Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette 11-1914
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Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, November 14, 1914. Pg 5
Image Details
Title | Saturday, November 14, 1914. Pg 5 |
Page number | Pg 5 |
Date | Saturday, November 14, 1914 |
Edition | |
Publisher | Reading Mercury, Oxford Gazette, |
OCR Text
14, 191'
.VI'I.rO â¢.~D~____
A wnter m the
WOll .......
Washington Poet" hal
been pa.!!8 ng stneture8 upon th II country
ILnd dubbed u. a decadent nation
part oH1Mly critic.... the Bnti.h Fie..
for of VlgOur Ilnll enterpn.e and the
def.a.t of the Mbnmouth &nd Good Hope
B.fon h ⢠Hanour JudI'! nanul
off the coast of Chile
He TODlcaIly sug
g â¢â¢ to that the serVIce& of Adm r&l Togo
should bo requlMtioned
The IDjUstiee 01
tW. e tic sm s app The .nccet\6 of
Adm:ral Togo at Port Arthur was due
~reILtly to the element of Burpr... at the
ery commenocment of the war
B.U! de
fea.t 01 the RuBlll8n Fleet w .... ".mted by
tbe .uperIor tv of his sh p. m fight ng
q ,,1 ty
Take the act On off Ch Ie Ju.t
the Emden was no m ..tcb for the
R M A B Sydn.~ so AdD"ra.l C adock â¢
The delet:d ~n t l I n;; C uke
.h ps wore hopele ..l,. ontclus.d by tbe
0 ga. e evid-ence
uper or speed and &rma.ment of the two
The ChaJ m~n ~j.d he ooD 81de ed deteudllont German armoured crUIsers..
had b een en' C& e eM bu o n the whtlle they
ned to d smlM
be cue on hlS llajUll
lIfr Bonar Law 1n h B speeeh m
House of Common50n Wedne,day expressed
the op D on tb ..t looking at the whole field
the natlon has 1 tt1e c&u<;o to be dissatlsfied
Wlth what the N..vv haft done
wba.t t has a.ecornpl shed
It hat cl<>..,d
the North Be.. , ...1 ng uti the ma n fleet.
of the second gre&te~t naval power Ul the
world t has ass sted n oonta.m ng the
Anstr au N a. -y and k~pt open the Med te
r ..nean route t has tr..ruported the Br tr
.h Ann!\' (eome of t from ~re"t d Stances)
to tne Oro tineDt Wltbout the loss of a.
B ogle man
t has owered the Ge.rma.n
flag .verywhere n tbe Paoific &Dd d..
troyod every vmele â¢â¢ stat on t has c"p
tured or dl: ven nto neut ra.l ports e e.r'V
Genr;aD me cha.nt ship and t bas kept a,
stnet watch over neutraJ m I'P ug for con
t Bu ely these ach cvcments
of no neons der.hle mporta.nce In fa.ct,
done wba.t wa.s eX'pect
Nary h&s
t ob,a ned p act",a. ly comp ete
command of the liea.
So long R.S
the German Beet rema. n& boh nd ts
tn ne.
and protected by the gun.
of to Iort . t can h.. dly he expected to do
cd of
l!1ore To rush to d saste:f' would be only
"" foo sb proceed n g and a. real 6 gn of
decadence It s not the first t me tha.t
tie Br t sh Na,vy ha.s had to wa t patIently
for the enemy to come out
As Mr
(B '" F 1\ Porntt E g n tbe <bm H M Ohurcb 11 aptly remmded us Lord Corn
W '" .nd G R Jack on E g. )
" all It"'S nearly three years off Brest
a.nd \ m al Ne sou wa,s. more than ty; 0
yea s off Tau
The K n g oS Speecl at the open us of Par
I ament as R. mode of what. shou d be n
B cr S s
It opens
The .nerg . s and
mpath cs of m) SUbl""'. n e cry part
01 the Emp re a re concentrated on the
p osccu t on to a.
