Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette 01-1916
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Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, January 22, 1916. Pg 4
Image Details
Title | Saturday, January 22, 1916. Pg 4 |
Page number | Pg 4 |
Date | Saturday, January 22, 1916. |
Edition | |
Publisher | Reading Mercury, Oxford Gazette, |
OCR Text
!til LonIoIUp ""'" be wowJJ lob ..., oilier .,;
d.... that
aumed OIl Satul'Oa.y whe n th e evtde noo on eltbe.r
!llde &Dd the argument..s of oounllel were .oom
pleted In the Newt the learned Judge M:r
Just"", Avorr r ...rTOd hl6 ladgmeDI no botlI
fucl.a :II.Dd potuta of law
Thb &ta.temeat of clAIm set out that by an
_eDt mad. o.!4bor lith 1911 \h. pIain'ilI
'oaead to Ihe dolendanta pnmiHe ID the Load ..
Road me1udlDg ⢠.bop .ad fa.etoTy , far the
tel'lll of 6eV611 , from Jt:nIe 2ftb. f911 defaDd
a.ute oovene.niiDJ( to pay reDt. to plaiatil at. the
rate of £50 & year clear of aJI deductions IIIzcepL
property or LDeomb tu aDd fU.!'tber to 1D&Uftl tie
Plan:s:ti1f Old the defeDdantl bad DOt
pmd the rent n:.e"ed lip to &Dd lDaJodirg Ole
25t.b Dec&mber 1914 01' the 1lIlAU"&DCe Md
pLmit.Iir had been ooQl1)e.lIed to p., the
The claim wae £112 1k for rent. f:rom Sept.em
0.,. 29th, 1912, !4 Deoootbor 2.5tll 191f and £SI
9s.. by pkirltiff U lJI8tlr&nee pNmlUm. for
The dd.ll<ia.nlo.. til.". !lleadmge adm,\Ied
p.....till. to the ..... t of £M 9to 00<1 DO
morA, bmng I'U mODthr. ren.t of the pnMlI18M from
J"tlD8 24th 1.91. to Df.oember 25th
1914 &rid
£.9 96 the 4moant cl&mled In 1'e$peet of 1J16Ul'
ance. As to t.he rest of th~ claim detend&nt8
llald that 00 tbil ~tb Julv 1912 I ~ Wa& 'rerhaU"
a.greed ootween p.!un.ttft" fWd defeuda.Dt& &t "
board meeting ot tJu~ defendant comoa.ny At
which phunti1l' Ilnd Mese:re JIl.IDEI5 Stnwihng a nd
E. P Pleoty dlreetD~ ware preeeot. that
oon6lderation of the de.fenG'Mta
fONRQlng their
l'IIght to dISJD13S Henry Fems and eontlnUIOg to
pa.y him £2 per week he Ipta.iDtlf!) 'WOuld ore-tilt
the defend"ntB wIt.b h-&lf the weekI,. sum so p&ld
M bemg JlA'ld m "f!~peet of the rent ot the p1"e
1,0 t me ra.ll ng due
mder the
The defenda.ul8 lfIo'd t hev perfonnecl
tbet.r part of tlle agreement and paid FetT1!1 .£2 B
week nntil t.h ~ ngTeemen t w~ dei«m.1ned b\
mutuiU oonsent ahout lhe end of June 1914 A.nd
partly contB.lned n & l~t.t(lr 1.0 the plam tl" dAted
July 4th 1914 Th e- de{poodanlfi (".Ounter --(lltumeri
for .£ 111 4s &I {nr work done h r t.hem Rno good~
~rpp h erl 1.('1 t.he pJn. nblY fit hi! request
Mr \rrohnr Powell K C a.nd Mr F L RattoO
(Irn>Lruet.e<i hv MM8]"11. F etrler Jones a.n.d HAl'
n son) "ere counoSel ror the pla.lntlfJ th e de
rendan ta «- re re!>r&lienf.ed b y Mr E F u> v(lor
lDstructed b:v ) fessr!'. S harpe Pr t chard 1\nd Co
from time
Mr Po I1elJ
EVE R Y true aim in life is taken
with Foresight. The housewife,
aImmg at a successful wash-day, buys
her soap with Foresight. She buys
The Id and id sIze wIll be found convenient
for including In your parcels to the front.
a guarantee of PUflty and Excellence.
I n the d n ~ on on the ;;,econd rendmg 0 tho
....:: _ t ~l'T ~c r ICO (Coml lslOn ) B 11 n th e Honse
o n u;o r " on fan lfll") 6th t ho l OH'!rnmElllt
r t;r 0
:r n favour of tl e moo~u r e LDcludod
t1l.~ ollo\{" n"
lZ - Mr "
B n lke the Hon
L :E F cnlle l!r E r ne:>t Cardl er :\l r A ::-it.
George Ham eIsley LIGut ColonAl HeDda ISOD Afr
J F Mason Mr W A Mount Mr A. C Sa.lter
V I5C(J tnt V31entia aDd S. H~r r) ' e rne L e It.
