Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette 04-1915
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Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, April 10, 1915. Pg 5
Image Details
Title | Saturday, April 10, 1915. Pg 5 |
Page number | Pg 5 |
Date | Saturday, April 10, 1915 |
Edition | |
Publisher | Reading Mercury, Oxford Gazette, |
OCR Text
Colonel Lord 8&ye and Sele (hon colon el Srd
Ba.t.tal on RoJ a1 Soots F usilicrs)
th e office of commll.nda.nt of the Golder
5 Green
R S peA -Tb l'l annual meef.U g of t.he Road
1 hE)
h eld on J hursda.y at the Locture Room 109
wg a..ud D strKlt h of the R S
F f'r S .reef,
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'1 e L dOl?cnd 'Jlt Labo
~ old g loho r annual confe once at Nor Ich
tills w ok
a. numbe
s us a. na e beon ng
01 pOllS
reso ut
1< or
staoce they condemo th e treatment of llel
~ um and empbas 60 that
t mu st be
Ireed from the German yoke ~ e t at tl e
sa.o e tIme condemn the measures t hat ax
deSIgned towards that nnd In short for
all pract ical purposes t hf'\ r
Gontr bu t ons
to the probl ems of the day arc of the lsual
futile var etv They appeal to be more
pro Ge:rman tha n PIO H tIsh and It lS
ho are m15undel stood
abro-u.! and g ve lore go natIons an tter
Jr false \ lew of the pos twn of aft"a. rs n
ODS of the Bl t sb
people The ch ef res It of their act v
III be to encourage our eneIDJCS- and ric
press Oll alhcs
Fortunately In th s
country It s recogmsed that though they the most \ oluble tl ev CODStIt to but
a. very smaJl sect OD of the vorking classes
England and of the op n
and tbev are not fa.lrly represcntat,l'vc of
Bnwh labour.
Sol. Alent