ctor ous SBue 0
'\\ a on wh ch we are en ga ged
For t he
moment 3. l athe r SS U13S are put as de
The Ge ma.ns caJcu a.ted t hat her e wou d
be d s on a.t homo stil more so., that
se ous t oub e ~ Oll d break out 1D our
a ersea. DOIllJO ous
But DOt. on Y f!I the
B t sh nat on firm y and ste adfast ly un ted
8 0 UO OUl1
TUr.SD '\"" SO'r
u .h
ll ..... l. ell.~
..., '"
Id E
to prosecute the war to It suece'B!ul ssue
but the Emp e abroad ⢠g tn_ of ⢠be,t
to ass ~t the mother Desp te the
opturo w t h Turkey the M . oU man .ubJects of h 5 MaJesty h& e g ven proof 01
tbe r loyal devot on and support
only neasures whieh 'W" 11 be !UbIIlltted to
tl e Bouse of Commons & e such as seem
eeessa,ry for the nt of the great
purpose upon wb cb the efforts of the Em
p re are net
The preservat on of the
State J,S mdeed the only husme â¢â¢ wh eh
sbon d occuPY tbe m nds of po t cans Jnst
Rarhert l [ 11 0 orts.. Md wft.~ emAnded
Ie on ,. eh& g'3 of omm tting an ode n
A w
For be ng rlnmk n We t street 'Reading
neF.t Page of Uppe B~ don 'tt'n~ fined 10
061(; or D defau 14 d a.ys bMd Ibbcmr
ht ond
The news that the Gertn .. n, Bucceeded
u etakl.llg D xmude ' hould como as a ra
IDloder tha.t we not ha ng th 085 all
(B ore C. G F , d Esq ll.! o
Ja.eb(,u E.'"q
now a.nd Mr Bonar La,w g&ve further proof
of t he Oppos t on s read nus to co opera.te
a 1 thev oau Wlth the Governme.nt to secure
&nd U ...."j
our o,,"n way a.nd tbat there s still need
for n Ore and more
It!. one of the
drawbaeks of the vol Uliary system of en
stroent t hat would be reeru ts eODsbtute
tbemsel es he Jud~e 5 of whether the r
sen ees are requ red or not For m&tance
n the darker days of the great retreat
nen c forwa,rd n tbe r thousands
1,'hev fc t t hat they were wa.n e d n,nd t
was the
du ty to come
Of jate th e
cncourag ng news t ha.t ha.s boeD pubUshed
has ed to a. cons de a.hle fa..1 og oft n the
flow of reoru ts
The feel ng of optim 8m
th ..t has preva ed 5 prob&b y n excess of
the faet~
Lord Kitchener who ought to
know has g cn h s empbat C op n on t ha:t
There s a. d IS
he w II need more men
pos t on to bel eve that tho Rn,. " DO w n
ca rry a. before them but when they get
to t he Gema.n f ontieriortresees the prob
.bit ty .. th"t they WIll find the r progre ..
ba ed and t w 1 requ re etu'Pendou8
effort. to ga D Iurther grouDd
What we to do s to pro3eeute our pa.rt w th
go l' a.nd when t s remembered that
th e Germa.n! a. e 81.. 11 pu su ng a. v JJorOUB
offeos e n Belg urn t So ObVlOUS that we
sba 1 need .many, more men f we are to
d ve them out of
The ma,s strates of the Reading Connty
Poll e D v s 00 have tbou~ht fit to make
an order fo tbe ear e1' clos ng of public
ho sef\ desp e a.D energet e protest on
Ben b nfl ted a. fin~ 0 h a.o"d
oroe.:ed de curla.n toO pLy tb~
" ED" ESDH f< OV U
Be ore E
P CoUior W Poalton
bohalf of the I eansed trade who regard t
as 8 i esh hard!h p in.:fi cted upon a.n 301
ready overburdened trade
We are
alra.. d tha..t tbe "Public caD cot aJtogether
be ""qu tted of blame Ul the matter
ce ta. 0 number of them nOt alwltv5
exert: sed & proper d Beret on tn. the trea.tng of the ecru ts
Bes des all bal!! not
been done tha.t 111 ght be to proVlde Tecrea
t on for the troops and keep temptat on
of one fo m or a.nother from the. r path
Some efforb h",vc been made wh cb de
Berve the h ghest commendat on but the
commun ty as R. whole have not real sed
the r respons b I tv
Var OU8 statements
ha;ve been c rcula.ted recA'ard og the can
duct of the new Army wh eh we bellove to
be very much eX~p':er&ted
But DO dou ht
pecul a tempt&t one: 3SS& men remo'Ved
hom thf\ r ord na..rv surrnund nga and
not yet fun~ come oder 1 se \')1 naN n
11 ences
It s on y another lustrat on
of the d f1iculty of suddenl.,. or.~t nJ; a
hu~ 1l1mv n the m d t ol "'ar
It. the
d tv of ever'ODO to do all th"y caD to
&If ~t the men on the path of dut:r I'Inrl
self r es Tamt
Rnec &1 me&8urefl wh ch
nay nfl
ha.rdsh p on other people "'ou d
not t hen be tlee'" 8Mrv
Jmt on probs. iao and«
12 m()~
The ne",. of tne £ote of the Emden
brought conOJder ..ble rel ef to th" countr.
HODour to whom honour,. due
UlII to the task ..Untted to them the cap
tao n and crew of that nUant Tea..,l d d
the r duty but ddt ch valrouoly "",d n
gr&ntmg the ollcers the hODOUrs of war
the Admlr<v recosn .ed not only
the brave!,), but the human ty of the r
...t onB
Wh I.t ",e regret the damage
done by the Emden th. natIon 10 alwa'yl
re&dy to reeogo... a. redoubt..ble foe who
fi~ht... clean nllht
W th the deotruction
of th~ Emden the I npr .onment of the
Koml!1lb6r~ "nd tl. nternment of the
Ge er "com derable step has }leen taken
towards ndd ns the .. as of the German
eo,mmereel fa deI'S
It 'W1 I Dot be JODJr
we hope before v01\ Bpee ⢠oqU&c\
ron s &cocunted fo~ lj.Dd then :BrIta n
WIll mdeed be ~"Of the to ...
OD .....