Colonel L e he \ \ Ilso!l <Boodmg) \\11 ;" I r evenW
hy h LS mlhm t"] senlce nbroad H OlD \ otiDg In
rli 1:0, 0.0
1n t be de!:k1Ul ,..hich preceded t he drVHilon on
t he SCCo:Ind reading it :.peecb wJuc b attracted
!Ouch a t tenti on b, Nl~n or l~ practtcal charac
ter '1fl::. deln eled bv Colonel HE:ndorron (
on D VHI10n ) w-ho Ul the course of h:,; remark£;
Mud~r eDtu re to speak III thl'" lebate because
of the h ,ct. t hat I htJ e been connact;ed po~s bh
m ore than a ny other membel of thIS House, Wtth
wh .. t we mar ca ll the 5wa o song (I t the \olun
t'l.r'" S\' :,;te!!l through Lcu-d Derb;i 5 repr&~cntat.l',;e In tht~ h ouse ~Cheers) In that con
nectlon I 1 30" 0 come f.LCr06S prac.ncal1) e e ... dl.fti
cult:'t that. bas ansen a n d I hil.' e been able to
get from t me to tune as closelv as one ooultI t.o
the Intentiun Ol the gr oup :.) stem The hon
:member l\bo mo\ed the rejection at
Blll r&ferred to tb(> fn.ct t.ha.t we attested starred mon
r..nd uggested tbat 'We onl1' dId so n order thAt
we mlgh t s\\ ell th~ numbers to sho~ how far "We
W ~n successful He alw slggested that t hese
men came \U order to get the 2" 9d I venture
m ~'\V tha t no gT'06er lIbel ha" been dIrected
e l tb er
aga1Jl5t the c la6se~ t h a n was cont.uned
In tha.t- "tatameDt
lCheersl '\hen we sta..rted
canvu5S1ng It "3.- o n gIna l J' IDr.endsd only to
ca.Il'l'a.t>!'. the tns t.1.ITed m en but \\ e foun d tha.t the
men who 'Weri ~ta.rred demanded th e ngh t to be
b.ttest.ed ..They a.m. -mad ln a.. pert8Ctl:r conec.t
!'pmt that tbe"t' were prepared to do then duty
fo r theU' country In the ca.~ l tv n which they
w ere most reqnired and that It t he tim e came
when the) ware no longe.r reqUlred for makiilg
mU)'ll tions the;i desIred to a ct a s volunteers to
take theu places m the tnn ches alongSIde theIr
fellow8 (Cheers ) T1 e ebarge t hnt thev came
forward sunply In order to ~et the 2s. 9d IS It
m ost unwa.rranted Insult to tho ",orkmg classes
(Cheers) The hon member alSo') madn a suggi!'5
nOD tha t t\le men becomIng attested "ould 1m
me(ha.te1r com~ under mar tial law 1 bale on
filat pOInt to-day obt:atned t he legal O'plnlOn of
those who adVl-58 the Wa!" Offiu and I can now
!l.ssnre the Hauss that 0 man as soon a~ he beomes att~d eltber under the gro lp s"I'"stem or
u.nder th e H I... will ellJoy hI S full CIvil r,ights TlDtil
ha 15 raUed up In hi! J!roup (Cheers) I a.m
p-Iad tha.t the vest m9..Jo nty nf member:; of thl::;
H ouse r ecogmAA the a1teroo. condItions and that
"' r>Jte of rt) mer II'W"i o n the question of com
~~ r (' (' r he 1 n e determmed to support
"AGI;':5 L'" .AGR1cCl:n r RAL D16TBJC'Ta
Take agncultuml districts '" Ith which
a m best aequ8.1nted Man are reeilH tng a!ld
Justly Iccelnng [\. ' 1M more In proportion
to ha t the r hl.bour 5 worth than they ever r&Cf!noo before It ,\\-UI has done no other good
It b as Ta1500 "'ages In that partie liar mdu6try
and I h ope they Will b~ mamta.,Doo (Cheers..)
lhe ch:i.rge has been brought tb.e agnew
tural CO Olruumtv tbnt It hus not come forward
under Lo rd Derby's scheme. 'Ihl s may be true
at some dl:.trict<; but the agncultural oommumty
ha.s bad n. groat deal to ta.ce 10 m3Jlyagncul
tural di"tricts which I know at mumtion works
h3 a been bUIlt n e" demands upon labour ba\:o
been m ade and htgh ra~ at wages ha't"8 been
)}ald a nd no v we ! at t.he same time the
Board of Agnculture delWl.ndlng tha t the land
should produce more crops Ho" 15 It poSSIble
for them 00 produce more crops when on the one
hand the Government. a.ra ta·king the men who
would gro'l' those crops to bUlld mUllltion works,.
a.nd at the same time the men come forward
a.s they han done 1.0 the South and Midlands of
Eng1a.nd III a proportion whic:h WIll bear com
pa n ROn WIth <Lny part. of the country to do thelr
duty to their oountry':> (Cheers) In mv OOIl5titu
eney I could taka members to a farmers orchDary
l\ here out of elery ten men you would iind that
at least OOTen are mourrunfi: the los.s of some rei"",
tion lD Galhpoh So lt IS unJust to make II
whol~le charge aga1nst fa. rmers and farme~
sons and they should not be Judged by the glanng
case.s WblCh trom time to tima tire brought to
notic:e (Hear hear ) I hope hon members a.t
Bn~ time that the, are able to come lD contAct
With m embers of theIr local t nbuna1 s wlll per
suade them to mllke Ver y full mqUtne5 before
further exemptions a re grnnted (Cheer~ )
After replyrng to other CritiCISms dIrected agltlD~t
the measure Cj:llonel Henderson concluded . by
'Vii entered thB \Hl.r nonunally 1D def('nee of a SmAll nation who ha.d been malb-ea ted
by Germany who"e scrap of paper waa torn tlp
fUld sorely we to-111ght are not :B0lDg to up
the .!ICI'lLP of paper wh (', h re-'presents t he under
taking glVt>D bv th e Pnme ]'fInlster to m a rned
men that tho,- s hould not be called n!>On to serve
mtil th,e unmarned men had been so cal1ed u]'Jon
On the oontrary I beheve tbat to nIght we !OIball
hne pra.ctlcally 8. nnltnlmous 'Vote of the whole
(Cheers )
M.r F B Pa.r6tt t he preSident OCCUPIed the
eb301r at the annual geueral meeting of the Read
mg and Dwnct. Ga.rdener5 M ItUtlJ Jmprovement AsSOciation at the Abbe, Hall
The ann 1aJ. report l1T&" eot-ed by tho hon secre
The offic(,;r5 were elected M follow~ -PTe51
dent Mr E P Foquett Sutton '1ce- p.resldents
the Ma.yor lMr Leonard Sutton) and Alderman
F B Pa.rfit.t J P F R H S trustees Mr !\.
