a r scot out ~&S rather d sappo nt ng
So D '£Jt3 TO!;ACCO Fv D
lind therefor. deta I. a.. to unemplovrnent
ption.s to the Ron. Be \.11 Reg men
were lar from complete The most n SUbseT
a.nd C /lllom t.e Pu:.od tbe &lm n wb h 18
tere.stmg po nt of discu6s on 'Wa.s a esolu TQbaooo
toe) ra.¥!5e £600 b IlgS the tala.! (lee pt.s to £ .4, 9
t on s ggest qg that the RCading Educa.t on 6d ltlt'Jud ng £5 from M~ F Low ~ac cr .£





ttce should g ve tc;> necen


ch Id

from 'Mrs Ed tb 'Benyon £.'1., (rom ("...0 one R
W W Follett £5 e.eb from Lord Desbo ough
the E&r) of RoSfl vn S r Alex Henderson Bart

ren t hr ee neals & day far seven da.ys per
week We aro s re that tbe Education
Oomm t~e • fIllY al e t.o. t. duty Ul th s lIr ArthlU" W Sn t.>n Mr W Howard P. me,
matter 8Jld that t w I take any steps Mr W 11 am N ~holson ?tIr F W N cho son M
that may be necessary
Tbose wbo A F N cbolllon !of' 0_, W Rayner £3 apressed the mn.ttet: upon the
brought forward no mforma.tion

In support

of the !step they urged and before embark

u1g upon the enlarged scheme of feedJ.Dg


f om S1.l' W

Cameron Gull.. Ba.r




collected bv Mr John E ghteeu and.£2 5! l'
ceeda of a. dance at B ewbU11


ALlIJ:D.'1' CBEVALlE.1. -Next Wednesday eyen ng
there ml1 appear at the Smal Town H&ll fo?'
one DlCht only tbia rum t&b e enterta ner Balsted
iby t e welll5towu oomposer MWl solo PlaD st Mr
Alfred H
ldr Obev&l er w U a.ppe,.,r as
N.poleon n • remarkable Dew ec:ena aDd will

suggested t • regu B te that the Educat on
OOIDlD.lttee .hould be convIDged 01 t,
J Whllit everythmg should I)e
done tfiat I. requited '" deal WIth an ab
normal .,tU,,"OD, the g<~ oare III st b. also ntzoduoe his III _t. !'iOOS Er Colter Rov n
e"erc18ed to aV<lld needle.. expenclture of m4ki (The N pper grown up)
The Chebea
p/lblic money and,'" _ _ toM mde PSD6lOlte.r. &nd hil; grejl.t new recrn ting e.oJlI' up Lad.
pendeuce of tbe peopk> beioIa ~


01 F


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iZi ~ ::a,;:o lEi
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