C Bartholomew a.nd Mr A W S utton J P
V M H chalTDla.n M.r E Blackwell F R.H S
"fIoc-chalrm&O Mr A
H. F IIk cr
lih.m.rl'80U Ur E J Dore B.SSI!'.t.a nt hbra.rum
Mr G Durrant tJ"eMurer Mr A H Leaver
lI.udit.ors Messrs G E Hawes and W J Taylor
eomml tt..oe Messrs A F Brule; G CRrt;ilJr r
Castle F R H S F W CO!hn C Cr1P~
Dare F
Good:gft1" R A Hatton F" A A Jones
F Lamport H C Loader T NeTe H R eeTe!l
G Tovey F Townsend J T Tuhb ft.od H W1I
500- h OD secreta.ry Mr H G Co:t
hon secretary M.r E J Dore
The polOt's competJooo l'e6ult.ed 8-5 foUo"s'E Blackwell Foxhill Ga.rdens 12, for table
G d
pl&nth H ReeV& Bl8lDdtord Lodge
&r eM
11! for orc:blds A H Fulker E1mhuMt Ga.r
deIlI5 10 for veget.lI.bles C C rIpPI!i SldmOoutb
Grange Ga.rdeos 9 for fnut
Ashton Lodge Gardens 9 for frUIt
H Good
gel" Stoneham HOUM G&rdens Caloot flnt-class
cerldicate fOor 6l::S: dishes of Blenhetm .. On.ngM
H Reeves 6.rst-claes cer.hfica.te f.or well flowered
pla.u'1:.5 of cypnnedlUtIls
~Fmm the Readi:og Mercury o( Ja.n. 22 Uhf) )
The P a per [Ame",~ao] of the 16th nIt. men
tJons It report brol!8'ht tOo the Umted States from
Malaga that the De:v of :\.lgters bad been beheadEld OD of the Trea.ty concluded W"tt.h
From RIO Janelro It IS "t.a.i:.ed
Troops eon
tinne to a.rnve h@re from Ll!';bon and report sal !.
some of them are to .§O to RIO Gra.nde WIth wha.t
obJect I kno v not..
There ILre other ad\lces
from the B~ls 'lrhlch L'ita~ that a. ~lan B In
OOIltempkttlOn tn conJUDction WIth SpaIn for tho
rKovelj of the South .AmeM.G&n poss.esSlons to the
la,ttar J?Ower The .A.menca.n Em'o't" IS a. gT8I'I t
fs\ounte mth the Pnnce Regent of Portugal
· . . ,,-ys
! letter from Dartmouth
that 2S of the
Dutcb pnsoners out of the 65 that It"ere wreoked
In t he Be~y cartel on Sunday 58 nnlgbt.. 10
Blgbury Bfl.~ "ere drowned and many of the
surVIVOrs were milch cut and hTUlsed
· ..
Weel nesJay Mr John Magee, pro:pnetot' of The
Dubhn Evenlng P ost "a! liberated after a n 1m
llrlsonment o f ., years ha.\'lng entered mto r8C'..o~
mzances before the Lord Chief JUSti~l and pa.1d
16001 lD fines to the KlDg 5001 for till! lIbel on
the Duke of RIchmond and 10001 for th", It bel
contlnned 10 the resolution.;; of the Cathohc Moot,..
i.ary (Mr H G Cox) who has resumed hilS old
pos ltlOn In ~ucce.sSlon to Mr
sIgned stated t.ha.t th er e hJld heeD a. decrease lD lUg In Kl1ken.o)
memwshlp dunng the Jenr owmg to the de
Tbe butch er ! meat for tHe workhouse at 11\ er
pn.rture of many member>! from the J;lelghbour
pool for the eosmng SlX month s ts to be furwshed
Tbe c.ommIttee ex
~h ... P n ll~ Mm l
cnrrnng out hI!'; pledge.. hood And by enlIstment
h;i' oontract a.t "!d per Ib to be thE! best b~f n
'Mle IJU" rter
(("' h t'"r \ Fw II pe r!") ~I f'lxpenence 1n V151ting pressed regret. M ~1r Castle s rel!!!IgnatlOD
I ff rt'nt 1 crru nil" reaS of the country I have
fonnd t l :),t those Wlifi"'" Me t.o-day OppOSl.D~ the Bill exh bits of Bowen; f~'l1t &nd veget.a.bletl were
A letter from Quebec quot.ed In a.n Amef'lcan
'J'ha,nks were gn'en to MMSrs
have dODe the WnJmum to support the Voluntary made at each
'Paper fin:.." - The Amencanlii taken JlO~
!'1V' snd t d(M)!'l not h e Wlth them to oppoae Sutto n and 80M and Unlvenllty ColJ.e~e R6I\d
se6mon ot all the Islands tn the U pper LakNJ
the only scheme whlch IS an R.lternat,il e
mg for provldmg rooms for the varIOus meet
find It. 15 sa td Intend flreeting A la.rgA, fort on
0De ground of oPpoSltion to th18 Bill IS t bat bll!il
mIX to
for ofl'ermg pmzes for litk(ll Cha.mplam and anotheor off' tho ~I Law
ess should be earned on 8.8 us ual. but we are In S ngle-handed garden ers And to tbe pre.;ide nt renee nM r Cornwall
al Clrcumstanees aDd m M elJ'Cumst:aJi.cM (Mr F B Pa.r6tt) a.nd the Vloe pre6ulent for
~k~snthese ean hus}.D.eM be 1\5 usual Bn51D8118 theIr
Th e Am~nC9.n pa.per.; now stat,fl that tbe WIlSP
8UppOrt to Mr John Walter snd hH! head
u:st be llnUlUal. ILl'ld buslnoss mast be drn1"ted gardener
SNl dtel' hl'Umg bee.D
(Mr J T Tubb) f'OJ' en&bhng tht'l A-..
:, those cha.nnels wbu"h ".,U bnns lnthDlOne) ~ soclat on to VISit Bea.r Wood to the bOD mem c l'lpnled n tin ac:ti.on ,nth Ii. Bntillb fnga ~
for the waT and th e reeourc88 of
eooun ... .".
afterwards put Into Ctadiz not being aware
hers and to the f!dit.oM\ or tM hortIcultural and awhum
~uld be UMd Ul that direction I could gn'e local
t the time that the Waap W8.fl her 0ppoDent
tances 01 members 01 the working CWIIeI!I who
The presIdent Mid tha.t dunng tbe 81gbt yMN
.". ......?iDJ ~,;;_ 100 per oent. and ISO
the eo""".rc.ial Con
t . Lf......
" .t ¥J ......vod
venQon 1I'1th Amenca &l'nved a.t Fa.lmouth J:ll
!!.lbllo ~ ftrlllJ Ion ,.....
mlll;r. datil m>m New York.
haY- -,
Ihe _
""-1"'111 4-.166...
He ....
DO' .aleN.iD ..,
_or .DeS'. . .,1IMJIIti".
. or..
~ w~ lD wntiDg
It .... docided
to ⢠~'eiDl ...
iDied him IUId thai hU
aboulcl ftI
~ M £2. Notbms ... I&id M
rJ>oul rodooiDg hi.
to th.
reat of the JA
nI the
di..reoton ... on July 25th wbea. letter .....
reM. frtnD Yr Henry Fenw acoeptiDa: t.he ne_
w,_ tboa 011_
taril. that if biA ~. _..,. ....... am. ,...
dueed be rw.;tzI_) -.lei _ _ ,.,. h,. ...1
Notbml .... Aid oboui ..., risht to rodu..
or dil1DlM him
Be al,...ya
thouaht ¥r Stn4h.......bed to pt. rid of hlS
brotlier Oa Jul" 3rd un. Wlt-.- ..",~ "'
algtnng h. directcnihIP bem, di-s-t.M _Itla
wa." tn whJCh Ot8\' ~re a-e.tmg hta broU:lel'
aeoeratly After that be Mid he WM GOt. golD.
to forego hVl ",nt for &Ylllr There were ef:'l'era.1
dl6pute5 about aoeOllllt... afWlrward.6 10 ""fI'8Ot. af
work thlll eomp&nv dId for..,t:DMf. On the 0\1 t,.
hre.k" of the war M.r Henry Fern. roe20tned h"
Terntonal t'fIqI.ment. but UI t.he follow:tnt; Oc'''''
bel' h e ~11 told be ...... old .a.nd aNlIII b...,k ( ion
!udenna bUI bmthe" bad heen trNted l bamefuny
he decidEd not to adb@Te t.(t ~ Yolnnta.ry o " e r to
foMflO the ren t,. ao.d tlta.t wu fh~ rl'lUon 'tVbv be
hail brought this actioo
C ro~ en.mloM H., g..e MI Plenty A. -pn1nlr
o( at.t.orTIe'" and ~ t h.,m IIrnI'J'l"Po of money &II "'"
qT1lrOO ba.V1ng e'HIM" confldflOOl': m 111m
Bl the Judlft'> FI e had Tlc"~ r l!Mt money to
_ 1!15t 1,,, hrolhcor but no d rlll bt ~tr PI"n ty had
h.e.lnM 1 1m
e mS! e u.nl1na:tJQn cnn h nuM H I5 hrhLher took
Bon>, profi t 1f !ln ~ ware mllode
R~ OOl In nnt. Alftar
th at. n one of h l .. mone .. went InIO thf': h II'I!nNlI!
h ut If ~ 11 m Jilt on" bll\''' heen s:nuul l um ll M.r
Str1ldhn~ n Ter complt\ ned to wltn~~ Ihn.l
bro/her 'It'':'\ S 1'IUt. huntll1fl when h'" shouM h&'I'e
been fi t. hn f'tn~ .,r th:\t he WIL._ ott.en Ahsent !'It'
lhi'lf h I' did not him llf'lf W"Ork
nih.. hUSlnCH
'Snt a. word \~ "Vet' ~1d ..bout hI!! hTC\t,her not
dO Jn~ hl " ~ut\
He d Id not Int..t'nd toO (o,....t;'o th e
rent cntlr eh' h j nof t.o nre..c:!'\ for 11
li l\ had
often me nhnnNl 1(\ :\Ir r-.trarll n'Z .bRt hI') hl\d
because foresight tells her that a soap with a
guarantee must be made from the very best
materials, must preserve the clothes as well as
purify them, must save most labour, must save
most time, must be more economical in use than
a soap without a standard. Cleanliness means
purification. Without pure soap you can't have
perfect cleanliness.
That stands to reason.
"""",nt at th. _
..___ "hoo ⢠letter ....
re.d from 111' Beary Fern.. ia whicb h. 'al
geoted Ihe,. ...... ru!Dours .. to th. _ID!,.
meat 01 ⢠DCW mamapr: lit' P1eotr"'" _eel
Ilo trJt to III, Heury Ferr,. oDd _ _ lhol
K C opened t he c:A5e Hf' !'l3Jd
great d~l III d spuLB hI t o nul'!
restod upon th ,. d efend ant", 10 regard toO tho n('lt. IT'<'el'l''ed R n\ r ... nt ILnd Il.'~ h m t;o r&v j
nn ) ulv 4th HH4
M.r Le v~r MId Mr Benn Ferns h ad acted ~
),ir Hen'l'1' r c-rne &01.. OrtlMnt '!;n~ bv the
'W ork¥.. fOreD'l&D to hlfi brother Prior to th e for
m il Uirt> B.llthorltl(l" nplt r Wm ~htf;ter MId hI' WI8
m&t\on (I f the C(lmpa.D'I" wh e b W,IUI f01"mrld In ~ nt (or to I!Itt~ nd th e meetln£!; or fhf' l:w'!R m on
1911 w.llli :Ur T"'m£.S Strll< and Mr E P l:teo 'Jnd J \ "
NO!i Igge-bon he I'I'R.ld I11WJ then
Plenty a.nd Mr Wilham FerN H:!! ihrectors made bv either dlret'f<or 1hfl.t h ili fiialA M' e.hou trl b @:
TheTe "ere four n.greement.l'\ a.nd one of tbem reOuced 0 1" 'hilt h e ~hnu}d h B d u m 1!.!iPod
provided for the appomtmell t of Ai r R enTV F elTlS
1n Nl p iy to th e J d ~e Wlt efi!lO ' 11 rl he pllthe.rM
as work!'; m ~n"'Re !" for 6 \ 0 >, at ~ sAJ",rv of from wh;lt tran!lplT(~d at t he mef' ttn g~ Ihllt the
£2 peT ..... e.ek l'iu bJeC-t 1.0 II- not ~ of thrr.e mODth!'. tI r ecl.o1"1'i o.m templllted rf'mO"l'InJt h m from h.IS
F I"lctlOn nro~ hctween hh s'trRrlh ng ftnd Mr p<mtlO11 It" 1l'lln nger hllt not f!"llm th,. bl1"ln~
RellT·v Ferrli 0\\ mg t.o the feehna tJ f!t tho
111 rs W (\_ Iht" Cft~1"
IR ~E [}('If U~tng h1l'l b~t efTo r t.s for thE' sue
Mr Powell 5l\\d It 'l\"lI fit tpl1 i ...... l~:'Ir t h At I t. W11-<i
COfitl nf the
absen ce~ from hU';;lness
Inten<led to [l;lIDphmt Mr H"n ", F e rriS In the
a.nd dlsobedi~nce of nr-d or~
Tbe di T~d<or" ba.cJ pOSi t en or mR<nagor l'I ot t.n d illml61 hIm t ro m the
'" bona fide bellef t ~ y h3d potrer to d sm s!'. e mplCJ\ C\f th e comn:a n- but to reheve blm of
hun IUId they had dOOIded 1.0 a:opoUlt &!lothe r rhan&gen3.1 r espon51bllltT a.nd theM '\liAS 1'10 f1ug
maoager H()'Wc.ver Mr WILham Fenl5 mduced 2~lOn t hat h e ~""" to he reduoed t n I!&ln.I"I'"
them t('l k-eep hIm on 1.tiU pavmg £2 a. treek Tht' Emdel'lce nc~oo Wltb th e doeument.!l from
hnt he und er took t ha t £1 of t h s sbm Jd be b eC!'l nn1n~ 1,0 er.d and Wft.l, not oontN\1"V to
er'9c:hted to hiro In I ell o f 1'0 t
The m3nager mteroen-ts ml\dfl h , !.hl'! W'lt n l!lM.~.6 on th ~ ot h M
oompmmed tha.t he nlld tn d o bench ' lorio;; a.nd Sldt'
t'.launed that. hIe dutJ($ trere ,rea.lh moro t.h('.,se
H S L01"dshlD ~I d h I' ftllt ~ m n~t N'&e~ e thl"
of eupervJSlon There W~ &1 mt.erY16'" R-nd pom t ral~ unde r N!C)t.ltm -4 of t.h" !=\t1\nlte of
dl£.(:nt;S10n t.he result of WhIc:h T&S t he nr l"lW1gc Fr.nld s fo r con~d erl\tlon fLn d thai twInS' f!() h e
m en I.. to pn (: (1 a. week a.nd forego the l"ell t.
\m ulcl rar-er"l't> 1I.!1 tht" OIher potnl..s He wnukl
M r James Strad l ng mot(;r eng neer a.nd I:{ \ e hl!'i d ec:: IS on on t'he legal PO lI tI!. ~hlch h1JQ
d rector of the defend B.of comos.n'f"
"Ii-!d vhen beon argt IYI nml &1fiO M the rncU! . t th a eaTI ell
they- took o'Ver "he bU8meM I t \vas lD 110 d eplor
opnorhm ty d Irmil: lb.e Clrenl t.
ahle cond t on n.nd th~v hoped to Impro"e It.
hv n t~UCLng ne w method s
A.rter Mr R ~ nT"\'"
Ferns hAd boon 8.ppotnted wor),.~ ml\nager theri'
were contmu fl.J compl a.tnt.s M to h s n e~l ect of
busmess h ~ cpo &bsen t on h unting and other
We gla d lv aooede t.o .. requ est 1.0 call the li t
matter s wlth('l ut glv ng 9n. nojjce (If h s where
abou u. fnc t lOD ?.a-! ca.used
a.nd he remon tantlO n of 01 read ers toO the gr~"t u D poTtll DCe
strat.ed with Mr H&lry FerriS but all to no pur of 1;he Be ru VoluDtary Aid Tra.nsport Sarvtce
pose. He had consta.tttl:r to r epnm llnd bun on Whleb doe.!! &ucb 5plendld wor k l D contLDually
conveYing In Its motor &mbula.nCfls a..nd em
ODe thlD1!' and a.nother Ti.m e~hee~ were p ro
dueed shoW1n~ ~ort hou~ The son left for wounded and eonnlesoant. &oldlBflI. tIl &11 pa rt6 of
tht'l Royal Con.nty During 'the p&st :'lear the
AUstr.\JI I'I. WIthout gtvln~ n()~ICe a nd Mr Henry
Ferns It W'&5 nothing to do Wlth hIm
In service has ~nmph"hed a. truly r@munble r eJuly a board meetIng 19M held to C01l5Ider tb e oord. ba.:vmg mAt at !tahon s ftond 000
Jiltua.tion a.nd M.r H e o ry F er ns W8A l'reeent Mr geyed to h o~pltalA over" 600 51<*. &nd ,«,ound6d.
WilliAm Fern! !&id h 5 brot,her W a.& ~ u:relT wldlen. and aIM) removed lrom the b 06ptt.b
wort.h £1 It. week to them And If they woold num.ben of m en d&iJy to the rai!''''''Y "'ta.tlons
paT hirJ'l tlUs amotn1t h8 would for ego the £50 or to convalcsc@nL homel Smce the commeoce
a year r e nt but Mr Henry FelT'-'! wa.s not to m e!nt of the orga.01Wloa 5 work lD MM'ch 1915
over 13 500 men haVe! th~ bMD earned thfl c~
know anvthm ~ of thlCII
A.t tba.t tIme the" be
heYed they ba.d the nght to d muss ~[r B en" 10 the &UVlc.e b aVlng 1n tl1e pedormaoee ot tbll
d uty covered a. tot.d d\6t.anc:e of nea.fIly 20 000
Ferrl6 1n July 1914)11" Wil h a.m Fe.Tn8 r e
MJmM hIS dlI'eet.oT'4h1tJ a.nd !I& d h e
not miles.. So p6rf@... t 1" the orgi!ll.n1_tlon 80ud 50
willinR 1.0 foreRo ~ rent for ever They had. e ffeotlV6 the work ot tJwo 6f'lrvlOl! a.nd thf! 13t.b
direetor:o: meet'lng pJld d eOlded to pav Mr Henry B arb V A D orderlies that. t r a.m of 1.50 CMfts.,.
F ern5 £1 80 ~k "nd £1 -3 W"flek to Mr Wilham half cot (stretch e.r) "ud half Sitting ul!es e~n be
Fe:rn./'o ILS ren t The"\" oontlnt1f~d to O M £2 a oleared 1ft one h our
It 1!\ cleA.r 'h tl t th ~ re.!!pone ihlht:r (or lh t" con
week uof 1 et\rly In AUj21lst 1914 1'\'"hen Mr Henry
F errIS nn the out break of ~r reJom~ h s Tel' hnuance cf t he ~M~ MI'Its upo n th(Ol "hole nf
ntonal hattalIon
the peop le tn Ihfll Of' nty of &rb.hlre and
marel't" ul'on t:hfl; l etr ~h Ol\~ n j\ rn~tI
I n cr~e :t ltmlnA.bon b"'f" Mr Powell ntne!-5 not
('.onnoo1('ri 1\'" t.h 11
lind tV.. l pI\Ml t hl!l t
&au] Mr WIlham Fern" had ~ b nMnc..!,... In Ca l 9J't11
more mo"",:,! HI 1 rsentJ, needed 1t \t"ill be
euttllo a.nd some of the buslnel'S don ~ In ~ 'w~·
bul""i W<ll8 1D r esp ect of ih n.t busmeots Mr WilhAm seco from II-n appea l from the commi ttee publl!hed
F e ma ~"1l-5 away for t mes
and 111' H e nry on snothe.r pAge t h .t tbn pra.. en t jldURl ("051. of
r unn nil the /!;eM 1M I S £25 II ""~ ek Rntl It A.p
F~rrl" wa.s mant.gerdur ml bls nhscnc.e The cl\.ln
tal of the company ~-ns £340 £ 1 eh:a r6S £ 14<> 1~!;UOO pM~ thaI, a l Om!: all lhe fun<l l! In hand
fo r There "'M fL los! of £ 140 on the fint '"1'"111 be (:xhausted n a v@ry f,.w 'f"p@kj§ SmR )] In
year £100 on t h e "e<:ond
Th e lo!!!! had not been d lvldnal donat lont. u well IUl luse wIJl b& ~Ind
retnew:d The re W'II~ no reoord on the mmutt'f, Iv welcomed :In<l th" h on r~at. rf!r 1'\'"111 "l ilt) bn
of anv Mmpla. nt of ncgh gf>nce or I\.ny reEoln lZl nd t o rccel"l'e th e) prnc~s of nnv coneflri A.ud
t.lon il!sm.snn.a iUr H enry 1 errIl!I There wa.s n.. enif> flOi 6 gl't""n In .. lPpOrt nf 1hilI Fplf'md lft
.'l:ood d ea.l of diSC 11\5 on Rnd wl t.neC;';; s llitg~!ltcd ..... ork ~hlch htl Alre-M v hl'f'n d on(' n ..-om£' ti ll!
lr. cl,s
thr8G lIKInth s nol.loo On the a.ppen.l (If iltr
~ IlInm F erliS t ill!! W:1.6 not do 1I~
Mr E P Pl en tv l!Ia.d from lu~ O'f"n pe~o a l
kno \ledge hi' nev(>r }lad r eason to comn! un of th e
oo n Ilot of Mr Rt'lnry leTrl~ 1 P ,,:w; l'a.reiv
there On \ a..rlOl ~ occ l5tons dl~ U s 0 took nlllce
COSCF.RT -.,\ crowdod !I odie-llee \\'"M, presell " In
hetween \\I tnes... ~LT St.rRd l tlg and l\Jr W II n n ~uth8nd :school o n }onday e' 61 109 Ib l. woek 1.0
I orns tJtc dea bemg thllt Mr H l'ln r (lfrts WM h Sle n to n cu n c~ r t a I mngoo I ~ ~Lr ~ I H.obu
a. fa-Ih re as lnfl.lfl.i(e r of thf' oompl\.n
)11' son on hebah or a iu HI to ~ uppb 1101 1'Ct lll of
Skad im"l comnln. n«J th:..~ i\tr He nrv 1 ern !! '1'86 t.nbllxo cl.( ro he se n t 10 tho local I'IO l d etFio m d
const tntJ-v a.b6eDt and ~~ nl ed 0 !I1nct 1 ed to su ilor:. no \ on ICU\'8 ~ r IDe ihe enturbll mellt
ea.rn ('lot h II 'Vtc w ~ Mr \\J11 n.m Ferrt" MId h ~ rumeel th e llatroWli08 o~ the Lord I leuLen"nt u.nd
brotb er !l ChIc! C:t.ll!\C of R.l-. ~en ce \\R5 1 untlnJt At &f!.t. .Benv )n AIr and :Mrs JtAdfo rd .M lMt:onnop
one ll te rne" on JuJ"I'" 2nd :\(r trllh a.m Fm'rls :Mrs. \ 8.UiObB.ll Ca non Rod ~l N'o Hurt... Mr Il-nd
aarood t.ha.t It was no longer PMCt c:n hle to kCf'p U rs. C J HllV1lflOd Air iUld M ~ }< r\JlCIA llll.t.c
t he HI'\ a nd M..r5
" \\ Hltlha.rdoon l\ln..
1u s hroti a r ~..\gcr hu t hc d d not \n.nt hlm 31
of'lell Jon es Dr and Mn> JO\ Mr linn llrs
dl6ml s$Cd
Ho 8uggP.l5t('d th at f he were l'e
r; li \\ \\ 11fiOn ~1r and ~trs Umwn Mr 8JIn
tam ed in the sem co of t he C'O m!la.ny hI' 'lira" ,;ureh ).i N\.. \"\ akehn ~lr Sl1u 'Mn;; ~I r a nd
~ orth £~ a. week Rnd t hn.t f thrn I'll d h rtl .c l ~lr. C li Carter !ir and M.n. Jim a ll etc m~t
th e oth er £1 't"onld renr e~n' ,hp rent
Mr 01 whom v. el'f' prCBCn t. !\ n o:l:cell eot progra. lDme
RenD Fernl; did not d ""ent h It got verv cross W!l.i ga on t he loea1 perto rmers hel1lg 1I000i&t.ed by
a.nd left the .room h rr l"'dh
Th" led 'Mr Wlt :\1 ~~ C G CArter ( Engle1ield ) \\ 0 Hyde
ham Fern!! tn s.~
"tV] f\T e.... n "on 00 1\'1th a and ~
L ~liU " (Rending) 1 he proceedlllgs
milon ilkI?' t hat' H e ~ mad
Witn ess I!II! h :\.V't \g comme nced 1II'tth a. tlllU.e.fuJl v..e.xtICutOO pIanoforte
been alw8V5 P*'!r5onaJl y rr fmd1 y W ith )olr H""1 solo b\ ltl~fj. Kathleen J or Mrs A. E 1M M l~
Ferm was Mked to vnto R letter to t1i~ la.tteT :;hea and :\1I ~" B Rohlluon M.Cb CODtnbutori two
t b e gener&1 t on(\ ILnd p trpOl1 [I" ~ hlcb l\"ore so ogs. AU t b ree Are wCloll koo1lMl to Bradfield
audiences Ilnd t beu contributioll6 were moat
agreed. on
received MiSs. Sbe&. rAC.Mved &n en
Bv Mr Powell K C He should Ntl" t.ha.t. ,a.vour~bly
tbmnastlc eDoorlll fo r A. Ballynare Ralll!1.d
t hlDg6 went on the Mlme aJter J u ly 3ni so fM r esponded ",th
The 5&1101' Ii Life
Whlh,t lhNi
B6 w&gef' wt't'e eOllce Tned
All such pa:rments RobiDN:lD met Wlth ft Slmlla.r oomphme.nt for her
'Were no doubt entered to8etlu~r U
relldenDg of
Ju~t 1\ Slmpls Soldier
1\{r H arl"V N Stradling JUD lIec.reta.T') of t.h.e Lee 5 tWQ sonS'!' were tlLultleMh rendftTed ftod Ah$
defendan t company 'corTobornted as to wha.t has ne'6r bef.\O beclTd to bAtUr ad., Mr
tonk on the 2nd Jul)
Robi nson sang a~ tutefuJ1~ 1!I f; e' er lind met WItb
an 6l:cellent tElOOptJon SA did the othnr 10cII I pt'Ir
CT065 eX& Wltne"s h :u i I!Ict~ lIS l'i ecre
whose Q1taJD t. humo u!" In Owh
t,an-- SInce t.he compa.n) l\ 8>6 formed
receivIng former Ur
g:lIned blm It "l'"ociIerou5 t'ncorf',
&~Slstane-e f.rom hi!' f& ther
11. "'M genern.Uy lnd t hfll lhce
the baritone. WIl3 In "plnndId
ftgre ed that fr e"h nlRDagemcnl. l111ght rt#iUSClta-te
th @ ~ompaD\
He f\r86umed Mm" arrangement \(lICP a.nd hilS d ebut before It. Bradfield 8udlen~
wa." ~\lcb tho to en sure a. hea rty welcome ~ hflU6\ l1f'
hll.l'e to be mM e "l\lth:\ir Hen" Fern5 to h e SIn gs at. Bradfiel d "'Pm rn respo nSfl to 8 not
e nd I t would not. s urprIse hIm to h ea.r to- enoo re a.fter a. trpleod d M!nriennF of
there \'f"fl.!; only .£20 !lot the bUlk on the 2nd
Till the Saa d. of the De;ert Gro.. Cold
He su np05ed Mr H e nrv F~mF' got mad
~a v9
Beca.u se
lU h n bKt I!.tyIIII '-:11' C G
Idea. of someone e lst! bl'!Ing p t o l1er hun
Caner a.Jso I!Ippeered bl"lfore a Bradfield AudIen ce
W;)~ the ease. for the pla.lntl!
for the fir~t t llDft and plea.~d them With h Ui recl
rhe Student
be.i ng pa.meulArly _ell
?lfr Powell K C ~ub mI tttd tn iii tong &rgu
men t. tJl:'J,~ the nlalnt If mU6t 5Ucce.ed on l!ievera.l donA T h e d16tinctly bU1DoroOUfIo part or tbe prolJ~amme
baoda of 'Y.r S 1
pomts of la.w H1I!o fir st 'POl1l t Ua.5 th!!. a claIm
to forego rent or to reduc:@ r ent nr a.n ~re e~ot ~ItU!'i who u no atra~er to Bradfield a.ud1enQell
tn anT W8.) concerrn n,q rent W"1I:5 an a.greeme nt H e .....8.S e nt hufi luticalh rec6" ~d aad u the au
dHmce IUv8flllblv emulAted Ohnr TW1l!t lind bill
coneerntn(t Bon Interest In l a.nd a.nd 50 li:lOdly
ga.t"e them more It. llll S quite In keepIng
Wlthm the 4th 5e<'tlon of t.he Statu te of Fraud~ With tne na t ure of things thllt he should fim!h
which r eqUIred !tny !i lch agreement to he In w.nt- t.hs. prognllmme by 6tng'lng 1\oah lfoore
109 Rent Issued out of land aud W~ mdeed th@ tLCcompaDimen bi were pIa v@({ by MI S. Ro bina.on
mftln mtere:st. of IlLodlord" In th e.Jr Ia.nd a.tld lfr.. Ca rter &rid Met;§T'!I Euge..tle Dn-hs and A
e9peclull y tho~ t'iho had gt't"sn 16&6M under E Rl:)bmson The tollowl ng lI'll~ the p rogramme
M en8 ntf; wherebl" property \'f"3S to b e kept u-p
P a.noforte 5(110
R!v..- d line ColulDbJn6,
and Insured bv t.he le!!ees In su pt)ori ot thIS l!1 !..'1 Kathleen Jo,-:
M ng
:Mary (Rlc:barmon) Mr A E RobIn
cont.enhon h e quoted ⢠d ecai'olon In an Irish
C-(lurt Another ])Olnt undn tb e St&.tut e "lUi son
A Ra, lor La. d ⢠La.. (Oln Engll, h)
that. wa", no cOMidera.t.ion a.nd R. thtrd YI"'DE
$'l :Shea
that Mr H enry F err16 W43 -to continue ~o per
!lO ISO!:!"
R.enlpes Mr S 1... MII"I
form the \\ ark allotted to h1m ttJ the bMt of hill
The Land of Lon!; Aro
(L RA" ,)
a.hilttr under tbe fi"e years agreeme nt
Mr, Lee
Mr Lel=eT urged th"t the on gln81 agreement
11ll51ca l monolOIJ'Uf)
O~\ tl m&]'~.r", Mr r.
WIth Mr Henry Fe.rrt.8 ~ould be ..... thin tbe G Carte~
Statu1;e a.nd t hat the compam performed th eir
Song 1I, ,,,,,,,ta (Uh,) lW- W 0 Hyd.
paT~ of t b, foregOing the l' ngh t t.o dismiSS Mr
SOliS' 'TR.ther 0 Flvn n (Old Inlib ) Mr A FHem IorrlS As a oorol1a.r, or that at'! ar Ie<
Song 'There g I!ID Orehard OrRen In A"lon
rlln~ement "ali made to pa.v Mr H enry F@rrl8
mder C9>rt-a. n t.e rml; The com,?"n} hod b, per (Russell) lhNO D Robl0son
UUn;'lOrnU5 fIO nK. DI.tnctA. lfr MtH,
formtnq' tbelr part Clf thp. &greemt"nt t.aken It ~l1t
])Qftt, MAIi,;n ~hn& and H.,.de
of seot on .. or the Statute
""ng. Tho O,dn 1'1.," Rb...1 (Old IM.h )
H1" Lordship said the pomt ,.,IIS no(, , qocatum Mr!t
of ,.hat the con/udera t.lon 118M hut whet.her the
a,prel'm(ln.t was one not to ~ perlorDte<l ",tbrn ⢠Rohmson Clo'. '" th o Tb""'h old (P.,i,,) 111,
yollor It WM rathe.r & 5Dt" pomt It It wa6 11011
DUlllt i\tn; t...-e And lln; Hodpoa
"SP'ooment to contInu", to l"mploy M r
Song 0,,111 and lhl' AlICl" (t'orn ..... GrR.ln) 1fr
F eTlln for more than n months wh, W3-8 It not I.e.
l'\' thm the Sirlt;ute.
Soog, Ju" t a f'I'Dlpll! Soldl.r (T Ray)
Mr Lever repli«l th&t tbe le.tkor of Jul,. 3rd B lkihtnMJU
Recat:attou ""'Tbft SlllcWmt. Mr <""4ri.e.r
and t,hil acceptance conitituted '" nt"W agreement
&In; 1'.11 the Sundli nt th .. O."..rt OM'" (".(Jld.
Upon a. fafr Inter.pretatiOD nf thlll document.. d
(Ball) le, If.-d.
was a weekly agreement .ad Hr HeDry Fellll
80 al
A JlajjrDArO BaU.d (Old INIal. Ki..
thera ';\ 1\S nOl
Th e name Leoer on Soap
be o&lIed
111, WiIIir.m F ........... \hen called. B& had
h....d. rJ. . . bUlUl... hi CoIout.ta, to "bioh be
The lleanog oJ t.he -action lD .... biah Mr WU . .ye moM of hUl ~ lePing hi. brother
liam Ferna, a. retiDed ~h builder etc
of Beo.ry tn cbVSe of We Newbury bUtiD"
G.reeoh&JI:J Common Newbury da.imed damages hit, retum from c..toott.& 1D the !lpnDg of 1.912 he
&~ID8t tJ:t& Newbury Coaeh and Mooor WorD.
fouud thaL h .. N ...bury- bl»tD. . WM not floanah
Limlted (pa.rt. ho:ud on the 18th met) wu re- mg ftn&DOi&lly .Dd there weN GlUeDUOI» ILr
Ma. W F ...," Bvm...""
beoome~,~1 ......1 roIIOYtd 01 m...."i cit' Sb. .
Ba"n"111 - . JIr
Uppu Of Low... Set fro... 21 ' ..
At Home 'MondlY Frtda, and S.t.u rdar If) . m ttll ~ "m or by ⢠.,poln lmtot
SIOIt. Tooth from 2J6
For At.tendance." etc ate IM.... I Paper1
Ed.bUshed In Rt!adlng IBM t., P J Cohill DenIAl Suraeon ("..onauhA,It'Ull
PhoDe RlYdl n" 772
Gold and SUvenmllha. WalChmaken .nd Op..d.o..
Marchlaa c." ...... W . . . w...... Itk ......... all a....I ........
PIANOS -----.=
It:..-=-t-=: in 3'
~.-Mlalde ⢠Hili II. L"